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Janet Wei-Hsin Lou | |
12024045474 |
The Fiber Photonics Section in NRL’s Optical Sciences Division is studying warm vapor atom-light interactions for sensing applications. We are interested in the detection of signals from DC to GHz regimes, including but not limited to electric, magnetic, acoustic, and inertial. We engage in basic science research, both theoretical and experimental, and applied research with field testing in real-world environments. Most recently, we have developed and deployed a Cesium-vapor magnetometer operating at ambient temperature. Applicants with backgrounds in optics and/or atomic physics are encouraged to apply for a position developing new quantum sensors and sensing techniques. Ability to write software to acquire and analyze data is also desirable. The candidate will be expected to be able to independently conduct research, orally present the results, and prepare manuscripts for journal publication.
J. W. Lou and G. A. Cranch, “Dependence on Sensitivity Patterns of Bias Fields for Vector Measurements Using Optically-Pumped Vapor Magnetometers”, AIP Adv., vol. 10, 105219, 2020.
J. W. Lou and G. A. Cranch, “Optical frequency dependence of the light shift effect for vector magnetometry with cesium”, Appl. Opt., vol. 59, no. 7, pp.2072-2076, 2020.
quantum sensing; atom-Light interaction; optical detection; magnetometry; electrometry;
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