NRC Research and Fellowship Programs
Fellowships Office
Policy and Global Affairs

Participating Agencies

RAP opportunity at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration     NOAA

Nutrient Dynamics in the Oceans


Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

opportunity location
26.51.00.B6308 Miami, FL 33149


name email phone
Jia-Zhong Zhang 305.361.4512


AOML’s nutrient group focuses on the biogeochemical cycles of nutrient elements (N, P, Si) in the coastal and open ocean environments. We are particularly interested in the anthropogenic input of nutrients to the coastal oceans and its effect on the coastal ecosystems. Current research includes (1) biogeochemical cycles of the nutrients as coupled with carbon and oxygen in the open oceans, (2) sediment-water exchange of phosphorus in marine environments, (3) long-term monitoring of nutrient cycling in estuaries and bays, (4) the effect of  land-source nutrient discharge on the coastal ecosystem, and (5) method and instrument development to measure nanomolar levels of nutrients in oligotrophic waters.


key words
Nutrient dynamics; Chemical oceanography; Biogeochemical cycles; Instrumentation;


Citizenship:  Open to U.S. citizens, permanent residents and non-U.S. citizens
Level:  Open to Postdoctoral and Senior applicants


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation
$58,000.00 $2,000.00

$4,000 Supplement for Doctorates in Physical Oceanography

$4,000 Supplement for Doctorates in Ocean Chemistry


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