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Chadwick Lawrence Canedy | |
202.767.3612 |
Current research within the quantum optoelectronics section focuses on the development of high-performance antimonide interband cascade lasers (ICLs), as well as type-II InAs/GaSb, InAs/InAsSb infrared detectors, and InP-based solar cells. ICLs emitting in the 3-6 micron range are targeted for applications such as high-power sources for infrared countermeasures and single mode sources for gas sensing. Research directions include beam combining and other power scaling, distributed feedback devices, broad wavelength tunability, integration with silicon optoeclectronics circuits and other novel architectures. Also being pursued are type-II superlattice and "W" antimonide infrared photodiodes and InAlAsSb top cell growth for multi-junction solar cells lattice-matched to InP.
Vurgaftman I, Bewley WW, Candey CL, Kim CS, Kim M, Merritt CD, Abell J, Lindle JR, Meyer JR: Nature Communications 2: 585, 2011
Vurgaftman I, Canedy CL, Jackson EM, Nolde JA, Affounda CA, Aifer EH, Meyer JR, Hood A, Evans AJ, Tennant WT: Opt.ical Engrineering 50: 061007, 2011