Turbulence in Nonreacting and Reacting Flows
Naval Research Laboratory, DC, Lab for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics
The program on numerical simulation of turbulent flows investigates mechanisms for vorticity generation, the dynamics of turbulent flow, and turbulent transport phenomena. Recent emphasis has been placed on nonequilibirum turbulence in reacting and nonreacting flows, including both direct numerical simulation (DNS) and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of hydrogen-air and methane-air systems. Other areas of emphasis include multidimensional computational studies of the transition to turbulence and aeroacoustics in unstable shear layers and bounded flows using direct and large eddy simulations. This research considers the details of entrainment and mixing, the development of coherent structures, and the effects of density differences and compressibility for both reacting and nonreacting mixtures of gases. Physical systems of interest include turbulent jets and wakes, intense turbulence in channel flows containing flames and detonations, swirling and free-surface flows, atmospheric turbulence, combustors, hot channels produced by laser and electric discharges by particle beams, and astrophysical flows.