NRC Research and Fellowship Programs
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RAP opportunity at Air Force Science and Technology Fellowship Program     AF STFP

Evolution of Metallic Microstructures


Materials & Manufacturing, RX/Structural Materials Division

opportunity location
13.25.05.C0255 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 454337817


name email phone
Todd M Butler 937.255.1317


The size, shape, and spatial distributions of phases and defects in a material comprise its microstructure. During thermomechanical processing, microstructures evolve in ways that affect the useful life and properties of structural metallic materials. Fast and accurate prediction of microstructures and their temporal evolution is needed for optimization of the processing routes used for producing aerospace components out of new alloys. Taking into account the micromechanisms activated by complex deformation processing phenomena (which may concurrently include grain boundary sliding, dynamic recrystallization, and precipitation of secondary phases) requires the development of new techniques for measuring microstructure morphology, topology, and statistics; for generation of representative synthetic microstructures; for running mesoscale simulations of microstructure evolution under realistic processing conditions; and for improving our understanding of the effects of deformation processing on microstructures through emerging characterization techniques. Proposals are sought that (1) have significant potential for simultaneously advancing both computational and experimental capabilities in-house at AFRL; (2) present pathways for incorporation of understanding of micromechanistic phenomena of microstructure evolution into fast-acting multi-scale models suitable for coupling with finite element simulations of thermomechanical processes; and (3) address novel alloy systems with significant potential for aerospace applications.

key words
metallic materials; microstructure evolution; microscopy; deformation processing; stereology; topology; crystallographic texture; recrystallization and grain growth


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral and Senior applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$95,000.00 $5,000.00

Experience Supplement:
Postdoctoral and Senior Associates will receive an appropriately higher stipend based on the number of years of experience past their PhD.

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