Fungi play a critical role in plastic biodegradation.1 They can secrete hydrolytic enzymes such as lipase, proteases, cutinase, and oxidative enzymes such as laccase and oxidase.2 They degrade high molecular weight plastic polymers to smaller fragments through the mechanisms of hydrolysis and oxidation catalyzed by the enzymes.3,4
To predict and regulate the biodegradation of plastic polymers by fungi is of importance regarding the material integrity during service periods and the responsible lifecycle management. Fungi exert impacts on polymers, respond to the material changes by these impacts, and as a consequence alter their longevity and degradation behavior. We are interested in understanding the interplay of fungi physiology, environmental conditions, and polymer composition and degradation. The goal of the research is to enable the development of new processes to control/promote biodegradation.
Candidates should have experience in the following areas: polymer synthesis and characterization, analytical methods, (FTIR, AFM, Confocal Microscopy, LC-MS), and cell-based assays (cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assays).
(1) Okal, E. J.; Heng G.; Magige, A. E.; Khan, S.; Wu, S.; Ge, Z.; Zhang, T.; Mortimer, P. E.; Xu, J. Insights into the mechanisms involved in the fungal degradation of plastics. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2023, 262, 115202.
(2) Srikanth, M.; Sandeep, T. S. R. S.; Sucharitha, K.; Godi, S. Biodegradation of plastic polymers by fungi: a brief review. Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2022, 9, 42.
(3) Barlow, D. E.; Lu, Q.; Biffinger, J. C.; Hung, C. S.; Crouch, A. L.; Drake, C. A.; Montgomery, M. T.; Gross, J. M.; Roman, V.; Wagner, D.; Crookes-Goodson, W.; Varaljay, V. A. Comparative biodeterioration at air interfaces of adipate-based polyester polyurethane coatings by fungal microcolonies of Aureobasidium sp. W12. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2023, 214, 110386.
(4) Plancher, L.; Nguyen, G. T. M.; Hébert, R.; Maestri, R.; Mélinge, Y.; Ledésert, B.; Martino, P. D. Oxidative biodegradation of a solid-solid polyether-urethane phase change material by Penicillium and Aspergillus. Mater. Today Commun. 2021, 29, 102949.