name |
email |
phone |
Anthony Lloyd Hutcheson | |
202.527.0696 |
Lee Josey Mitchell | |
202.404.7193 |
Bernard Phlips | |
202.767.3572 |
Richard Steven Woolf | |
202.404.2886 |
Eric A. Wulf | |
202.617.5715 |
The High Energy Space Environment Branch at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory works to understand the high-energy environment through the research, development, and deployment of advanced radiation detectors in space and terrestrial environments, addressing priority S&T goals of DoD, NASA, and other civilian agencies. Our work spans all parts of instrument development (“from idea to implementation”). This work includes:
- Radiation transport modeling and simulation
- Basic development and characterization of new and novel radiation detection technology
- Advanced instrument design, construction, and deployment
- Operation of deployed instrument and analysis of resultant data
Toward these ends, the Branch supports several research activities, including:
- Fast (on the order of 1-2 years) development and deployment of space instruments to characterize the behavior of new detection materials in space radiation environments
- Instruments to measure transient radiation signatures resultant from energetic events in space (e.g., gamma-ray bursts, solar flares)
- Simulation of and instrument development to measure particle acceleration and radiation transport in thunderstorms
- Development and testing of custom electronics for use with solid-state and scintillation detectors
- Mapping the landscape of terrestrial background radiation
- Designing and characterizing detection systems and novel signatures for standoff detection of special nuclear material
The Branch is currently looking for individuals with experience at all stages of radiation instrument development, with particular focus on the following:
- Experience with nuclear instrumentation electronics
- Experience with ASICS and readout electronics for radiation detectors
- Experience with RF design and fabrication and/or embedded design and programming
- Experience with scintillators and silicon photomultipliers
- Experience with solid-state radiation detectors
- Experience with gas ionization detectors
Interested applicants should contact Dr. Anthony Hutcheson by email at or by phone at (202) 404-1464.
Gamma ray; Gamma-ray detection; Gamma-ray astrophysics; Gamma-ray astronomy; Neutron; Neutron detection; Space instrumentation; Space radiation; Nuclear physics
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