Single Molecule Biosensors
Physical Measurement Laboratory, Microsystems and Nanotechnology Division
NIST only participates in the February and August reviews.
Nanopores offer the potential to study a wide range of biophysical processes that includes kinetics of molecular transport, differences in unfolding pathways, protein stability and the free energy profiles of DNA-protein and RNA-protein binding. In addition to providing a tool for fundamental protein characterization, nanopore measurement systems can also be used to study polymer confinement at the single molecule limit.
Chemical detection with a nanopore transducer requires external control of mass transport, the capture of the analyte from bulk solution and the physical and chemical interactions within the cavity to characterize the confined molecule. We are developing new tools using electronics and optics to manipulate the local environment with nanometer precision and nanosecond to probe the critical physicochemical interactions which provide insight to the mechanisms of molecular transport and nanopore sensing.
Selected References