opportunity |
location |
13.10.02.C0107 |
Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 871175776 |
name |
email |
phone |
Robert Nicholas Lanning |
robert.lanning@spaceforce.mil |
505 846 7209 |
The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research and development in the area of photon sources for quantum communication over long-distance, free-space optical channels in support of the development of large-scale quantum networks. The postdoctoral researcher will help define and support laboratory and field experiments involving Bell-state measurements, teleportation, and quantum key distribution (QKD). The postdoctoral researcher will also analyze data, document research results, present findings at scientific conferences, and publish findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Experience is sought in the areas of 1) quantum sources including entangled photon sources and sub-Poissonian photon sources, 2) quantum entanglement and Bell-state measurements, 3) quantum entanglement distribution, teleportation, and QKD, and 4) quantum channels and quantum networks. A combination of laboratory and theoretical experience is desirable.
1. M. T. Gruneisen et al., “Modeling daytime sky access for a satellite quantum key distribution downlink,” Opt. Exp. 23(18), 23924 (2015)
2. M.T. Gruneisen et al., “Modeling satellite-Earth quantum channel downlinks with adaptive-optics coupling to single-mode fibers,” Opt Eng. 56(12) 126111 (2017)
3. Gruneisen, Mark T., et al. "Adaptive-optics-enabled quantum communication: A technique for daytime space-to-earth links." Physical Review Applied 16.1 (2021): 014067.
4. Lanning, R. Nicholas, et al. "Quantum communication over atmospheric channels: a framework for optimizing wavelength and filtering." Physical Review Applied 16.4 (2021): 044027.
5. Lafler, Randy, and R. Nicholas Lanning. "Optimal Polarization-Entanglement Source: Frequency-Converted SPDC with Degeneracy, Indistinguishability, and Ultrahigh Purity That is Configurable Over a Large Spectral Range." Physical Review Applied 17.6 (2022): 064014.
6. Lafler, Randy, and R. Nicholas Lanning. "Quantum Time Transfer: A Practical Method for Lossy and Noisy Channels." Physical Review Applied 20.2 (2023): 024064.
7. Lafler, Randy, et al., "Two-way quantum time transfer: a method for daytime space-Earth links." Phys. Rev. Applied 22 (2024): 024012.
Quantum Communication, Quantum Entanglement, Entanglement Distribution, Entangled-Photon Sources, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Networks, Quantum Key Distribution, Parametric Down Conversion