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RAP opportunity at Naval Research Laboratory     NRL

Radio Astronomy


Naval Research Laboratory, DC, Remote Sensing

opportunity location
64.15.06.B2659 Washington, DC 203755321


name email phone
Tracy Ellen Clarke 202.404.4297
Namir E Kassim 202.767.0668


The radio astronomy program covers a broad range of topics with an emphasis on sub-GHz frequencies. Current research areas include (1) studies of radio galaxies, active galactic nuclei, and galaxy clusters; (2) interstellar propagation and scattering; (3) supernovae, supernova remnants, and the interstellar medium; (4) radio transients; (5) pulsars; and (6) radio studies of the Earth’s ionosphere, magnetosphere, plasmasphere, and solar-terrestrial interactions. Natural synergy of these areas with GHz and higher frequency measurements leads to an extensive involvement of the group in both ground- and space-based observations including infrared, optical, X ray, and & gamma ray.

Radio astronomy techniques employed include (1) connected-element and VLBI interferometry; (2) low-frequency, wide-field imaging; and (3) single-dish measurements. With the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, NRL developed, and continues to improve, low frequency (330 and 74 MHz) systems on the VLA that compliment larger instruments including LOFAR, MWA, and the LWA, all of which we exploit for science. NRL recently developed the VLA Low Frequency Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) capturing over 2000 hours per year of commensal sub-GHz data employed for a wide variety of astronomical science including fast (e.g. FRB) and slow (e.g. radio SNe) transients.

Software packages in common use include AIPS, OBIT, and CASA, as well as access to DOD high-performance computing facilities. Operating systems in local use include networked UNIX, LINUX, Windows, and APPLE (MAC) platforms. We encourage participation in national and international observing facilities, ground- and space-based, at radio, and other wavelengths.


key words
Radio interferometry; low frequencies; ionospheric remote sensing; radio astronomy; active galactic nuclei, radio galaxies, galaxy clusters; supernova remnants, interstellar medium; transients;


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$99,200.00 $3,000.00
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