NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
The emergence of innovations in distributed manufacturing and potential for highly portable production units has enabled point-of-care manufacturing for precision medicine. These technologies span direct drop-on-demand pharmaceutical production to oral film, tablet, and even microneedle coating, all enabling precision and variable dosing. This opportunity focuses on potential avenues developing metrology to enable point-of-care manufacturing through microdispensing technologies for rapid response and personalized medicine. Avenues may include production measurement science advancements, onsite quality/quantity assurance, lifetime/stability of raw materials, stability and robustness of drugs during production, onsite/inline chemical validation and verification, standardization, and drug delivery.
We are seeking independent, motivated individuals with backgrounds in pharmaceutical formulations and across the physical, engineering, chemical, and materials science disciplines to contribute to our collaborative, interdisciplinary projects. Projects incorporating microdrop UV-Vis, fiber-enhanced Raman, or related technologies as they apply to pharmaceutical characterization and quantification are also welcome. On-going research avenues include unsupervised learning of mass spectrometric pharmaceutical polymorphs signatures, 3D visualization of oral drug delivery films and dosing, and direct mass spectrometric quantification of ejected pharmaceutical-laden drops.
We have a number of drop-on-demand technologies and also maintain an array of material and surface characterization instrumentation, including various ambient ionization mass spectrometry (MS) platforms, GC-MS, LC-MS, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), capillary electrophoresis, Raman and infrared spectroscopy, SEM, XPS, and more.
Pharmaceuticals; Precision medicine; Distributed manufacturing; Point-of-Care manufacturing; Drop-on-demand production; Analytical chemistry;