Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs
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Ford Foundation Fellowships Scholar Award List


The following 116 outstanding scholars have been awarded fellowships
in the 2015 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs competition administered at the Fellowships Office of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The programs seek to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students. For more information on the awardees, you can use the Directory of Ford Foundation Fellows.

  Applicant Name Institution Name Field of Study
Predoctoral Competition - 60 individuals
Ayala, Andrea Josefina Univ of Georgia Virology
Banales, Josefina Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor Developmental Psychology
Boykin, Curtis Malik Starks Univ of California, Berkeley Social Psychology
Brown, Bailey Alexandra Columbia Univ Sociology and Education
Brown, Kenly Elizabeth Kelly Univ of California, Berkeley African-American History
Byerly, Shakari Nichele Univ of California, Los Angeles Political Science
Callendar, Danielle Univ of California, Los Angeles Sociology
Calleros, Ernesto Daniel Rice University Algebra or Number Theory
Campbell, James Wade Hadley Harvard Univ Archaeology
Chase, Sara Lorraine Univ of California, Berkeley Education Research
Chavez, Steven Anthony Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor Chemical Engineering
Corona, Karina Univ of California, Irvine Psychology
Davis, Justine Maisha Univ of California, Berkeley Political Science
Dumbuya, Hawasatu Brown Univ Cell Biology
Eyring, Katherine New York University School of Medicine Neurosciences
Fish, Jillian Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities Counseling Psychology
Flores, Abdiel Jose Columbia University Social Psychology
Fonseca-Ledezma, Jenesis Alejandra Harvard Univ Literature
Garza, Alma Nidia Univ of California, Irvine Sociology
Gonzalez, Guadalupe Del Socorro Univ of Texas-Austin Cognitive Psychology
Gutierrez, Paul M. B. Brown Univ Political Science
Haven, Forest S. Univ of California, Irvine Cultural Anthropology
Henley, Lauren Nicole Univ of Texas-Austin American History
Johnson, Natasha C University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Psychology of Personality
Kalauli, Ashlee Keolalaulani Univ of California, Santa Barbara Mathematics
Kennedy, Jordan Ruth Margaret Harvard Univ Engineering Science
Kwasa, Jasmine Carnegie Mellon Univ Electrical Engineering
Ledet, Russell Joseph New York University School of Medicine Molecular Biology
Lennon, Myles Yale Univ Cultural Anthropology
McHarris, Philip V. Yale Univ Sociology
Moore, Taylor Morgan Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey History
Neira, Hector D. Univ of California, Berkeley Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Nevarez, Andres Jose Univ of California, San Diego Biology
Nwokocha, Eziaku A Univ of Pennsylvania Religious Studies
Ortiz, Nancy Univ of California, Berkeley Epidemiology
Osoba, Benjamin Obafemi Univ of California, Berkeley Electrical Engineering
Palmer, Meredith Alberta Univ of California, Berkeley Geography
Penn, Daphne Michelle Harvard Univ Sociology and Education
Perez, Samuel Gerardo Michigan State University Botany
Petriello, Annalise Rose Univ of California, San Francisco Microbiology
Powell, Fontasha Janine Weill Cornell Medical Col Neurosciences
Pruss, Kali Meredith Stanford University Microbiology
Reyes, Michael Univ of Texas-Austin Caribbean Literature
Rivera Quiñones, Vanessa Univ of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign Applied Mathematics
Roberts, LaDeidra Monet Cornell University Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Rodriguez, Laura Elise Pennsylvania State Univ Geochemistry
Rodriguez-Quintana, Natalie Indiana Univ Bloomington Psychology
Rojas, Connie Abril Yale University Biological Anthropology
Rush, Tomas Allen Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Plant Pathology
Salcedo, Stephanie Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Clinical Psychology
Sanders, Andrew Joseph Dartmouth College Biological Sciences
Scott, Darius Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Geography
Serrano, Ray Emory Univ Interdisciplinary Political Science
Smith, Jennifer Rose Univ of California, Berkeley Native American History
Trevino, Elda Alicia Georgia Institute of Technology Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Tso, Rhondale California Institute of Technology Physics
Valdivia Ordorica, Carolina Harvard Univ Education Research
Villalta, Rebekah Cornell University Behavior - Animal
Villarreal, Christina Marie Univ of Texas-Austin Latin American History
Wilkes II, Charles Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor Mathematics and Education
Dissertation Competition - 33 individuals
Battle, Stephanie Lauren Univ of Washington Genetics
Burciaga, Edelina Muñoz Univ of California, Irvine Sociology
Camacho, Angelica Univ of California, Riverside Ethnic Studies
Chilcote, Olivia Univ of California, Berkeley American Indian Studies
Coleman-Tobias, Meredith Frances Emory Univ Religious Studies
Crey, Karrmen Univ of California, Los Angeles Film Study
Edoh, Melissa Amah Massachusetts Institute of Technology Anthropology
Elizondo Schroepfer, Lizeth Univ of Texas-Austin Latin American History
Gallegos de Castillo, Lori State Univ of New York at Stony Brook Philosophy
Gallman, Nancy O. Univ of California, Davis History
Gándara, Denisa Univ of Georgia Education Research
Givens, Jarvis Ray Univ of California, Berkeley Education Research
Gomez, Antia Itzel New York Univ Latin American Literature
Gomez, Jennifer M Univ of Oregon Clinical Psychology
Jackson, Rachel Constance Univ of Oklahoma Cultural Studies
Jones, Shawn Christopher Tracey Univ of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Clinical Psychology
Kamai, Brittany Lehua Vanderbilt Univ Astrophysics
Ledesma, Edna Texas A&M Univ Urban and Regional Planning
Lewis, Levi Steele Univ of California, San Diego Biological Oceanography
Limerick, Chantell Irene Univ of Georgia Latin American Literature
Lopez, Bianca Marie Washington Univ in St. Louis European History
Menchaca, Celeste Ruiz Univ of Southern California History
Monk-Payton, Brandeise Brown Univ Media Study
Montoya, Aaron T Univ of California, Santa Cruz Anthropology
Ramírez, Margaret Marietta Univ of Washington Geography
Rangel, David Enrique Univ of Wisconsin-Madison Sociology
Reyes-Barrientez, Alicia Duke Univ Political Science
Ryan, Darcie Texas A&M Univ Biological Oceanography
Sanchez, Erica Lee Univ of Washington Virology
Santiago Ortiz, Jorge Luis Univ of California, Berkeley Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Torres Chicon, Nesty Ray Univ of California, Berkeley Particle Physics
Vega, Rosalynn Adeline Univ of California, Berkeley Medical Anthropology
Young, Jasmin Alicia Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey African-American History
Postdoctoral Competition - 23 individuals
Anderson, Riana Elyse Univ of Pennsylvania Psychology and Education
Ashby, Jonathan Univ of California, Davis Analytical Chemistry
Chapa, Travis Univ of California, Los Angeles Microbiology
Claw, Katrina Garnet Univ of Washington Genetics
DeLisle, Christine Taitano Univ of California, Los Angeles American Indian Studies
Dixon, Shandee Dawn Univ of California, Irvine Biology
Garcia, Armando Univ of Texas-System Office Performance Study
Garcia, John Jude American Antiquarian Society American Literature
Garcia Pena, Lorgia Univ of Texas-Austin Ethnic Studies
Gill, Lyndon K. Yale Univ Black/African American Studies
Gilliard, Robert J. Case Western Reserve Univ Chemistry
Graham, Jessica Lynn Rutgers, The State Univ of New Jersey History
Imma, Z'étoile Univ of Notre Dame Cultural Studies
McKinney de Royston, Maxine Univ of Pittsburgh Education Research
Medak-Saltzman, Danika Fawn Univ of British Columbia Interdisciplinary History
Ocampo, Anthony Christian Univ of California, Riverside Public Policy
Pohl, Thomas Princeton Univ Molecular Biology
Raiford, Wanda S Georgetown Univ Interdisciplinary Literature
Rosa, Jonathan D. Northwestern Univ Anthropology
Santana, Steven Univ of Colorado Boulder Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
Serrano, Xaymara No active institution for code: 000000 Marine Biology
Thelwell, Chinua Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor African History
Wallace, Sophia Jordán Univ of Pennsylvania Political Science
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