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Search Opportunities at Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)

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There are 20 opportunities.

64.15.06.B2659 NRL Radio Astronomy Washington DC
64.15.06.B2661 NRL Instrumentation Development for Astronomy and Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.B2671 NRL Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.B2673 NRL Hyperspectral Characterization of the Coastal Regime Washington DC
64.15.06.B3086 NRL Numerical Modeling of River-Influenced Coastal Ocean Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.06.B6340 NRL Satellite Analysis of Pyro-Convection and Chemical/Transport Processes in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Washington DC
64.15.06.B7564 NRL Ionospheric Studies with Radio-frequency Interferometers Washington DC
64.15.06.B7600 NRL Spectral remote sensing of terrain, modeling, and analysis Washington DC
64.15.06.B7981 NRL Hydrologic Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.C0429 NRL Remote Sensing of Surface Fluxes of Sea Spray, Gases, and Heat for Air-Sea Interaction Studies Washington DC
64.15.06.C0492 NRL Radar technology, processing, and analysis Washington DC
64.15.06.C0684 NRL Novel Approaches for High-Resolution Remote Sensing of the Coastal Regime Washington DC
64.15.06.C0811 NRL Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere and Soil Moisture Washington DC
64.15.06.C0812 NRL Remote Sensing of Air-Wave-Sea Interactions and Upper Ocean Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.06.C0825 NRL Radio Remote Sensing of Space Weather Washington DC
64.15.06.C0828 NRL Multi-sensor remote sensing across terrestrial-aquatic interfaces Washington DC
64.15.06.C0837 NRL Remote Sensing of Melt Ponds and Sea Ice in the Arctic Washington DC
64.15.89.C0047 NRL In-Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing of the Solar Wind Washington DC
64.16.66.B3069 NRL Characterization, Analysis, and Prediction of Atmospheric Aerosols Monterey CA
64.16.66.C0993 NRL Detection, Monitoring, and Prediction of Pyroconvection Monterey CA
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