NRC Research and Fellowship Programs
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Policy and Global Affairs

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RAP opportunity at Naval Research Laboratory     NRL

Regional and Coupled Modeling Systems


Naval Research Laboratory, MS, Ocean Sciences

opportunity location
64.17.01.B3633 Stennis Space Center, MS 395295004


name email phone
Richard Arthur Allard 228.688.4894


Research focuses on numerical regional ocean modeling, global and regional ice modeling, coupled atmopsheric-ocean-wave modeling, coupled ocean-ice modeling, assimilation of ocean and cryopsheric data, model verification, and real-time forecasting capabilities. A major goal of this research is to be able to understand and predict regional sea and sea ice circulation on timescales of hours to days and spatial scales of the order of 1-10 km. Opportunities exist to study new concepts, techniques, and hypotheses in geophysical fluid dynamics; ocean thermodynamics and dynamics; ice dynmaics and theromdynamics, and numerical modeling. We have been focusing on the development of Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF)-based coupling systems between atmopshere-ocean, ocean-wave, atmopshere-wave, ocean-atmopshere-ice, and ice-wave. Outstanding computer power is available ranging from the most advanced LINUX clusters to high-performance scalable computers. Excellent facilities are also available for analysis and display of model results and data.


key words
Atmospheric-marine boundary layer; Coastal zones; Currents (marine); Marine geochemistry; Marine hydrodynamics; Ocean models; Ice modeling; Coupled models; Assimilation of cryospheric data;


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$86,962.00 $3,000.00
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