Advanced Regulatory Science for Nanotechnology
Material Measurement Laboratory, Materials Measurement Science Division
NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
This Research Opportunity addresses the needs of regulatory science for nanotechnology based products, including therapeutics, biomedical devices, coatings, food-related materials, and personal care. Work emphasizes the development of analytical methods for quantitative measurement of engineered nanoparticle properties, including bulk and surface composition, surface reactivity, stability, physical state and functional performance (nano-analytics). Research focuses on (1) the development of measurement methods and instrumentation to determine molecular adsorption onto nanoparticles, nanoparticle corona composition, surface density, and conformation of ligands; (2) the differentiation between multiple functional ligands co-conjugated to the nanoparticle surface and to assess the effect of surface coatings on nanoparticle stability and functionality; (3) the development of hyphenated techniques that combine separation with multiple detection modes for size-resolved analysis of nanoparticle core and surface composition; (4) the development of analytical methods for detection and monitoring of engineered nanoparticles and their transformational products in biological systems, including use of stable isotopes combined with mass spectrometry; (5) the development of methods for separation by size/shape/aspect ratio/chemistry; and (6) the development of surface probe techniques to measure properties of nanoparticle coatings.