Climate change and ocean acidification are both a result of increasing anthropogenic CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. These two global-scale stressors will impact coral reefs in differing ways, but the interaction of the two over the 21st century are expected to threaten the persistence of coral reef ecosystems. ACCRETE (Acidification, Climate, and Coral Reef Ecosystems TEam) researchers are actively researching how both global and local stressors will, and, already are, affecting the construction (coral growth, calcification) and breakdown (bioerosion, dissolution) of coral reef ecosystems, as well as the associated ramifications this has for ecosystem function (e.g., biodiversity). To this end, ACCRETE scientists utilize a unique interdisciplinary approach that incorporates aspects of biology, chemistry, and geology within an ecological framework. Through field, laboratory, and modeling studies, we are working to improve our understanding of the rate and magnitude of climate change and acidification on coral reefs, as well as the ecological impacts of these changes. We welcome researchers and studies that contribute to these goals, particularly those which use innovative methodologies and new technologies.
Select relevant publications:
Enochs IC, Formel D, Manzello DP, Morris J, Mayfield AB, Boyd A, Kolodziej G, Adams G, Hendee J (2020) Coral persistence despite extreme periodic pH fluctuations at a volcanically acidified Caribbean reef. Coral Reefs. doi: 10.1007/s00338-020-01927-5.
Enochs IC, Manzello DP, Jones PJ, Aguilar C, Cohen K, Valentino L, Schopmeyer S, Kolodziej G, Jankulak M, Lirman D (2018) The influence of diel carbonate chemistry fluctuations on the calcification rate of Acropora cervicornis under present day and future acidification conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
Enochs IC, Manzello DP, Kolodziej G, Noonan, SHC, Valentino L, Fabricius KE (2016) Enhanced macroboring and depressed calcification drive net dissolution at high-CO2 coral reefs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20161742. doi:
ocean acidification; warming; coral; reef; bioerosion; persistence; disease; nutrients