Molecular and morphometric systematics are under study for Culicidae, Psychodidae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae, Tabanidae, Dixidae, Chaoboridae, Correthrelidae, and Hippoboscidae to include curatorial duties for the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History. As funding allows, the development of novel identification tools/techniques, for other arthropods of military relevance, in terms of molecular and morphometric systematics, is also of interest.
Foley DH, Linton YM, Ruiz-Lopez JF, Conn JE, Sallum MAM, Póvoa MM, Wilkerson RC: Journal of Vector Ecology 39(1): 168-181, 2014
Linton YM, Pecor JE, Porter CH, Mitchell LB, Garzon-Moreno A, Foley DH, Wilkerson RC: Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 108: 100-109, 2013
Systematics; Phlebotominae; Mosquitoes; DNA Barcode; Ticks; Taxonomy; Culicidae; Sand flies; Morphometrics;