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Opportunities Available at National Institute of Standards and Technology

Laboratories at Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML). Click to view all opportunities at NIST.

There are 210 opportunities.

50.68.02.B4789 NIST DNA Transport in Single Nanopores Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7453 NIST Inter-spin Distance Measurements in Nanobiomaterials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7487 NIST Quantum and Classical Light-Matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7509 NIST Localization Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7578 NIST Structure-Function Determination of Membrane Proteins Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7727 NIST Multimodal Transducersfor Nanoscale Sensing, Imaging and Manipulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8072 NIST Theoretical Nanoscale Biophysics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8078 NIST Resonant Micro and Nanoelectromechanical Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8225 NIST Modeling for Quantitative Scanning Electron Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8466 NIST Measurement and Control of Microfluidic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8495 NIST DNA as a Model for Self-Assembling Nanoscale Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0078 NIST Drug Toxicity Measurements with Tissues-on-chips and Microphysiologic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0203 NIST Photonic Engineering for Single Quantum Emitters Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0271 NIST Super-resolution Imaging of Single-Molecules as a Tool for Nanoscale Soft Material Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0288 NIST Integrated Microfluidics and Photonics for Chemical and Cellular Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0482 NIST Quantum Transport, Control, and Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0526 NIST Integrated Photonic Interfaces to Free-space Volumes for Miniaturized Atomic and Molecular Optics Systems on a Chip Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0553 NIST Single Molecule Biosensors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0576 NIST Optical Frequency Comb Development for Physical Metrology and Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0628 NIST Nanophotonic Enabled Spatiotemporal Control of Light Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0742 NIST Traceable atomic force microscope dimensional metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0805 NIST Electro-optic frequency combs Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0912 NIST Optical metasurfaces for trapped ion quantum computing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B1737 NIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B4069 NIST Atomic Scale Characterization and Manipulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B4752 NIST Interface Engineering: Using Surface Chemistry to Impart Desired Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6418 NIST Functionalizing Semiconductor Surfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6810 NIST Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanostructures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6811 NIST Nanoparticle Engineering, Production, Assembly, and Characterization Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6812 NIST Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7333 NIST Power Electronics Performance and Reliability Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7674 NIST Precision Materials for Quantum Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7877 NIST Ultrafast Condensed-Phase Dynamics Using Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopies Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8024 NIST Atom-based Silicon Quantum Electronics for Quantum Computing and Analog Quantum Simulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8034 NIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8041 NIST Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR, PTIR) Advances and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8134 NIST Measurements for Resistive Switching Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8196 NIST Nanomagnetism-Dynamics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8247 NIST Enriched Silicon Quantum Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8259 NIST High Frequency Electrical Metrology for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8273 NIST Nanoscale Characterization of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8389 NIST Solid-State Device Reliability and Resiliency Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8390 NIST Physical, Chemical, and Biological Studies using Spin Resonance Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8456 NIST Femtosecond Time-Resolved Measurements in Semiconductor Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8478 NIST Single Electron Devices for Quantum Information and Metrology in Silicon Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8479 NIST Actinic Optical Dimensional Characterization of Deep-Subwavelength Nanostructures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8512 NIST In Situ SEM-Raman Spectromicroscopy of Working Devices and Active Interfaces under Realistic Conditions: in Liquids and Gases Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8513 NIST Electron Spectroscopy and Microscopy in Liquids and Gases Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8528 NIST Advanced Electronic Structure Measurements of Novel Materials and Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0285 NIST Devices, Circuits and Architectures for Neuromorphic Computing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0305 NIST Relating Physics to Performance in Organic Electronic Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0334 NIST Femtosecond Time-resolved Optical Measurements in Condensed Matter Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0419 NIST Two-Dimensional (2-D) Heterostructure Devices and Twisted Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0427 NIST Nanoscale Spectroscopy (AFM-IR, PTIR, STML) for Strongly Correlated Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0660 NIST Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerance Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0739 NIST Fabrication and Characterization of Active Interfaces Relevant to Wide Band Gap (WBG) Semiconductors Electronics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0861 NIST DUV/EUV Nanoscopy for Characterization of Nanoscale Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0862 NIST Physics and applications of high binding energy excitons Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0892 NIST High-Frequency Studies of Topological Insulators (TI’s) Including Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect (QAHE) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B1796 NIST Neutron Field Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B4084 NIST Fundamental Physics with Cold Neutrons Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B6257 NIST Neutron Detection and Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7563 NIST Neutron Interferometry and Optics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7575 NIST Medical and Industrial Radiation Research Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7860 NIST Neutron Imaging for Materials and Energy Research Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7950 NIST Portable Device for Realization of Primary Radioactivity Standards Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8017 NIST Absolute Quantitation in Molecular Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8118 NIST Measurement Science for Nuclear Forensics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8151 NIST Atom and Neutron Interferometry Meet Quantum Information Theory Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8214 NIST Metrology for Needed Nuclear Structure and Radioactive Decay Data Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0315 NIST Decay Energy Spectrometry (DES) Using Transition Edge Sensors (TES) For Measuring Absolute Activity of Radionuclides Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0345 NIST Absolute radioactive gas measurements spanning 9 orders of magnitude in activity Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0494 NIST Designing Liquid Scintillators for Optimal Light Yield, Pulse Shape Discrimination, and Neutron Sensitivity for Applications in Neutrino Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0723 NIST Quantum Sensors for Charged Particle Detection and Neutron Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0736 NIST Advanced X-ray Fundamental Parameters Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0831 NIST Inkjet fabrication of phantoms for autoradiography and medical imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0918 NIST Using Neutron Interferometry to Measure Material Structure and Probe New Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7380 NIST MEMS-Based Scanning Probe Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7582 NIST Advanced Ballistics Identification Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7785 NIST Nanoelectronic-Based Manipulation and Measurement Tools for Biological Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8219 NIST Dimensioning Newton's Constant: Subpicometer Displacement Interferometry, Submicrometer Mechanical Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8326 NIST Electronic and Optomechanical Measurements of Biomolecules Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8393 NIST MEMS/NEMS Resonators Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.C0620 NIST Integrated Cavity Optomechanics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B1752 NIST Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B4399 NIST Bose Einstein Condensation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B4400 NIST Quantum Information and Quantum Optics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B5237 NIST Theory of Quantum Computing with Ultracold Neutral Atoms Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B5919 NIST Atom-based Solid-state Quantum Devices and Simulators Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B6736 NIST Intrinsic Force Standards Based on Atomic and Molecular Interactions Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B6755 NIST Engineering Atoms for Fundamental Constants and Atomic Data Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7322 NIST Conductivity and Resistivity of Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7593 NIST Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7753 NIST Graphene Metrology for New Intrinsic Quantum Electrical Standards and Device Technologies Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8007 NIST Advanced Properties of Single-photon Sources and Detectors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8094 NIST Atomic Physics for Plasma Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8101 NIST Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8137 NIST Quantum-Accurate Waveform Synthesis and Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8145 NIST Quantum Optomechanical Force Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8149 NIST Advanced Instrumentation for Fundamental Electrical Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8166 NIST Quantum Hall Effect in Epitaxial Graphene Monolayers Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8278 NIST Micro- and Nano-Optomechanical Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8286 NIST Fabry-Perot Interferometry for Accelerometers Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8321 NIST Advanced Single-Photon-Detector Technologies for Quantum Communications and Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8455 NIST Optomechanical measurement of dynamic mechanical quantities Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0031 NIST N-Photon Entanglement and N-Photon Detection for Quantum-Based Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0037 NIST Single-Photon Devices for Quantum Information Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0070 NIST Discrete Photon Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0425 NIST Quantum-Enabled Communications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0676 NIST Single-Photon Detection Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0681 NIST Neural Networks in Dynamic Mechanical Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0702 NIST Quantum Biophotonics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0703 NIST Testable Predictions of Superradiance and Related Dicke State Phenomena Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7533 NIST Synchrotron Radiation Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7534 NIST Metrology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7535 NIST Measurement Science for Astronomy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7536 NIST Fluid Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7538 NIST Photometry, Colorimetry, and Solid-State Lighting Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7540 NIST Infrared Technology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7541 NIST Ground- and Space-Based Remote Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7542 NIST Optical Properties of Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7543 NIST Temperature Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7548 NIST Next Generation Flow Measurement Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7910 NIST Applications of Computational Optical Imaging Methods Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B8194 NIST Intraoperative Visualization Tools Using Optical Molecular Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B8354 NIST Quantum Nanophotonic Sensor for Precision Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0027 NIST Infrared Detection Using Novel Devices and Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0034 NIST Pressure and Vacuum Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0070 NIST Discrete Photon Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0233 NIST 3D Thermal Imaging and Control with Magnetic Nano-objects Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0380 NIST Miniaturized Cold Atom Sensors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0577 NIST Machine Learning Driven Autonomous Metrology System Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0630 NIST Platform for Realizing Integrated Molecule Experiments (PRIME) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0645 NIST Fundamental measurements of the metal additive manufacturing process Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0661 NIST Compact Blackbody Rydberg Atom Sensor (CoBRAS) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0699 NIST Refractive Index Properties of Bulk and Nano-scale Materials from VUV to mid-IR Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0830 NIST Non-metal fixed points Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0848 NIST Quantum Optomechanical Thermodynamic Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0887 NIST Light-Scatter Nanoscopy of Gene Delivery Systems and Complex Bio-Nanoparticles Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0944 NIST Measurement Science for Astrophysics and Remote Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.62.B4380 NIST Semiconductor Quantum Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B4766 NIST Spectroscopy of Wide-Bandgap Mesoscopic Materials Characterization by CW and Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B4777 NIST Nano-Electromagnetic Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5520 NIST Broadband Nanoimaging of Optically Excited Free Carriers Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5559 NIST Nonlinear Optical Studies of Polymer, Biomimetic, and Biological Interfaces Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5884 NIST Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5887 NIST Metrology and Prototyping of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Quantum Nanowire Structures and Devices Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5923 NIST State Resolved THz and Ultraviolet Studies of Polypeptide Structure and Dynamics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6229 NIST Biomagnetic Imaging and Sensing Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6459 NIST Coherent Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6460 NIST Engineered Quantum States of Light Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6468 NIST Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6732 NIST Microwave Polarimetry: Precision Measurements for Cosmological Physics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7010 NIST Label-free Optical Medical Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7559 NIST Superconducting Quantum Circuits: Computing & Simulations, Microwave Optomechanics, Foundations of Measurement Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7583 NIST Radiation Pressure - Using the Momentum of Light to Measure its Power Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7731 NIST Laser-Matter Interactions in Extreme Ultraviolet Atom Probe Tomography Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7923 NIST Quantum Nanomechanics with Superconducting Microwave Circuits Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7934 NIST MRI Diffusion Imaging and Thermometry Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8069 NIST Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8193 NIST Metrology for Faint Photonics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8226 NIST Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8246 NIST Quantum Circuits and Parametric Techniques in Quantum Information Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8301 NIST MRI-Based Multimodal Imaging and Enhanced MR Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8322 NIST Microfabricated Magnetic Sensors and Novel MRI/NMR Agents and Microdevices Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8409 NIST Chip-Scale Nonlinear Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8483 NIST Neuromorphic Computing Using Superconducting Optoelectronic Neural Networks Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0076 NIST Integrated Quantum Nanophotonic Systems Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0093 NIST Neural Net Deep-learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction and Diagnosis Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0177 NIST Chip-scale Radiometry Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0286 NIST Materials for Quantum Information Applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0298 NIST Spectroscopic and Radiometric Monitoring of High-power Laser-metal Interaction Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0390 NIST (S)TEM Characterization of Superconducting Materials for Quantum Computing Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0616 NIST Frequency Combs for the Remote Sensing of Agricultural Gas Emissions Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0751 NIST Measurement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0834 NIST Training, Optimization and Benchmarking of Hardware Neural Networks Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0889 NIST Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector cameras and applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0922 NIST Photonic Quantum Networking Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0934 NIST Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Information Processing Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0945 NIST Magnetic Resonance in Industrial Applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0948 NIST Advanced MRI Boulder CO
50.68.72.B3587 NIST Superconducting Detectors for Photons from Millimeter Waves through Gamma Rays Boulder CO
50.68.72.B5189 NIST Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Development Boulder CO
50.68.72.B6412 NIST Spin Electronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7814 NIST Phase and Frequency Dynamics of Arrays of Coupled Spin Torque Oscillators Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7935 NIST Hybrid Superconductor-Ferromagnetic Devices Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7939 NIST Dynamics and Magnetic Properties of Materials and Nanostructures for Advanced Data Storage and Spintronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8148 NIST SFQ Synthesizer Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8373 NIST High-Performance Cryogenics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8406 NIST X-Ray Science with Superconducting Sensors Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8411 NIST Johnson Noise Thermometry with Superconductive Waveform Synthesizers Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8565 NIST Spin-orbit Phenomena in Magnetic Structures for Spintronics and Spin-orbitronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.C0245 NIST Neuromorphic Computing and Artificial Intelligence Hardware Boulder CO
50.68.72.C0330 NIST Ultra-fast spectroscopy and imaging of magnetization dynamics Boulder CO
50.68.82.B1802 NIST Ion Storage Boulder CO
50.68.82.B4405 NIST Optical Frequency Combs for Clocks, Metrology, Waveform Synthesis and Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.82.B8165 NIST Atomic Clocks and Wavelength References on a Chip Boulder CO
50.68.82.B8493 NIST Atomic Devices and Instrumentation with Laser-Cooled Atoms Boulder CO
50.68.82.C0044 NIST Optical Atomic Clocks Based on Laser-Cooled Neutral Atoms Boulder CO
50.68.82.C0807 NIST Chip-scale atomic magnetometers Boulder CO
50.68.92.B1813 NIST Spectroscopy, Dynamics, and Kinetics of Molecules Boulder CO
50.68.92.B4406 NIST Ultrafast Physics and Precision Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.92.B4592 NIST Quantum Science and Precision Metrology - Quantum Matter Probed with Novel Light Source Boulder CO
50.68.92.B8150 NIST Photophysics of Fluorescent Proteins and Quantum Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems Boulder CO
50.68.92.B8346 NIST Biophysics: Studying Single Biological Molecules with Atomic-Scale Resolution Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0095 NIST Towards Enhanced Quantum Metrology and Quantum Simulation with Correlated Quantum Matter Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0455 NIST Microscopically-Controlled Quantum Systems of Neutral Atoms for Many-Body Physics and Metrology Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0555 NIST Trapped-ion Quantum Information Processing Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0852 NIST Biophysics of Conformational Folding at the Single Molecule Level: RNA, DNA, Riboswitches, and Ribozymes Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0855 NIST Ultrafast Laser Studies of Hot Electron Photoemission Dynamics and Scanning Photoionization Microscopy (SPIM) of Plasmonic Nanostructures Boulder CO
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