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Search Opportunities at Air Force Science and Technology Fellowship Program (AF STFP)

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There are 45 opportunities.

13.25.03.B8518 AF STFP Ultra-Wide bandgap Materials for Electronics and Optoelectronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0248 AF STFP Towards Developing Next-Generation Multi-Functional Composites for Aerospace Applications using Multi-scale Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0327 AF STFP Topological Surface Currents Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0563 AF STFP Thin Film Growth and Characterization of Group-IV Materials for Low Cost Infrared Detectors Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C1000 AF STFP Test, Evaluation, and Qualification Techniques for Materials in Extreme Environments Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B0123 AF STFP System Level Integration for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0926 AF STFP Synthesis of Low Temperature Polymers for Extreme Environments Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7148 AF STFP Superconductors, Thermoelectrics, Carbon Nanotubes, Magnetic Materials, and Thermal Physics for Energy, Power and Thermal Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0122 AF STFP Reliable Nondestructive Quantitative Materials and Damage Characterization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0439 AF STFP Photochemistry of Chromophores and Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0637 AF STFP Novel Nanophotonic Structures and Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials for Infrared Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B8231 AF STFP Novel Materials for Agile and Flexible Electronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8469 AF STFP Novel Ceramic Nanostructures, Hybrid Materials, and Additive Manufacturing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0222 AF STFP Nanoelectronic materials for low power electronics, heterogeneous integration, and sensing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B4279 AF STFP Nano- and Meso-structured Polymeric Materials and Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0121 AF STFP Metals Additive Manufacturing Science Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B7041 AF STFP Materials Heterogeniety in Electron and Thermal Transport and Energy Storage Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.C0289 AF STFP Materials Heterogeneity Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0626 AF STFP Materials for Controlling the Propagation of Mechanical Waves Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0822 AF STFP Machine-learning Driven Inverse Design of Optical Metasurfaces Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7061 AF STFP Integration of Multicomponent Oxide Materials in Sensor Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8105 AF STFP In operando Characterization of Polymer Matrix Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.C0207 AF STFP High Capacity Cathode Materials Functionalized with Carbon for Lithium-based Batteries Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B8428 AF STFP Growth and Characterization of Low Dimensional Electronic Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0662 AF STFP Functional 2D materials for flexible electronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.B5456 AF STFP Formation of Buried and Surface Epitaxial Plasmonic Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.B6127 AF STFP Flexible Hybrid Electronic Materials and Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B8542 AF STFP First-Principles Modeling of Electronic and Photonic Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0255 AF STFP Evolution of Metallic Microstructures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0237 AF STFP Enabling Tailorable Material Properties with Synthetic Methods Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.C0820 AF STFP Enabling Room Temperature Quantum Technologies Through Phonon Engineering Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0534 AF STFP Electronic-grade dielectric integration for high-power, high frequency electronic devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.C0627 AF STFP Electron Transport Studies of Ultra-Wide Bandgap or Quantum Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.B5471 AF STFP Development and Characterization of Photorefractive Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0821 AF STFP Development and characterization of novel electro-optic materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0257 AF STFP Design, Optimization, and Characterization of Smart Materials and Morphing Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0582 AF STFP Design of Adaptive Materials for Sensing, Actuation and Physical Computing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.06.C0471 AF STFP Data Fusion and Analysis for Multi-Scale Mixed Modality Meso-to-Macroscale Microstructural Feature Characterization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7630 AF STFP Crystal Growth and Study of and Nonlinear Optical and Electronic Materials for Novel Laser Sources and Other Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0604 AF STFP Crystal Growth and Characterization of Novel Functional Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronic, Nanoelectronic, and Magnetic Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0282 AF STFP Constituent Development, Processing, and Functionalization of Ceramic Matrix Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.B4968 AF STFP Computer Simulations for Design of Improved Aerospace Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.B7664 AF STFP Composite and Hybrid Materials for Responsive Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.B6373 AF STFP Biomolecular Interactions of Nanoparticles Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0454 AF STFP Advanced Characterization of Soft Matter Wright-Patterson AFB OH
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