The Quantum Information and Device Theory group at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS), University of Maryland-College Park, is currently seeking talented and motivated postdoctoral candidates in theoretical condensed-matter and quantum device physics. LPS houses both experimentalists and theorists focused on various aspects of quantum computing and information science with world leading facilities in superconductor and semiconductor-based qubits, atomistic fabrication, superconducting-semiconductor devices, and materials science for quantum computing (molecular beam epitaxy). We propose new types of qubits and quantum systems to advance fundamental physics and for practical application in quantum computing, simulation, and sensing. We collaborate with experimental groups around the world to understand and advance the state of the art in quantum information science.
Candidates should have one or more of the following areas of expertise:
- Physics of solid-state quantum devices, particularly semiconductor or superconductor devices;
- Modern theoretical methods for quantum many-body physics, including tensor networks and neural networks;
- Concepts in quantum information science such as quantum measurement, encoded quantum computing, quantum error correction, algorithms related to the simulation of quantum systems (either digital or analog), or quantum characterization, verification, and validation (e.g., tomography, benchmarking) of qubits.
We are seeking qualified theory applicants for the following (multiple) projects:
- Superconducting-semiconductor quantum devices and qubits, associated with new Super|Semi Lab at LPS (for example, understanding and making use of proximitized semiconductors for new superconducting qubits).
- Quantum many body physics and quantum machine learning on near-term quantum systems, a joint project with the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS).
- Silicon/Germanium spin-based quantum computing, including novel ways to make and measure qubits.
- Novel approaches to superconducting quantum computing.
- Spin and Topological Devices in Weyl Semimetals.
Applicants should be open to working with experimental groups on problems of practical interest as well as developing novel theory addressing fundamental open problems.
Realizing the two-dimensional hard-core Bose-Hubbard model with superconducting qubits, npj Quantum Inf 6, 58 (2020)
Induced quantum dot probe for material characterization, Applied Physics Letters 114, 152105 (2019)
Semiconductor-inspired design principles for superconducting quantum computing, Nature Communications 7, 11059 (2016)
qubits; quantum computing; quantum many-body; semiconductor; superconductor; quantum information