NRC Research and Fellowship Programs
Fellowships Office
Policy and Global Affairs

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RAP opportunity at Naval Research Laboratory     NRL

Targeted Observing for Improved Forecasts of High-Impact Weather Events


Naval Research Laboratory, CA, Marine Meteorology

opportunity location
64.16.66.B4885 Monterey, CA 939435502


name email phone
Carolyn Agnes Reynolds 831.656.4728


This research focuses on improving the skill of short- and medium-range weather forecasts (2- to 10-day range) through selective (or “targeted”) improvements to atmospheric observing systems, both space-based and in-situ. The Navy global forecast model and its adjoint together with the global ensemble forecasting system and ensemble transform techniques are the primary tools used to perform atmospheric predictability studies and evaluate the impact of observations on forecast skill. Opportunities exist to study targeted observing methods, use operational weather forecast models and assimilation procedures, and participate in field programs.


key words
Adjoint models; Data assimilation; Initial condition sensitivity; Meteorology; Numerical weather prediction; Predictability errors; Targeted observations;


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$108,245.00 $3,000.00
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