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RAP opportunity at National Institute of Standards and Technology     NIST

Quantum Enhanced Rydberg Atom Sensors


Communications Technology Laboratory, Radio Frequency Technology Division

opportunity location
50.67.22.C0609 Boulder, CO

NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.


name email phone
Christopher L. Holloway 303.497.6184


Rydberg atom sensors have been the center of many technological developments in sensing over the past decade. They offer calibration methods for electric fields and they can be used as sensitive electric field probes, power-sensors, voltage standards, and receivers for communications. A current effort seeks to push the sensing capabilities of Rydberg atom-based technologies, in particular, by reducing measurement noise. The photon shot noise limit is one of the key fundamental limits on sensitivity and must be overcome to improve the sensors further.  We look to use quantum enhanced techniques to improve Rydberg atom-based sensing beyond this quantum limit. Quantum enhanced light is known to produce over an order of magnitude reduction relative to the shot noise limit. Squeezed atoms have shown more modest improvements. We are looking for a postdoc with a background related to atomic physics and experience with electronics and programming to pursue multiple directions of improvement from quantum-based technologies in atomic vapors to improve the fundamental sensing limit in Rydberg atom-based sensors. 

key words
Rydberg atom sensors; quantum sensors; squeezed light; quantum limit


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$82,764.00 $3,000.00
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