NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
DNA damage caused by oxygen-derived species including free radicals is the most frequent type encountered by aerobic cells. When this type of damage occurs to DNA it is called oxidative DNA damage and it can produce a variety of modifications in DNA including base and sugar lesions, strand breaks, DNA-protein cross-links, and base-free sites. Accurate measurement of these modifications is essential for understanding of mechanisms of oxidatively induced damage to DNA and its biological effects. Numerous DNA lesions have been identified in cells and tissues at steady-state levels and upon exposure to free radical generating systems, including environmental pollutants and their metabolites. Growing evidence points to the involvement of this type of damage in human biology and disease including cancer, neurodegenerative conditions, and aging process. Our laboratory focuses on understanding the complexity of DNA damage and repair in living organisms. We are applying mass spectrometric techniques such as gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry for the measurement of DNA damage in cancer cells related to carcinogenesis and anticancer drugs development. We are also collaborating with NOAA to measure oxidatively induced DNA damage in animal species such as mussels as potential bioindicators for environmental genotoxicity.
Jaruga P, Coskun E, Kimbrough K, Jacob A, Johnson WE, Dizdaroglu M: "Biomarkers of oxidatively induced DNA damage in dreissenid mussels: A genotoxicity assessment tool for the Laurentian Great Lakes". Environmental Toxicology, June 1, 2017. doi: 10.1002/tox.22427. [Epub. ahead of print]
Dizdaroglu M, Coskun E, Jaruga P: "Measurement of oxidatively induced DNA damage and its repair by mass spectrometry techniques". Free Radical Research 49: 525-548, 2015
Dizdaroglu M, Jaruga P: "Mechanisms of free radical-induced damage to DNA". Free Radical Research 46: 382-419, 2012
Oxidative DNA damage/repair; Environmental pollution; Biomarkers; Genotoxicity; GC-MS/MS; LC-MS/MS;