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Opportunities Available at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

There are 88 opportunities.

26.03.02.B0456 NOAA Climate and Ecosystem Variability in Eastern Boundary Current Systems Monterey CA
26.03.02.B0457 NOAA Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Habitat Classification Monterey CA
26.03.02.B5059 NOAA Climate Change and Ecosystem Fluctuations Monterey CA
26.03.37.B0500 NOAA Marine Mammal and Marine Turtle Population Biology La Jolla CA
26.03.37.B8090 NOAA Physiology and Behavior of Marine Fishes and Invertebrates La Jolla CA
26.03.37.C0894 NOAA Developing multi-species marine mammal genomic tools for management applications La Jolla CA
26.03.38.B6559 NOAA Advanced Sampling Technologies in the Northwest Atlantic Woods Hole MA
26.03.39.B4647 NOAA Olfactory Physiology and Behavior of Salmonids Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7410 NOAA Marine Fish Reproductive and Growth Physiology Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7411 NOAA Ecotoxicology to Support Aquatic Conservation Biology Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7416 NOAA Development of Chemical Tracer Methods and the Environmental Impacts of Storm Water Contaminants Seattle WA
26.03.39.B8523 NOAA Seasonal Forecasting of Pacific Hake Distribution in the California Current Ecosystem Seattle WA
26.03.39.C0503 NOAA Development of a Model for Trophic Transfer and Wildlife Health Impacts of Algal Toxins in Arctic/Subarctic Food Webs Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0264 NOAA Strategies for Reducing Costs of Fishery-Independent Surveys Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0277 NOAA Collaborating with the Alaska Commercial Rockfish Fishery: Using Fishery Dependent Catch and Effort Data to Inform Gulf of Alaska Stock Assessments. Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0667 NOAA Adapting monitoring to a changing seascape: increasing the efficiency, flexibility, and continuity of bottom trawl surveys in the Bering Sea and beyond Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0721 NOAA Arctic ecosystem modeling Seattle WA
26.03.43.C0172 NOAA Stock Assessment / Ecosystem-based Approaches to Fishery Management Miami FL
26.03.43.C0478 NOAA Marine Mammal Passive Acoustic Monitoring, Ecology, and Conservation Miami FL
26.03.44.B5874 NOAA Population Ecology of Exploited Marine Resources Beaufort NC
26.03.44.B7510 NOAA Ecosystem Approaches to Marine Resource Management Beaufort NC
26.03.44.B7818 NOAA Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Beaufort NC
26.03.50.B0456 NOAA Climate and Ecosystem Variability in Eastern Boundary Current Systems Santa Cruz CA
26.03.53.C0522 NOAA Wild Scallop Population Resilience: Using Multigenerational Studies to Estimate Robustness and Adaptive Potential to Rapidly Changing Ocean Acidification Milford CT
26.03.56.B4573 NOAA Population Ecology of Marine Fishes of the Northeast US Highlands NJ
26.03.60.B6062 NOAA Ecosystem-Based Analysis and Management of Apex Predators Panama City FL
26.03.68.B7479 NOAA Sablefish Abundance Index Modeling Juneau AK
26.03.68.B7775 NOAA Marine Habitat Suitability Modeling Juneau AK
26.03.68.C0437 NOAA Developing Ecosystem Indices to Inform Fisheries Stock Assessments Juneau AK
26.03.69.C0279 NOAA King Crab Aquaculture, Stock Enhancement, and Ecology Kodiak AK
26.03.78.B8523 NOAA Seasonal Forecasting of Pacific Hake Distribution in the California Current Ecosystem Newport OR
26.04.79.B8292 NOAA Atmosphere-Biosphere Exchange of Reactive Nitrogen Oak Ridge TN
26.04.79.C0806 NOAA Investigations in Surface-Atmosphere Exchange over a Mixed Deciduous Forest in the Southern Appalachians Oak Ridge TN
26.05.01.B0566 NOAA Modeling of Atmospheric Trace Gas Sources and Sinks Using Observed Mixing Ratios Boulder CO
26.05.01.B0568 NOAA Measurements of Halocarbons for Studying Global Atmospheric Processes and the Effectiveness of International Environmental Policy Boulder CO
26.05.02.B0550 NOAA Analytical Studies of the Tropical Atmosphere and its Relationship to Global Climate Boulder CO
26.05.02.B0590 NOAA Air-Sea Interaction and Boundary Layer Processes in Turbulent Environments Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0252 NOAA Predictability and Prediction of Drought on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Time Scales Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0537 NOAA Hydrometeorology and Water Resource Management Research Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0841 NOAA Data assimilation for coupled Earth system prediction Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0974 NOAA Empirical dynamical modeling for studies of seasonal-to-interannual prediction and predictability Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4930 NOAA Atmospheric Chemistry Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4931 NOAA Chemical and Physical Characterization of Tropospheric Aerosols Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4932 NOAA Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions: Modeling and Observations Boulder CO
26.05.03.B5809 NOAA Aerosol Chemistry and Climate Connections Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6605 NOAA Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols: New Measurement Techniques, Field Studies and Laboratory Measurements Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6608 NOAA Chemistry, Radiation and Dynamics of the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6616 NOAA Air Quality Modeling Boulder CO
26.05.04.B8073 NOAA Predictability of Weather and Climate Boulder CO
26.05.04.C0671 NOAA Convection-permitting to convection-resolving data assimilation and numerical weather prediction. Boulder CO
26.07.45.B5042 NOAA Solar and Coronal Event Phenomena Boulder CO
26.09.10.B6322 NOAA Coral Health and Disease Charleston SC
26.09.10.C0646 NOAA Effects of Ozone impregnated nano bubbles on sediment and water column nutrient loads Charleston SC
26.13.01.C0973 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: Understanding human community vulnerability and resiliency to ocean acidification to inform viable adaptation and mitigation measures Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0977 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: A broad-scale analysis of ocean carbon observing data to understand ecosystem change across United States Large Marine Ecosystem Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0978 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: Comprehensive understanding of ecosystem and species sensitivity to ocean acidification and other stressors across United States Large Marine Ecosystems Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0981 NOAA Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Data Synthesis: analysis of novel ocean data to inform idealized field research design Silver Spring MD
26.51.00.B6308 NOAA Nutrient Dynamics in the Oceans Miami FL
26.51.00.B8111 NOAA Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Variability and its Impact on Extreme Weather Miami FL
26.51.00.B8119 NOAA Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat, Salt, and Carbon Miami FL
26.51.00.B8511 NOAA Inter-Hemispheric Variability of AMOC and its Impacts on Global Monsoon Circulations and Extreme Weather Events Miami FL
26.51.00.C0474 NOAA Coral Reef Responses to Global Change Miami FL
26.51.00.C0784 NOAA Tropical Cyclones: Physical Processes and Forecast Improvements Miami FL
26.51.00.C0966 NOAA Tropical cyclone-ocean interaction Miami FL
26.65.00.B5362 NOAA Habitat Mediated Species Interactions and Food Web Disruptions in Coastal Ecosystems Ann Arbor MI
26.65.00.B6902 NOAA Ice Climatologist and Climate Modeler Ann Arbor MI
26.76.00.B0649 NOAA Diagnosis and Prediction of Severe Convection Norman OK
26.76.00.B0653 NOAA Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning Norman OK
26.76.00.B4638 NOAA Thunderstorm Electrification Modeling and Lightning Data Assimilation in Mesoscale Models Norman OK
26.76.00.B4674 NOAA Initiation of Deep Moist Convection Norman OK
26.76.00.B6815 NOAA Climatological Aspects of Severe Thunderstorms Norman OK
26.76.00.B6868 NOAA Storm-Scale Modeling, Assimilation, and Prediction Norman OK
26.76.00.B7468 NOAA Understanding of Severe Convective Weather to Improve Hazardous Weather Forecasting Norman OK
26.76.00.B7602 NOAA Understanding the Needs and Use of Probabilistic Forecast Guidance by Stakeholders Norman OK
26.76.00.B8175 NOAA Impact of Assimilating Multi-Function Phased Array Radar Observations on Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecasts of Severe Convective Storms Norman OK
26.76.00.B8252 NOAA Predictability of Organized Convection and Applications to Warn-on-Forecast Ensemble Design Norman OK
26.76.00.B8274 NOAA Convective Scale Predictability and Development of Severe Weather Model Diagnostics, Verification, and Visualization Strategies for High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast Systems Norman OK
26.76.00.B8554 NOAA Warn-on-Forecast Research and Development Norman OK
26.76.00.C0332 NOAA Decision making under uncertainty for high-impact, short-fused weather events Norman OK
26.76.00.C0481 NOAA Novel Verification Techniques for Warn-on-Forecast Ensembles Norman OK
26.76.00.C0545 NOAA Investigating the post-landfall evolution of tropical cyclone structure and hazards Norman OK
26.76.00.C0706 NOAA Machine Learning Applications to Warn-on-Forecast Norman OK
26.76.00.C0730 NOAA Multi-resolution ensemble design for Warn-on-Forecast Norman OK
26.76.00.C0864 NOAA Phased Array Radar Observations, Tools, and Techniques Norman OK
26.77.77.B4631 NOAA Underwater Environmental Acoustics Newport OR
26.77.85.B0665 NOAA Large-Scale Ocean Circulation, Water-Mass Structure, and Climate Seattle WA
26.77.85.B5364 NOAA The Role of the Tropical Oceans in Climate Seattle WA
26.77.85.C0588 NOAA Air-sea CO2 observing and new technologies Seattle WA
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