Research in Elemental Speciation of Clinical and Biological Systems
Material Measurement Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division
NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
The biological and clinical function of trace elements in living systems is often highly dependent on the chemical form. Therefore, it is important to obtain information on the concentration and identity of these species to assess both their role and function. Research opportunities are available that focus on the development and use of tandem analytical approaches and X-ray spectroscopy techniques for investigations of bio-inorganic elemental species either free or attached to proteins or other molecular entities. State-of-the-art equipment is available including a high-resolution magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, a collision-cell quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, as well as a variety of chromatographic separation systems arrayed with protein characterization by organic mass spectrometry. The beamline 6-BM at the National Synchrontron Light Source II (NSLS-II) is available for X-ray spectroscopy research through collaboration within the Material Measurement Laboratory.