NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
The design and operation of sustainable buildings face multiple challenges to meet energy efficiency, indoor air quality and other potentially competing performance goals. Achieving these goals requires the development and application of technologies, such as high performance building envelopes and advanced cooling and ventilating systems (e.g., natural ventilation) and the capability to evaluate their performance as part of a whole building system. Researchers, designers, and other stakeholders need new tools, including advanced building performance modeling capabilities that simultaneously consider multiple performance aspects, robust IAQ and other performance metrics, and measurement methods, sensors, and data to evaluate and verify building performance.
Dols WS, Emmerich SJ, Polidoro BJ: Using Coupled Energy, Airflow and IAQ Software (TRNSYS/CONTAM) to Evaluate Building Ventilation Strategies. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 37(2): 163-175, 2016
Teichman KY, Emmerich SJ, Persily AK: Indoor Air Quality in High-Performing Building Case Studies: Got Data? Science and Technology for the Built Environment 21(1): 91-98, 2015
Persily AK, Emmerich SJ: Indoor Air Quality in Sustainable, Energy Efficient Buildings. HVAC&R Research Journal 18(1-2): 4-20, 2012
Building performance simulation; Indoor air quality; Natural ventilation; Measurement methods; Metrics; Sensors; Sustainable buildings;