Space Physics Simulation Chamber Experiments
Naval Research Laboratory, DC, Plasma Physics
We investigate current issues in space plasma physics using both theoretical and experimental approaches. Research is performed two large, connected cylindrical vacuum chambers (2 m diameter x 5 m length and 0.5 m diameter x 2 m length), which can be evacuated to neutral pressures to near 10-7 Torr. Plasmas are created with a variety of dc and rf plasma sources. Examples of space physics experiments include (1) plasma wave generation and particle heating, (2) space vehicle charging/discharging in variable plasma and neutral gas environments, (3) investigations of magnetospheric plasma dynamics and magnetic reconnection, and (4) laboratory studies of in situ plasma diagnostic probes and measurement techniques. Additional research focuses on plasma diagnostic techniques and instrumentation (in areas such as microwave plasma source design and development) and plasma probe analyzer/development.