NRC Research and Fellowship Programs
Fellowships Office
Policy and Global Affairs

Participating Agencies

RAP opportunity at Naval Research Laboratory     NRL

Solar, Atmospheric, and Astrophysical Sciences


Naval Research Laboratory, DC, Lab for Computational Physics & Fluid Dynamics

opportunity location
64.15.27.B2845 Washington, DC 203755321


name email phone
Vadim N Gamezo 202.767.1973


New computational methods applied on massively parallel computers are being used to investigate forefront problems in solar, atmospheric, astrophysical, and cosmological sciences. Detailed theoretical and computational studies of the physical and chemical processes in the Earth’s atmospheric and the Sun’s transition region and corona are performed to elucidate the underlying controlling processes and to permit prediction of the Sun’s effects on the Earth. A program is being pursued in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and its role in solar coronal heating and behavior of solar wind. Recent studies use multidimensional fluid-dynamics simulations to model the development and evolution of astrophysical jets and dynamo-generated magnetic fields on the Sun’s surface. Another program focuses on the physics and cosmological implications of supernovae explosions.


key words
Atmospheric chemistry; Computational fluid dynamics; Magnetohydrodynamics; Solar corona; Solar flares; Space plasmas; Supernova explosions;


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$99,200.00 $3,000.00
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