Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response, Groundwater Characterization & Remediation Division
A Research Opportunity is available to investigate and evaluate watershed and water quality management tools and models as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe and Sustainable Water program. The research approach may include watershed modeling, tool development or application, data science, meta-analyses, social science, and literature review to produce peer reviewed publications that evaluate the existing or needed tools for watershed pollution management. Expertise desired includes knowledge of (1) watersheds and water quality management; (2) non-point and point source nutrient pollution; and (3) ecosystem ecology. Experience with watershed models, water quality data, statistics, geographic information systems, ecosystem services concepts, TMDL development, and the Clean Water Act will be beneficial. This applicant is encouraged to develop novel research questions based on the research interests of the postdoctoral scientist with the Adviser to produce peer reviewed publications.
The Associate will work with Principal Investigator Dr. Ken Forshay of US EPA, Office of Research and Development, Ground Water and Ecosystem Restoration Division, at the Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center in Ada, OK. This position in EPA's Office of Research and Development includes opportunities for interaction with EPA scientists and scientists at various institutions.
Our group has ongoing projects that include watershed nutrient tool development, restoration ecology, and water quality studies. This opportunity allows flexibility in the scientific research and questions. The Associate will support production of policy relevant peer reviewed publications to include (1) an evaluation of tools used in watershed management and (2) a report synthesizing available watershed and water quality tools useful for assessing potential outcomes in watersheds.
Research areas can include the effects of non-point source pollution approaches, interaction between point source and non-point source pollution management, restoration, or watershed management of water quality. The proposals should include the compilation of data and use of existing literature to provide insight on nutrients, temperature, and/or management of watersheds.
Forshay KJ, Dodson SI: "Macrophyte presence is an indicator of enhanced denitrification and nitrification in sediments of a temperate restored agricultural stream." Hydrobiologia 668(1): 21-34, 2011
Passeport E, et al: "Ecological engineering practices for the reduction of excess nitrogen in human-influenced landscapes: a guide for watershed managers." Environmental Management 51(2): 392-413, 2013
Weitzman JN, et al: "Potential nitrogen and carbon processing in a landscape rich in milldam legacy sediments." Biogeochemistry 120(1-3): 337-357, 2014
Nonpoint source pollution; Watershed management; Ecosystem ecology; Clean Water Act; Watershed modeling; Decision support tools; Nutrient pollution; Statistics; Social science;