opportunity |
location |
13.35.01.B8428 |
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 454337542 |
name |
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Michael Snure |
michael.snure.1@us.af.mil |
937.713.8929 |
This research focuses on the development of promising low dimensional electronic materials and their heterostructures. These materials are critical for the next wave of nanoelectronics for low power, high frequency electronic and optical components. We are developing growth, fabrication, and characterization methods for two dimensional (2D) materials, heterostructures, and devices with an emphasis on developing techniques that are scalable beyond 2”. Our laboratory operates several CVD and MOCVD reactors for the growth of III-nitrides (GaN, AlN, AlGaN) and 2D layered materials (BN, graphene, black phosphorus). These growth techniques are supported and enabled by a variety of structural, optical, and electrical characterization tools, as well as, nano fabrication facilities. Opportunities exist for research in growth of heterostructures based on 2D and 3D materials, as well as studying the effects of interactions between 2D and 3D materials on basic optical and electrical properties.
Snure M, Vangala S, Walker D: “Probing phonon and electrical anisotropy in black phosphorus for device alignment”. Optical Materials Express 6(5): 1751-1756, 2016
Snure M, Paduano Q, Kiefer A: “Effect of surface nitridation on the epitaxial growth of few-layer sp 2 BN”. Journal of Crystal Growth 436: 16-22, 2016
Paduano Q, et al: “Growth and characteristics of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on sp2-bonded BN by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition”. Journal of Materials Research (2017) DOI:10.1557/jmr.2016.260
Semiconductor; Two dimensional materials; Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition; III-Nitride; RF electronics; Epitaxy; Heterostructures;
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