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RAP opportunity at National Institute of Standards and Technology     NIST

Precision Measurement and Control of Complex Molecular Quantum Systems with Advanced Light-Matter Probes


Physical Measurement Laboratory, Quantum Physics Division

opportunity location
50.68.92.C1001 Boulder, CO

NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.


name email phone
Peter Bryan Changala 714.474.3659


Our research group applies precision light sources from across the electromagnetic spectrum to probe and control the structure and dynamics of complex molecular systems. We specialize in infrared frequency comb and cavity Fourier transfrom microwave spectroscopies, which are ideally suited to studying molecular vibrational, rotational, and spin degrees of freedom at the individual quantum-state level. We combine these light-matter probes with reactive molecule sources and advanced cooling techniques, including supersonic expansion and cryogenic buffer gas cooling, to reveal insights into often elusive and exotic molecules. Our experimental work is often supported by sophisticated quantum chemical theoretical methods developed in-house. This joint approach grounded in precision spectroscopy of complex molecular matter enables us to solve problems in a wide range of fields including quantum measurement science, ultracold molecules, atmospheric chemistry, astrochemistry, molecular magnetism, and fundamental physics.

key words
molecular spectroscopy; chemical physics; frequency combs; microwave spectra; infrared spectra; rovibronic structure; astrochemistry; intramolecular spin networks; gas-phase chemistry


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$82,764.00 $3,000.00
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