opportunity |
location |
13.30.09.B6719 |
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 454337103 |
We conduct basic and applied research in multidisciplinary high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics-a technology that is critical to the effective development of future Air Force systems. Mutually beneficial collaborations are sought in a broad range of research activities with the main objectives of advancing the state-of-the-art and complementing and/or expanding in-house capabilities. Research opportunities include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
(1) Development of high-order computational approaches, including structured and unstructured high-order spatial schemes, high-order implicit time-discretization methods, improved boundary treatments, as well as procedures for accurate solution of aero-acoustics and flows containing both fine-scale and sharp features (e.g., compressible turbulence);
(2) Simulation and improved understanding of vortex flows relevant to maneuvering combat vehicles and small unmanned air vehicles (SUAVs) with emphasis on transition effects, dynamic stall and leading-edge vortex formation and breakdown, wake structure, gust rejection, and fluid-structure interactions;
(3) Direct (DNS) and Large-Eddy simulation (LES) of transitional and turbulent compressible flows, including improved sub-grid-stress models, inflow conditions for LES, and hybrid RANS/LES approaches extendable to complex configurations;
(4) High-fidelity simulation of active flow control of external and internal transitional, separated and vortical flows employing both traditional and novel techniques (e.g., synthetic jet and plasma-based actuators); and
(5) Development of a high-fidelity computational framework for the analysis of aero-optical aberration in the near-field encountered in tactical laser weapon systems, assessment of the role of aberrating flow structures on overall optical distortion pattern for relevant canonical flows, and investigation of flow control strategies to either regularize or break up large-scale coherent turbulent structures in order to mitigate overall aberration and enable/guide adaptive optic techniques.
High-order computational methods; Transitional and turbulent flows; Novel flow control; Plasma flow control; Aero-optics; Aero-acoustics;