NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
The focus of this program including policy, model, verification, test and management for Access Control (Authorization) Systems. The program will research architectures and mechanisms of access or privilege control systems for data sharing in single, distributed, or mobile environments as well as learn the limitations and practical approaches of their applications. The program will also research testing and verification methods for accurate and efficient fault detection and correction technologies for implementing access control models and policies.
Hu VC, Kuhn DR: “Access Control Policy Verification”. IEEE Computer 49(12): December 2016
Hu VC, Kuhn DR: “Attribute-Based Access Control”. IEEE Computer 48(2): February 2015
Hu VC, Kuhn DR, Xie T, Hwang J: “Model Checking for Verification of Mandatory Access Control Models and Properties”. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) regular issue IJSEKE 21(1): 2011
Computer security, Access control; Software testing; Model verification; Access control policy; Cloud; Bigdata; Distributed system; Policy testing;
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