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There are 1641 opportunities.

26.03.39.B4647 NOAA Olfactory Physiology and Behavior of Salmonids Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7410 NOAA Marine Fish Reproductive and Growth Physiology Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7411 NOAA Ecotoxicology to Support Aquatic Conservation Biology Seattle WA
26.03.39.B7416 NOAA Development of Chemical Tracer Methods and the Environmental Impacts of Storm Water Contaminants Seattle WA
26.03.39.B8523 NOAA Seasonal Forecasting of Pacific Hake Distribution in the California Current Ecosystem Seattle WA
26.03.39.C0503 NOAA Development of a Model for Trophic Transfer and Wildlife Health Impacts of Algal Toxins in Arctic/Subarctic Food Webs Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0264 NOAA Strategies for Reducing Costs of Fishery-Independent Surveys Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0277 NOAA Collaborating with the Alaska Commercial Rockfish Fishery: Using Fishery Dependent Catch and Effort Data to Inform Gulf of Alaska Stock Assessments. Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0667 NOAA Adapting monitoring to a changing seascape: increasing the efficiency, flexibility, and continuity of bottom trawl surveys in the Bering Sea and beyond Seattle WA
26.03.40.C0721 NOAA Arctic ecosystem modeling Seattle WA
26.77.85.B0665 NOAA Large-Scale Ocean Circulation, Water-Mass Structure, and Climate Seattle WA
26.77.85.B5364 NOAA The Role of the Tropical Oceans in Climate Seattle WA
26.77.85.C0588 NOAA Air-sea CO2 observing and new technologies Seattle WA
97.15.01.C1020 AMRMC Postdoctoral Fellow – Walter Reed Army Institute of Research – West (WRAIR-W) – Department of Defense Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Adaptive Platform Trial (APT) Joint Base Lewis-McChord WA
27.01.00.B7929 FHWA Applied Engineering Research to Advance the State-of-the-Art in Highway Transportation Geotechnics McLean VA
27.01.00.B8357 FHWA Ultra-High Performance Concrete: Materials and Structures from Research to Deployment McLean VA
27.01.00.C0167 FHWA Support the Development of Models, Analysis Techniques and Tools for Incorporating Sustainable Practices in Pavement Material and Structural Design Decision-Making McLean VA
27.01.00.C0210 FHWA Applied Engineering Research to Advance the State-of-the-Art in Concrete Highway Bridges McLean VA
27.01.00.C0354 FHWA Use of Pavement Structural Condition from Traffic Speed Deflection Devices in Pavement Management Decisionmaking McLean VA
27.01.00.C0384 FHWA Application of Artificial Intelligence for Highway Infrastructure Asset Management McLean VA
27.01.00.C0487 FHWA Leveraging Big Data for Enhanced Pavement Management McLean VA
27.01.00.C0690 FHWA Use of Data Science in Asphalt Materials McLean VA
27.01.00.C0697 FHWA Advanced Data-Driven Crash Analysis Reflecting ADAS for Safe System Approach McLean VA
27.01.00.C0705 FHWA Use of SHRP 2 NDS Data and RID in Highway Safety and Operations Analytics McLean VA
27.01.00.C0785 FHWA Advanced Corrosion Modeling and Monitoring McLean VA
27.01.00.C0910 FHWA Data Mining and Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Traffic Modeling and Simulation McLean VA
27.01.00.C0980 FHWA High-Fidelity Simulation and Highway Safety McLean VA
27.01.00.C1005 FHWA Novel Solutions for Accelerated Pavement Testing Research Needs McLean VA
27.01.00.C1015 FHWA Applying AI to Enhance Transportation Operations McLean VA
33.01.01.B4178 RDEC/NVESD Modeling Theorist Fort Belvoir VA
33.01.01.B6714 RDEC/NVESD Semiconductor Growth, Characterization and Modeling for Advanced, Infrared Imaging Application Fort Belvoir VA
33.01.08.B8447 RDEC/NVESD Antimonide Based Infrared Detectors Fort Belvoir VA
13.60.01.C0970 AF STFP Senior Research Associate, Science and Technology Fellowship Program (STFP) Arlington VA
13.15.10.B3740 AF STFP Laser-Tissue Interaction Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.B3743 AF STFP The Physiological Response(s) to Intense Electrical Stimuli Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.B7419 AF STFP Impact of Short Pulse Electromagnetic Fields on Mammalian Cells Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.B7570 AF STFP Theoretical and Computational Laser Biophysics Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.B8221 AF STFP Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Bioeffects Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.B8434 AF STFP Ultrafast Spectroscopic Investigations on the Mechanisms of Interaction of Modified Sensing Proteins with the Electromagnetic Spectrum Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0040 AF STFP Early Consequences of Laser-tissue Interaction at the Atomistic and Molecular Level using Ultrafast Methods Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0540 AF STFP Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Physics Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0639 AF STFP In Vivo Radiofrequency Dosimetry Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0940 AF STFP In Vivo Radiofrequency Bioeffects using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0956 AF STFP Applied Physics and Engineering in Radio Frequency Electromagnetics Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0957 AF STFP Radiofrequency Bioeffects using Multimodal In Vivo Imaging Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0958 AF STFP Neurostimulation to Investigate In Vivo Radiofrequency Bioeffects Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0960 AF STFP Investigation of In Vivo Directed Energy Bioeffects using Immunohistochemistry Fort Sam Houston TX
13.15.10.C0969 AF STFP Investigating Cellular Responses to Directed Energy using Advanced Optical Imaging Fort Sam Houston TX
97.40.00.B7471 AMRMC Biofilms Impaired Wound Healing Fort Sam Houston TX
97.40.00.B7472 AMRMC Wound Modulation to Improve Healing Response Fort Sam Houston TX
97.40.00.B7896 AMRMC To Study Changes in the Coagulation and Immune Systems after Trauma and Blood Loss Fort Sam Houston TX
26.04.79.B8292 NOAA Atmosphere-Biosphere Exchange of Reactive Nitrogen Oak Ridge TN
26.04.79.C0806 NOAA Investigations in Surface-Atmosphere Exchange over a Mixed Deciduous Forest in the Southern Appalachians Oak Ridge TN
13.30.13.C0700 AF STFP Aerodynamic Response to Deforming Surfaces in High-Speed Flow Arnold AFB TN
26.09.10.B6322 NOAA Coral Health and Disease Charleston SC
26.09.10.C0646 NOAA Effects of Ozone impregnated nano bubbles on sediment and water column nutrient loads Charleston SC
50.64.63.B1712 NIST Separation Science Techniques for Trace Organic Analysis Charleston SC
50.64.63.B4794 NIST Analytical Methods Development for the Determination of Anthropogenic Contaminants in the Marine Environment Charleston SC
50.64.63.B5547 NIST Research in Elemental Speciation of Clinical and Biological Systems Charleston SC
50.64.63.B6907 NIST Research in Metallomics Charleston SC
50.64.63.B7859 NIST Stable Isotope Metrology for Environmental and Forensics Research Charleston SC
50.64.63.B7888 NIST Metabolomic and Lipidomic Research: Emphasizing Advanced Data Analysis, Metabolite/Lipid Annotation, and Functional Pathway Elucidation Charleston SC
50.64.63.B8335 NIST Determination of Chemical Contaminant Profiles in Water Charleston SC
50.64.63.B8576 NIST Advances in High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Exposure Sciences and Forensic Analyses Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0152 NIST Mass Spectrometry of Chemical Tracers Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0153 NIST Non-targeted Omic Based Bioanalytical Measurements Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0154 NIST Multimodal Microbiome Measurements Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0272 NIST Developing bioanalytical foundations for analysis in non-model systems Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0273 NIST Benchmarking metaproteomic analytical workflows Charleston SC
50.64.63.C0617 NIST Research in the Measurement Science of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Charleston SC
26.03.78.B8523 NOAA Seasonal Forecasting of Pacific Hake Distribution in the California Current Ecosystem Newport OR
26.77.77.B4631 NOAA Underwater Environmental Acoustics Newport OR
22.10.04.B7165 EPA Solutions for Addressing Nutrient Impacts on Water Quality and Ecosystem Services Corvallis OR
26.76.00.B0649 NOAA Diagnosis and Prediction of Severe Convection Norman OK
26.76.00.B0653 NOAA Atmospheric Electricity and Lightning Norman OK
26.76.00.B4638 NOAA Thunderstorm Electrification Modeling and Lightning Data Assimilation in Mesoscale Models Norman OK
26.76.00.B4674 NOAA Initiation of Deep Moist Convection Norman OK
26.76.00.B6815 NOAA Climatological Aspects of Severe Thunderstorms Norman OK
26.76.00.B6868 NOAA Storm-Scale Modeling, Assimilation, and Prediction Norman OK
26.76.00.B7468 NOAA Understanding of Severe Convective Weather to Improve Hazardous Weather Forecasting Norman OK
26.76.00.B7602 NOAA Understanding the Needs and Use of Probabilistic Forecast Guidance by Stakeholders Norman OK
26.76.00.B8175 NOAA Impact of Assimilating Multi-Function Phased Array Radar Observations on Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecasts of Severe Convective Storms Norman OK
26.76.00.B8252 NOAA Predictability of Organized Convection and Applications to Warn-on-Forecast Ensemble Design Norman OK
26.76.00.B8274 NOAA Convective Scale Predictability and Development of Severe Weather Model Diagnostics, Verification, and Visualization Strategies for High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast Systems Norman OK
26.76.00.B8554 NOAA Warn-on-Forecast Research and Development Norman OK
26.76.00.C0332 NOAA Decision making under uncertainty for high-impact, short-fused weather events Norman OK
26.76.00.C0481 NOAA Novel Verification Techniques for Warn-on-Forecast Ensembles Norman OK
26.76.00.C0545 NOAA Investigating the post-landfall evolution of tropical cyclone structure and hazards Norman OK
26.76.00.C0706 NOAA Machine Learning Applications to Warn-on-Forecast Norman OK
26.76.00.C0730 NOAA Multi-resolution ensemble design for Warn-on-Forecast Norman OK
26.76.00.C0864 NOAA Phased Array Radar Observations, Tools, and Techniques Norman OK
22.09.01.B0450 EPA Natural Attenuation of Contaminants in the Subsurface Ada OK
22.09.01.B0453 EPA Geochemical Processes in Subsurface Systems Ada OK
22.09.01.B0454 EPA In Situ Remediation of Contaminants in Ground Water and Soils Using Permeable Reactive Barriers Ada OK
22.09.01.B7927 EPA Understanding the Mass Discharge Behavior of Groundwater Source Zones Ada OK
22.09.01.B8216 EPA Development of Mathematical Modeling Tools for Predicting Fate and Transport of PFAS Contaminants in Subsurface Formations Ada OK
22.09.01.B8222 EPA The Ecosystem Effects of River Floodplain Restoration and Infrastructure Ada OK
22.09.01.B8329 EPA Tools for Watershed and Water Quality Management Ada OK
13.15.02.B7362 AF STFP Cognitive technologies for digital engineering and agile readiness that ensure mission effectiveness Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.02.C0111 AF STFP Computational Cognitive Modeling of Complex Interactive Behavior Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.02.C0750 AF STFP Cognitive Effort and Metacognition Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.02.C0869 AF STFP Holistic Cognitive Models of Decision-making Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.04.C0728 AF STFP Organ-on-a-Chip and Organoid Models of Cognition and Performance Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.14.B7673 AF STFP Applied Approaches for Assessing and Optimizing Team Processes and States Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.14.B7693 AF STFP Mathematical Modeling and Visualization of Multidimensional Data and Complex Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.14.B8388 AF STFP Enhancing Intelligence Analysts' Sensemaking Capabilities Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.14.C0731 AF STFP Trust in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.14.C0813 AF STFP Cross-modal influence on cognitive processing and decision-making Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.B6373 AF STFP Biomolecular Interactions of Nanoparticles Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.B8430 AF STFP Wearable Chemical and Biochemical Sensors and Devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.B8531 AF STFP Molecular Tools for Biosignatures Tracking Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.C0108 AF STFP Novel Chemical Samplers and Passive Dosimeters Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.C0776 AF STFP Physiological impact of thermal and hydration stress Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.C0895 AF STFP Multi-omic Bioanalysis Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.15.15.C0925 AF STFP Development of Computational Tools for Mass Spectral Data Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B4279 AF STFP Nano- and Meso-structured Polymeric Materials and Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B7041 AF STFP Materials Heterogeniety in Electron and Thermal Transport and Energy Storage Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.B8231 AF STFP Novel Materials for Agile and Flexible Electronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.01.C0289 AF STFP Materials Heterogeneity Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.B5456 AF STFP Formation of Buried and Surface Epitaxial Plasmonic Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.C0627 AF STFP Electron Transport Studies of Ultra-Wide Bandgap or Quantum Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.02.C0820 AF STFP Enabling Room Temperature Quantum Technologies Through Phonon Engineering Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.B4959 AF STFP Bulk Oxide Glass Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.B5471 AF STFP Development and Characterization of Photorefractive Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.B7646 AF STFP Liquid Crystalline Polymer Actuators Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.B8518 AF STFP Ultra-Wide bandgap Materials for Electronics and Optoelectronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0439 AF STFP Photochemistry of Chromophores and Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0604 AF STFP Crystal Growth and Characterization of Novel Functional Low Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronic, Nanoelectronic, and Magnetic Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0821 AF STFP Development and characterization of novel electro-optic materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0822 AF STFP Machine-learning Driven Inverse Design of Optical Metasurfaces Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.03.C0851 AF STFP mid-IR Quantum dots Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.B4968 AF STFP Computer Simulations for Design of Improved Aerospace Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.B6127 AF STFP Flexible Hybrid Electronic Materials and Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0222 AF STFP Nanoelectronic materials for low power electronics, heterogeneous integration, and sensing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0237 AF STFP Enabling Tailorable Material Properties with Synthetic Methods Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0319 AF STFP Autonomous Research Systems ARES (TM) Applied to Carbon Nanotube Synthesis Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0441 AF STFP Autonomous Research Systems, ARES Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0454 AF STFP Advanced Characterization of Soft Matter Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0504 AF STFP In situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for studying chemical reactions Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0582 AF STFP Design of Adaptive Materials for Sensing, Actuation and Physical Computing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0626 AF STFP Materials for Controlling the Propagation of Mechanical Waves Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0662 AF STFP Functional 2D materials for flexible electronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0881 AF STFP Computational Modeling of Polymer Melts and Solutions Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.04.C0926 AF STFP Synthesis of Low Temperature Polymers for Extreme Environments Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8105 AF STFP In operando Characterization of Polymer Matrix Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8381 AF STFP Fundamental Studies of the Changes in Material States for Non-volatile Switching Memory Devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8444 AF STFP Performance Prediction and Damage Prognosis of Structural/Multifunctional Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8469 AF STFP Novel Ceramic Nanostructures, Hybrid Materials, and Additive Manufacturing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.B8480 AF STFP Understanding Damage in Multifunctional Nanocomposites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0121 AF STFP Metals Additive Manufacturing Science Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0122 AF STFP Reliable Nondestructive Quantitative Materials and Damage Characterization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0248 AF STFP Towards Developing Next-Generation Multi-Functional Composites for Aerospace Applications using Multi-scale Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0255 AF STFP Evolution of Metallic Microstructures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0282 AF STFP Constituent Development, Processing, and Functionalization of Ceramic Matrix Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0747 AF STFP High Temperature Oxidation and Environmental Resistance in Concentrated Refractory Alloys Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.05.C0938 AF STFP Development of Inorganic and Hybrid Polymers and Composites for High Temperature Resins and Coatings Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.06.C0471 AF STFP Data Fusion and Analysis for Multi-Scale Mixed Modality Meso-to-Macroscale Microstructural Feature Characterization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.B5769 AF STFP Ceramic Matrix Composites for High-Temperature Structural Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.B7664 AF STFP Composite and Hybrid Materials for Responsive Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.C0046 AF STFP Synthesis and Processing of Preceramic Polymers for Ceramic Matrix Composites and Compositionally Complex High Entropy Ceramics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.C0216 AF STFP Advanced Processing of Ceramic and Ceramic Matrix Composite Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.C0340 AF STFP Chiral Molecules, Polymers and Fibers for Aerospace Composites Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.07.C0901 AF STFP Multiscale Simulation Methods for the Design of Performance-Optimized Composite Material Architectures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.09.C0495 AF STFP Design, Optimization, and Control for Autonomous Manufacturing Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.09.C0744 AF STFP Next-Generation Human Machine Interfaces for Advanced Manufacturing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.25.09.C0850 AF STFP Transitioning from automation to autonomy in DAF-relevant manufacturing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B0101 AF STFP Combustion and Spray Studies and Diagnostic Development Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B0104 AF STFP Aero and Thermodynamics of Rotating Machinery Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B7347 AF STFP Advanced Combustion Concepts for Emerging Propulsion and Power Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B7348 AF STFP Pressure Gain Combustion for Emerging Propulsion and Power Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B8127 AF STFP Transonic Fan Distortion Transfer and Tolerance Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B8144 AF STFP Improving Structural Dynamic and Material Characteristic Understanding of Turbomachinery Components Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.B8404 AF STFP Hot Fuel Chemistry for Advanced Propulsion Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0218 AF STFP Advanced Multi-Scale Combustion Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0260 AF STFP Pressure Gain Combustion for Emerging Propulsion and Power Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0844 AF STFP Rotating Detonation Engine Foundational Research Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0931 AF STFP Applied Research for Rotating Detonation Engines Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0967 AF STFP Rotating Detonation Engine Optical Diagnostics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0968 AF STFP Rotating Detonation Engine Modeling and Simulation Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C0991 AF STFP Laser-Based Diagnostic Optimization for Quantitative Measurements in Detonations Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.08.C1000 AF STFP Test, Evaluation, and Qualification Techniques for Materials in Extreme Environments Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B0123 AF STFP System Level Integration for Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B4614 AF STFP Active Flow Control Modeling and Development Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B4943 AF STFP Computational Aeroelasticity and Fluid/Structure Interaction Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B5739 AF STFP Computational Fluid Dynamics Research in Numerical Simulation of Turbulence Flows Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B6719 AF STFP High-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Computational Fluid Dynamics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B6873 AF STFP Morphing Aircraft Structural Technology Development Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B8422 AF STFP High-Order Finite Element Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics in Aerospace Vehicle Design Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.B8475 AF STFP Analysis of Low-Velocity Impact on Composite Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0257 AF STFP Design, Optimization, and Characterization of Smart Materials and Morphing Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0727 AF STFP Aerodynamics Research for Airframe-Propulsion Integration Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0753 AF STFP Aircraft Structural Analysis Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0853 AF STFP Analytic Sensitivities and Machine Learning applied to Uncertainty Quantification for Multidisciplinary Systems Analysis Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0914 AF STFP Rapid Time Dependent Non-Linear Predictive Method to Model Cavity Resonance Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.09.C0927 AF STFP Machine Learning Approaches in Computational Aerodynamics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B3817 AF STFP Control Systems for Air Force Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7102 AF STFP Thermal Energy Storage Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7103 AF STFP High Performance Electric Actuation System Thermal Management Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7148 AF STFP Superconductors, Thermoelectrics, Carbon Nanotubes, Magnetic Materials, and Thermal Physics for Energy, Power and Thermal Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7781 AF STFP Multiscale, Multiphysics and Multidomain Modeling of Aircraft Power and Thermal Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.B7787 AF STFP Electron Energy Distribution and Transfer Phenomena in Non-Equilibrium Gases Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.C0207 AF STFP High Capacity Cathode Materials Functionalized with Carbon for Lithium-based Batteries Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.10.C0336 AF STFP Wide Bandgap and Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductor Processing and Device Development Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.B4615 AF STFP Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition and Control Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.B5437 AF STFP Advanced Diagnostics for High-Speed Flows Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.B7954 AF STFP Combustion Enhancement in High-Speed Flows Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.C0236 AF STFP Turbulent Combustion Modeling of High-speed Air-breathing Components Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.C0548 AF STFP Development and Application of Diagnostics for High-Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.C0696 AF STFP Development of Computational Tools for High-Speed Flows Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.C0826 AF STFP Development and application of advanced simulation approaches for high-speed combustion Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.30.11.C1010 AF STFP Physics-Informed Optical Diagnostics for High-Speed Flows Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B0118 AF STFP Solid-State Laser Source Development Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B4478 AF STFP Radar Systems Theory Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B5790 AF STFP Phenomenology-Based Adaptive Radar Signal Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B5858 AF STFP Bio-Inspired Radar Systems for Intelligent Information Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B6350 AF STFP Investigation and Optimization of Existing and Novel Electronic Devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7061 AF STFP Integration of Multicomponent Oxide Materials in Sensor Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7062 AF STFP Distributed Netted Radar Signal Processing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7063 AF STFP Object Recognition Concepts Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7107 AF STFP Computational Electromagnetics and Electronics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7313 AF STFP Waveform Agile Radar Processing (WARP) Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7326 AF STFP Ultrasensitive Receiver Architectures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7368 AF STFP Intracavity Laser Dynamics and Diverse Waveform Generation Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7392 AF STFP Photonics and Optoelectronics for USAF Sensor Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7397 AF STFP Remote Sensing from Hypersonic Platforms Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7398 AF STFP Scattering and Propagation in Complex Environment Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7630 AF STFP Crystal Growth and Study of and Nonlinear Optical and Electronic Materials for Novel Laser Sources and Other Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7640 AF STFP Fully Adaptive Radar Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7646 AF STFP Liquid Crystalline Polymer Actuators Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7665 AF STFP Mid-IR Quantum Optics Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B7686 AF STFP Electro-Optical Devices and Technologies for Infrared Sensing Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B8237 AF STFP Integrated Photonic Devices, Circuits, and Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B8428 AF STFP Growth and Characterization of Low Dimensional Electronic Materials Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.B8542 AF STFP First-Principles Modeling of Electronic and Photonic Structures Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0212 AF STFP First-Principles Semiconductor Modeling for Advanced Physics Based Device Models Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0221 AF STFP Investigation of Electronic Transport Properties of Transition Metal Nitrides Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0312 AF STFP Infrared Detectors Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0327 AF STFP Topological Surface Currents Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0337 AF STFP High Operating Temperature IR and Fused IR/RF Detectors Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0355 AF STFP Liquid Crystalline Polymer Actuators Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0371 AF STFP Mid- and Long-Wavelength Infrared Single Band Detectors for Infrared Imaging Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0385 AF STFP Lasers for Active Sensing Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0534 AF STFP Electronic-grade dielectric integration for high-power, high frequency electronic devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0563 AF STFP Thin Film Growth and Characterization of Group-IV Materials for Low Cost Infrared Detectors Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0637 AF STFP Novel Nanophotonic Structures and Epsilon-Near-Zero Materials for Infrared Applications Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0674 AF STFP Safety Monitoring for Autonomous Systems Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0732 AF STFP B6878 133501 Infrared Sensing Research Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0915 AF STFP Active electro-optical sensing and imaging Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C0959 AF STFP Heterogeneous Integration Packaging Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C1006 AF STFP Nanoscale Vacuum Field Emission Devices Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.35.01.C1007 AF STFP Next generation resonant microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for aerospace precision navigation and timing (PNT) Wright-Patterson AFB OH
22.09.03.B6941 EPA Fate of Emerging Contaminants (EDCs, Pharmaceuticals Fluorinated Chemicals) in Municipal Waters Cincinnati OH
22.09.04.B8340 EPA Energy Accounting System Modeling of Urban Water Systems Cincinnati OH
22.09.04.B8391 EPA Improving Life Cycle Assessment of Drought Resilience Cincinnati OH
13.50.00.B5167 AF STFP Molecular Reaction Dynamics AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.B7386 AF STFP Networking, Security, Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing, Applied Machine Learning, Trusted Compilers and Computing, Cognitive Radios, and Cloud Computing AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.B7465 AF STFP Combustion Dynamics for Novel Combustor Systems AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.B7606 AF STFP Robust, Self-tuning Estimators in Distributed Systems AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.B7801 AF STFP Detection and Destruction of Dangerous Water Pollutants AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0067 AF STFP Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Waves AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0105 AF STFP Optical and Electromechanical Microsystems AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0389 AF STFP Light-Matter Interactions, Quantum Technologies, Ultrashort Pulse Extreme Light, Table-Top Accelerator and Optical Diagnostics AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0779 AF STFP Hypersonic Vehicle Multidisciplinary Design Optimization AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0857 AF STFP Integrity in complex estimation problems AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0885 AF STFP Finding Efficient Factorial Designs for Test and Evaluation AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0930 AF STFP A computational investigation of the role of defects in structural materials AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C0933 AF STFP Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Modeling for Materials Science AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
13.50.00.C1016 AF STFP Nuclear Physics and Radiation Detection AFIT, Wright-Patterson AFB OH
16.01.05.B7449 CCDC Armaments Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Nanocomposites Watervliet NY
16.01.05.B8308 CCDC Armaments Modeling the Ammunition Rifling Interface of Long Range Artillery Watervliet NY
16.01.05.C0082 CCDC Armaments Controlled Electrodeposition from Ionic Liquids Watervliet NY
16.01.05.C0397 CCDC Armaments Nanomaterials for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance and Surface Enhanced Raman Watervliet NY
16.01.05.C0719 CCDC Armaments Synthetic Biology of Materials Watervliet NY
50.64.35.B6768 NIST Synchrotron Methods: Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Upton NY
50.64.35.B6769 NIST Synchrotron Methods: Variable Kinetic Energy X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Upton NY
50.64.35.B8405 NIST X-Ray Science with Superconducting Sensors Upton NY
50.64.35.C0701 NIST NIST/BNL High-Throughput Investigation of Chemical and Material Systems Upton NY
50.64.35.C0924 NIST Materials Discovery Using Synchrotron Radiation, Machine Learning, and Artifical Intelligence Upton NY
13.20.01.C0583 AF STFP Hardware Security and Trust Rome NY
13.20.02.C0358 AF STFP Superconducting and Hybrid Quantum Information Platforms Rome NY
13.20.03.C0136 AF STFP Developments in the Science and Systems to Improve Robustness to Adversarial Attacks on Artificial Intelligence Rome NY
13.20.04.C0131 AF STFP Signal Processing Techniques to Improve Low Probability of Intercept Signal Detection and Characterization Rome NY
13.20.04.C0134 AF STFP Cyber Psychology, Ethical Decision Making, Artificial Intelligence Rome NY
13.20.05.C0004 AF STFP Quantum Optics/Integrated Photonics Rome NY
13.20.05.C0456 AF STFP Quantum Optics/Quantum Integrated Photonics Rome NY
13.20.05.C0788 AF STFP AFRL/RITQ Quantum Algorithms Research Rome NY
13.20.05.C0900 AF STFP Neuromorphic Computing Rome NY
13.20.91.C0202 AF STFP Exploring Elementary MultiSensor Fusion Rome NY
13.20.91.C0606 AF STFP Acoustic Processing and Analysis Rome NY
13.20.94.B6926 AF STFP Nanocomputing Rome NY
13.20.95.B7951 AF STFP Wireless Sensor Networks in Contested Environments Rome NY
13.20.95.B7952 AF STFP Complex Network Inference Rome NY
13.20.95.C0421 AF STFP Advanced Solutions to Mitigate Threats in Cyber Domain Rome NY
13.20.96.B6173 AF STFP Research Issues Relating to Information Management Rome NY
13.20.97.B4950 AF STFP Radiowave Propagation and System Engineering for Advanced Satellite Communications Rome NY
13.20.97.C0016 AF STFP Quantum Networking Rome NY
13.10.02.B6079 AF STFP High-Brightness Semiconductor Mid-Infrared and Long-Infrared Laser Development Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.B6932 AF STFP Advanced Gas Lasers and High-Performance Computing Simulation of Multiphysics Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.B7777 AF STFP High Power Electromagnetic Interactions in Plasmas and High Temperature Materials Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0030 AF STFP Research in Novel Hybrid Gas Laser Technology and Atmospheric Propagation Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0107 AF STFP Free-Space Quantum Communication Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0307 AF STFP Computational Physics For High-Power Highly Coherent Laser Technology Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0331 AF STFP Advanced Diagnostics for Free-space and other Low Density Plasmas Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0432 AF STFP Ultrashort Pulse Laser Research Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0856 AF STFP Research in High Energy Pulse Fiber Lasers Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0929 AF STFP Optical Material Characterization for Space Domain Awareness Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C0989 AF STFP High Power Microwave Antenna Research and Development Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.02.C1017 AF STFP Advanced High Power Microwave Sources Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.03.B0162 AF STFP High-Power Microwave Source Research Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.03.C0029 AF STFP Advanced Computational Plasma Physics Modeling for Next Generation Technologies Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.10.03.C0450 AF STFP Physics of Electron Beam Generation for High Power Electromagnetic Devices Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B0183 AF STFP Plasma Spacecraft Interactions Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B6640 AF STFP Theoretical Studies of Quantum Transport, Light-Matter Interaction and Ultrafast Carrier-Scattering Dynamics Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7197 AF STFP Resilient Receivers for Multi-Global Navigation Satellite Systems Applications with Artificial Intelligence Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7444 AF STFP Ultra-Reliable-Low-Latency Forward Error Correction for Next Generation GNSS Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7445 AF STFP Advanced Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, & Control Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7497 AF STFP Spacecraft Materials Properties for Spacecraft Charging Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7633 AF STFP Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Modeling of Wave Propagation or Wave-Particle Interaction Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7658 AF STFP Programmability of Regional Multi-Source Position, Navigation and Timing for Joint-All-Domain Operations Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7659 AF STFP Game-Theoretic Based Decision Support Tools for Persistent Space Threat Interdiction Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7835 AF STFP Blind and Beacon-Less TDMA Scheduling for Ad-Hoc LEO Satellite Communications Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7836 AF STFP Security in Cyber-Physical Networked Systems Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B7908 AF STFP Resilient System Controllers for Wideband Global SATCOM Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B8171 AF STFP Integrated Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) over Free Space Optical Satellite Communication Networks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B8172 AF STFP Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Multi-Dimension Directions Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B8228 AF STFP Baseband Diversity Product Approaches for Protected Wideband Satellite Communications Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B8304 AF STFP Autonomous Processing Techniques for Applications in Space Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.B8549 AF STFP Nonlinear Dynamics in Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0061 AF STFP Enhanced and Assured Radio Frequency Downlinks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0062 AF STFP Integrating Performance Enhanced Proxies with Bundle Protocols over High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptions Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0063 AF STFP Topology Formation and Network Coding for Multi-source Multicast Satellite Communications Networks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0064 AF STFP Relativistic Time Synchronization for Satellite Crosslinks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0065 AF STFP Onboard Satellite Synchronization for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Waveforms Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0291 AF STFP AI Development for Competitive Space-Based Games Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0459 AF STFP Learning-based Approaches to Resilient Satellite Navigation and Timing Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0460 AF STFP Effective Multi-Beam Arrangements for Operational Flexibility and Superior Coverage in High Throughput Satellites Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0462 AF STFP Enterprise Management and Control of Military and Commercial Satellite Communication Networks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0463 AF STFP Network Function Synthesis in Software-Defined Satellite Networks Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0466 AF STFP Enterprise Space Data Transport Incorporating 5G Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0467 AF STFP Nontraditional and Resilient Satellite Navigation and Timing Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0470 AF STFP Network Tomography for Multi-Domain Operations Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0670 AF STFP Distributed Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, Control and Autonomy Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0809 AF STFP Solar Geospace-environment Modeling Drivers Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0882 AF STFP Clustering Cislunar and XGEO Regions using Machine Learning Techniques Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.01.C0928 AF STFP Investigating the Link Between Earth's Radiation Belts and Dayside Transient Phenomena Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.04.B0170 AF STFP Atmospheric Ion Chemistry Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.04.B0205 AF STFP Electron Dynamics and Performance Issues in Infrared and Visible Detectors Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.09.B7485 AF STFP Laser Spectroscopy of Next-Generation Propellants Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.09.C0302 AF STFP Chemical Processes in the Space Environment Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.09.C0422 AF STFP Ion Molecule Chemistry for Propulsion Applications Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.10.B5812 AF STFP Remote Sensing of Ionospheric and Upper Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.11.C0883 AF STFP Neuromorphic and Computational Imaging for Space Based Imaging and Exploitation Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.11.C0911 AF STFP Infrared detectors, focal plane arrays, and sensing technologies Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.B7987 AF STFP Cold-Atom Precision Timing and Inertial Navigation Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.B8020 AF STFP Development of Methods for Local and Near Regional Seismic Event Discrimination and Characterization Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.B8089 AF STFP Characterization of Hyperspectral Imagers Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.B8227 AF STFP Fundamental Investigation of Plasma Chemistry Kinetics and Dynamics towards Improved Communications Abilities Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.B8522 AF STFP The Effect on Material Properties (and the Underlying Chemistry) due to Exposure Simulated Space Environment Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0247 AF STFP Geophysical Machine Learning Applications Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0502 AF STFP Numerical modeling of seismic generation by underground explosions Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0638 AF STFP Solar drivers of space weather Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0792 AF STFP Middle and high latitude multi-instrument multi-model studies of ionospheric irregularities Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0903 AF STFP Levitated Optomechanics Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0937 AF STFP Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0962 AF STFP Integrated Photonics and Quantum Systems Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0963 AF STFP History of Space Vehicles Science and Technology Kirtland Air Force Base NM
13.40.12.C0979 AF STFP Archivist Kirtland Air Force Base NM
26.03.56.B4573 NOAA Population Ecology of Marine Fishes of the Northeast US Highlands NJ
14.01.00.B8167 ARO Tectonics and Glacial Dynamics Research Triangle Park NC
22.10.08.B0338 EPA Neurophysiological Toxicology Research Triangle Park NC
22.10.08.B5114 EPA Physicochemical Characteristics of Air Pollution Particles and Their Impact on Health Research Triangle Park NC
14.02.00.B4664 ARO Apis Mellifera Durham NC
14.02.00.C0103 ARO Neuromorphic Computing Circuits and Systems Based on Emerging Electronic Devices Durham NC
26.03.44.B5874 NOAA Population Ecology of Exploited Marine Resources Beaufort NC
26.03.44.B7510 NOAA Ecosystem Approaches to Marine Resource Management Beaufort NC
26.03.44.B7818 NOAA Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Beaufort NC
64.17.01.B3083 NRL Modeling of Ocean Surface Waves Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B3085 NRL Numerical Tide Modeling Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B3633 NRL Regional and Coupled Modeling Systems Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B4364 NRL Global Predictive Seafloor Modeling; Geoacoustics, Sediment Physics, Gas, and Gas Hydrates Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B6114 NRL Ocean Data Assimilation for Operational Ocean Forecasts Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B6579 NRL Advanced Data Assimilation into Ocean Models Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B6644 NRL Coupled Bio-Optical-Physical Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Adaptive Sampling Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B6662 NRL Field Measurements of Bottom Boundary Layer Processes Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B7131 NRL Dynamics of Ocean Fronts and Eddies Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B7457 NRL Ocean Ensemble Forecasting Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B7868 NRL Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Materials in Marine Environments Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B7899 NRL Turbulence Resolving Modeling of Coasta Boundary Layerl Processes Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.B8114 NRL EnKF (Ensemble Kalman Filter) Based Global Ensemble Forecast System Using HYCOM Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0087 NRL Deterministic and Probabilistic Modeling of Nearshore Hydro- and Morphodynamics Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0179 NRL Mixing Processes in the Southwestern Japan/East Sea (MJES) Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0209 NRL Mixing, circulation, and air-sea interaction in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0600 NRL Bio-Optical Linkages to Acoustic Scattering Layers Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0720 NRL Optimization of unmanned observing swarms supporting assimilative ocean forecast systems Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0733 NRL Predicting ocean physics across scales Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0749 NRL Geospatial Machine Learning of Geologic and Geophysical Properties Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0775 NRL Precision assessment of the wide-swath altimetry Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0799 NRL Marginal Sea Upwelling and Tides Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0891 NRL Deep Ocean Bottom Currents in the Northern South China Sea Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0898 NRL Ocean Light and Shadows Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0905 NRL Air-sea fluxes over waves Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0907 NRL Submesoscale Eddy Dynamics Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0943 NRL Sea Ice Modeling Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0964 NRL Process-based modeling of seabed geoacoustics and stability Stennis Space Center MS
64.17.01.C0982 NRL Turbulence Modelling and Parameterization Stennis Space Center MS
22.07.03.B8296 EPA Incorporating Autonomous Underwater Gliders into an Intensive Observational Campaign on Lake Superior Duluth MN
22.07.03.C0349 EPA Revitalization of Great Lakes Waterfront Communities Duluth MN
26.65.00.B5362 NOAA Habitat Mediated Species Interactions and Food Web Disruptions in Coastal Ecosystems Ann Arbor MI
26.65.00.B6902 NOAA Ice Climatologist and Climate Modeler Ann Arbor MI
26.13.01.C0973 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: Understanding human community vulnerability and resiliency to ocean acidification to inform viable adaptation and mitigation measures Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0977 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: A broad-scale analysis of ocean carbon observing data to understand ecosystem change across United States Large Marine Ecosystem Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0978 NOAA Ocean Acidification Data Synthesis: Comprehensive understanding of ecosystem and species sensitivity to ocean acidification and other stressors across United States Large Marine Ecosystems Silver Spring MD
26.13.01.C0981 NOAA Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Data Synthesis: analysis of novel ocean data to inform idealized field research design Silver Spring MD
97.15.03.B3674 AMRMC Mechanisms, Sequelae, and Interventions in Brain Injury Silver Spring MD
97.15.03.B7820 AMRMC Science Education Research Silver Spring MD
97.15.03.C0923 AMRMC Bioethics Silver Spring MD
97.15.03.C0947 AMRMC Responsible Conduct of Research Silver Spring MD
97.15.05.B8049 AMRMC Systematics and Evolution of Medically Important Arthropods Silver Spring MD
97.15.05.C0130 AMRMC Taxonomy, Systematics, Genetics and Genomics of Insect Vectors Silver Spring MD
97.15.05.C1021 AMRMC Infectious Diseases-One Health Branch (Silver Spring, MD) Silver Spring MD
97.15.06.C0112 AMRMC Psychological Health and Resilience in Military Psychology Silver Spring MD
97.15.06.C0950 AMRMC Training Unit Leaders and Helpers in Basic Behavioral Health Skills Silver Spring MD
97.15.08.C0644 AMRMC Measurement of Environmental Exposures in Military Training and Associated Effects Silver Spring MD
97.15.09.C0623 AMRMC Trauma and Wound Infection Research Silver Spring MD
97.15.12.B8285 AMRMC Immunology and Systems Biology of Dengue Virus Vaccination and Natural Infections Silver Spring MD
97.15.12.C0430 AMRMC Infectious Disease Genomics Viruses Silver Spring MD
97.15.12.C0521 AMRMC Molecular Virology and Vaccinology Silver Spring MD
97.15.12.C0586 AMRMC Mosquito Factors to Improve Models and Therapeutics for Mosquito-Borne Viruses Silver Spring MD
97.15.30.B6759 AMRMC Malaria Immunology Silver Spring MD
97.15.51.C0262 AMRMC Mitochondria Targeted Neuroprotection Therapeutics for Traumatic Brain Injury Silver Spring MD
97.15.52.B4509 AMRMC Strategies for Maintaining Neurobehavioral Effectiveness during Chronic Sleep Restriction and Total Sleep Deprivation Silver Spring MD
97.15.52.B6954 AMRMC Performance Assessment, Preclinical Drug Development, and Chemical Evaluation Silver Spring MD
97.15.52.C0181 AMRMC Developing Treatment Strategies to Promote Recovery from Traumatic Stress Silver Spring MD
97.15.52.C0457 AMRMC Systems Biology for Diseases of Military Relevance Silver Spring MD
97.15.52.C0780 AMRMC Operational Research Team - Sleep and Human Performance Research Scientist Silver Spring MD
50.60.01.C0790 NIST Urban Greenhouse Gas Measurements and Modeling Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B1984 NIST Neutron Scattering Studies of Superconductivity and Magnetism Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B1988 NIST Dynamics and Structure of Molecules and Solids Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B1993 NIST Nanoscale Magnetic Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B1994 NIST Neutron Reflectometry Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B1995 NIST Carbon Dioxide Capture, Storage and Utilization Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B2000 NIST Neutron Scattering Studies of Biological Macromolecules Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B5445 NIST Neutron Scattering Studies of Quantum Magnetism Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B6278 NIST Dynamics and Structure of Multiferroic Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B6532 NIST Hydrogen Storage Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B6535 NIST Mechanisms and Kinetics of Membrane Protein Crystallization in Self-Assembled Mesophases Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B6536 NIST New Insights into Shear-Induced Effects in Complex Fluids Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B6867 NIST Structure and Dynamics of Energy Storage Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B7029 NIST Fuel Cells and Related Structures and Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B7030 NIST Structures of Thin-Film Hydrogen-Storage and Hydrogen-Containing Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B7645 NIST Supramolecular Structures on Lipid Membranes: Understanding Viral Assembly Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B7804 NIST Neutron Reflectometry Investigations for Energy Production, Conversion, and Storage Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B7995 NIST Nanoparticle Suspensions for Flow Batteries Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B8035 NIST Structure and Dynamics of Ferroelectric and Relaxor Materials Studied with Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B8467 NIST Developing Advanced Neutron Reflectometry Techniques to Study Membrane-Associated Proteins Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B8482 NIST Studying Colloidal Self-Assembly and Porous Solids with Small Angle Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B8527 NIST Mechanistic Investigation of Gas Storage and Separation in Porous Framework Materials Using Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.B8563 NIST Lipid Membrane Structure and Dynamics Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0017 NIST Crystallographic investigation of novel materials using Neutron and X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0032 NIST New Quantum Materials-Synthesis, Electronic Properties, Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0048 NIST Nanopores as Single-Molecule Probes of Protein-Lipid Interactions Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0259 NIST Computational Investigation of Flexible Metal-Organic Framework Materials for Gas Storage and Separation Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0300 NIST Applications of Machine Learning/AI to Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0408 NIST Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites Investigated by Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0413 NIST Structure and Dynamics of Colloidal Gel and Glass Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0423 NIST Shear Induced Structures in Colloidal Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0477 NIST Investigating Time-dependent or Transient Structures of Complex Soft Matter Materials Driven by External Stimuli Using Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0506 NIST Structure-Property Relationships in Soft Materials and Complex Fluids Investigated with Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0675 NIST Computational Investigation of Carbon Capture Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C0836 NIST Studying the structures and interactions of proteins and biomacromolecules in solutions using scattering techniques Gaithersburg MD
50.61.01.C1002 NIST Structure and stability of lipid-based drug delivery platforms Gaithersburg MD
50.63.21.C0659 NIST Confident Identification of Metabolites in Biological Samples Gaithersburg MD
50.64.10.B8248 NIST Dynamic, In Situ and Operando Electron Microscopy for GHz Materials Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.10.C0708 NIST Machine learning on facility-scale data and autonomous electron microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B1819 NIST The Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B1964 NIST Magnetic Structure of Alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B1981 NIST Proximal Probe Studies of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B3954 NIST Hydration of polymer dielectrics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B4044 NIST Advanced Optical Studies of Surfaces and Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B4434 NIST Theory and Simulation of Polymers and Other Soft Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B4440 NIST Statistical Physics Applied to the Deformation of Metals Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5584 NIST Microfluidics for Characterization of Complex Fluids Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5585 NIST Nanomechanical Properties of Polymer Thin Films Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5588 NIST Small-Angle Scattering of Nanoscale Structures: Critical Dimensions and Materials Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5602 NIST Phase Field Modeling Tools and Bridging Length Scales Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5606 NIST Spintronics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5607 NIST Magnetic Nanotechnology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5612 NIST Measurements of the Underlying Processes of Metals Deformation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5614 NIST Modeling Metals Deformation at the Nanoscale Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B5946 NIST Combinatorial Approaches to Intelligent Surfaces by Polymer Grafting Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6151 NIST Fundamentals of Charged Macromolecules at Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6276 NIST Direct Measurement of Multiaxial Yield Surfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6778 NIST Spatially Resolved Microstructure of Organic Semiconductors Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6780 NIST Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaic Film Architecture Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6782 NIST Nanoimprint Lithography Patterning of Functional Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6790 NIST Diffusion in Advanced Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B6958 NIST Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7259 NIST Polymers from Renewable Feedstocks for Sustainability Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7261 NIST Polymer Dynamics for Energy Storage and Delivery Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7263 NIST Structure and Dynamics of Membranes and Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Fuel Cell Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7320 NIST Spectroscopic and Microscopic Determination of DNA Wrapping Structures on Carbon Nanotubes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7327 NIST Protein and Surfactant Corona Measurement on Dispersed Carbon Nanotubes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7328 NIST Purified Nanotubes for Intrinsic Property Measurement Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7361 NIST Structural Measurements to Enable Photovoltaics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7500 NIST Interface Characterization in Sustainable Composites Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7643 NIST Polymer Membranes for Water Purification Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7654 NIST Block Copolymer Lithography Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7663 NIST Integrating Data and Computational Tools for Advanced Materials Design Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7735 NIST Microwave Conductivity of Carbon-Based Nanocomposites Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7754 NIST Neutrons for Soft Materials Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7793 NIST Characterization of Complex Colloids via Analytical Ultracentrifugation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7809 NIST Multiscale Modeling of Interfacial Environments around Carbon Nanotubes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7811 NIST Structure, Dynamics, and Transport Properties of Confined Polyelectrolytes for Energy Storage and Delivery Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B7890 NIST Materials Modeling, Characterization, and Design for Plasticity Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8018 NIST Physical and Chemical Mechanisms of Single-wall Carbon Nanotube Separations Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8019 NIST Organic Phase Separations of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8026 NIST Model Polyelectrolyte Solutions and Complexes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8027 NIST Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers Into Particles and Gels: Model Biomaterials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8037 NIST Finite Element and Crystal Plasticity Modeling for the Development of Lightweighting Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8063 NIST Microstructure Evolution Models for Optimizing Metals Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8065 NIST Phase-Based Property Data Informatics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8083 NIST First-Principle Based Modeling for Advancing 2D Electronics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8104 NIST Advancing State-of-the-Art Material Phase and Crystallographic Texture Characterization Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8146 NIST Theory of Macromolecules and Other Soft Materials at Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8147 NIST Qualifying and Quantifying Order in Soft Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8210 NIST Colloidal Phase Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes under High Concentrations of Polymers and Salts Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8211 NIST Chiral Assembly of Chromophores at Nanoscale Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8224 NIST Dynamic Mechanical Property Measurements of Metals, Ceramics, and Polymers Using Novel Kolsky Bar Techniques Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8270 NIST Physical Models and Characterization of Olefinic Copolymers Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8284 NIST Model Polymer Gels and Networks for Rational Sustainable Design Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8293 NIST Solid-State NMR for Molecular Transport and Polymer Segmental Dynamics in Water/Ion Swollen Polymer Membranes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8306 NIST Microstructural Modeling of Additively Manufactured Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8309 NIST Processing-Structure-Property Relationships for ICME of Advanced Engineering Alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8344 NIST Low-Dimensional Materials for Electronics, Photonics, Energy, and Sensors Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8470 NIST Theory and Simulation of Polyelectrolyte Complexation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8484 NIST Polymers Additive Manufacturing and Rheology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8556 NIST X-ray Scattering to Determine Soft Matter Materials Structure Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8561 NIST Rheo-Raman Microscopy for Soft Matter Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8562 NIST Processing and crystallization of mixed plastics to improve recycling Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.B8564 NIST High Rate Mechanical Properties of Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0049 NIST Electrochemical Surface Science of Metal-Electrolyte Interfaces: Theory and Experiment Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0073 NIST Polymer Thin Film Structure and Composition Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0086 NIST Mechanisms of polyplex formation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0165 NIST Computational Soft Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0166 NIST The Materials Genome Initiative for Polymers and Soft Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0192 NIST Materials characterization and performance of additively-manufactured alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0193 NIST Corrosion Behavior of Additively-Manufactured Alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0200 NIST Design, Characterization, and Modeling of Sequence Controlled Polymers Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0299 NIST Dielectric and Rheological Characterization of Chiral Cellulose Nanocrystal Polymer Composites Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0328 NIST Protein Aggregation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0359 NIST Structure refinement of solid polymers using NMR and computational methods Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0381 NIST Modulating quantum structure of 1D materials by covalent surface chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0400 NIST Viscoelastic flow instabilities and turbulence Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0401 NIST Mechanical Behavior of Organ-on-Chip Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0473 NIST Incorporating Theory and Domain Knowledge into the Machine Learning of Polymeric Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0483 NIST Polymer Mechanics, Dynamics, and Transport Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0513 NIST Computational Electrochemistry and Dielectric Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0572 NIST Novel Magnetic Materials for Advanced Spin-Based Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0573 NIST Spin-orbit Phenomena in Magnetic Thin Films Coupled with Low-Dimensional Materials for Spintronics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0584 NIST Combining Theory, Simulation, Machine Learning, and Autonomous Experiments for Industrial Formulation Discovery Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0598 NIST Advanced Imaging and Mechanical Characterization of Polymer Matrix Composite Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0601 NIST Blood Analogues and Flow Stress Visualization for Medical Device Testing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0614 NIST Carbon Nanotubes for Optical Applications - Directed Assembly, Characterization, and Emergent Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0643 NIST Dynamic Atomistic Predictions of Crystalline, Crystal Defect and Liquid Metal Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0656 NIST Developing Novel Additive Manufacturing Processing Methods Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0762 NIST Polymer Membranes and Sorbents for CO2 Capture Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0800 NIST Data-driven materials discovery and design Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0832 NIST Identifying Material Behavior from Measurements and Simulations in Advanced Mechanical Testing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0917 NIST EUV Photoresist Chemistry and Structure Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0935 NIST Structure, property and performance of high impurity-tolerant metals and alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0942 NIST Improving Sorting of Polyolefins for the Circular Economy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0951 NIST Development of a Digital Twin Framework for Metal Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0952 NIST Operando Investigation of Electrochemical Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.21.C0998 NIST Exploring Material Behavior Across Scales: Mechanical Characterization, Microstructural Analysis, FEA/AI/ML Modeling, and Automation Approaches Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B1654 NIST Microbeam Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B1661 NIST Submicroscopic Chemical and Physical Characterization of Materials and Particles Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B4039 NIST Electronic Structure of Organic Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B5251 NIST Computational Studies of Functional Oxide Materials and Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B6246 NIST Quantitative Modeling of Complex Microanalytical Problems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B6481 NIST Atomic-Resolution Chemical Imaging of Individual Nanostructures in an Aberration-Corrected STEM/TEM Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B6766 NIST Determining Local and Nanoscale Structure in Inorganic Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B6980 NIST Super-Resolution Chemical Imaging Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7417 NIST Carbon (CO2) Capture, Selective Gas Sorbent Materials, and Carbon Sequestration Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7517 NIST Speciation and Related Chemical Information from X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7650 NIST Forensic Trace Evidence Analysis and Standards Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7684 NIST Biological 3D Correlative Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7922 NIST Compressive Sensing Methods for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7958 NIST Nano- and Atomic-Resolution Electron Microscopy of Three-Dimensional Structures Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B7985 NIST Adsorption Science to Enable Sustainable Development Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8070 NIST Surface Metrology of Nanomaterials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8183 NIST Microstructure of Structural and Functional Ceramics for Additive Manufacturing, Energy Conversion and Storage Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8187 NIST Mass Spectrometry Metrology for Trace Detection and Chemical Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8238 NIST Enabling Advanced Functionalities in Photonics using Low-Dimensional Semiconductors Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8265 NIST Machine Learning for High Throughput Materials Discovery and Optimization Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8272 NIST Elucidating Factors Contributing to Sustainability and Efficacy of Nanomaterials in Complex Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8291 NIST Separation of Small Molecules and Polymers through Nanochannels Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8316 NIST Computational Studies of Nanoporous Solids Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8437 NIST Improving Efficacy through New Measurements and Classical Design Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8442 NIST Surface Chemical Imaging of Commercially and Biologically Relevant Materials for Quantitative Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8443 NIST Transport Property Measurements for Semiconductors and Energy Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8458 NIST First-Principles Modeling of Electronic Structure and Near-Edge X-Ray Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8459 NIST Four-Dimensional (4D) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8463 NIST High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy Using Microcalorimeter Detectors Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8486 NIST Reclamation of high strength fibers from thermosetting composite materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8487 NIST Long-Term Performance of Textiles, Nanocomposites, and High Strength Fibers Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8551 NIST Point-of-Care Pharmaceutical Manufacturing for Precision Medicine Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8558 NIST Machine Learning for Autonomous Genetic Engineering of Microbial Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.B8559 NIST Machine Learning-driven Autonomous Systems for Materials Discovery and Optimization Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0042 NIST Advanced Methods for Analysis of Nanomaterial Performance and Reactivity Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0043 NIST Advanced Regulatory Science for Nanotechnology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0217 NIST Mass Spectrometry and Chemometrics for Forensic Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0227 NIST Towards Understanding the Structure and Microstructure Evolution Kinetics of Additive Manufactured Alloys Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0280 NIST Characterization of nanocomposites from additive manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0292 NIST Metrology for Nanomaterial-Based Non-Biological Complex Drugs Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0293 NIST Chemical and Physical Metrology for Micro- and Nanoplastics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0343 NIST Ultrafast Materials Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0344 NIST Advanced Forensic Toxicology Measurements through Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0362 NIST Application of Knowledge Graphs to Materials Science and Engineering Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0529 NIST Strengthening Forensic Fire Debris Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0530 NIST Advancing Forensic Seized Drug Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0595 NIST First Principles Materials Modeling and Materials Discovery Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0621 NIST Advanced Nanoscale Property Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0642 NIST Separation and quantitative measurement methods for micro- and nanoplastics in complex matrices Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0666 NIST Micro- and Nanoplastics Chemical Characterization and Quantification Measurement Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0712 NIST Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Measurements to Elucidate Porosity of Carbon Capture Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0716 NIST Advanced Separation Methods to Facilitate a Circular Economy for Textiles Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0718 NIST In-situ characterization by Raman-spectroscopy enhanced instrumented indentation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0724 NIST Nanoscale Strain Measurement for Semiconductors and Advanced Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0754 NIST Mass Spectrometry Metrology to Enhance Nuclear Safeguards-related Particle Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0795 NIST High Performance Energy Dispersive Electron Excited X-ray Microanalysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0823 NIST Synchrotron Characterization of Advanced Manufacturing Processes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0872 NIST In situ characterization of advanced ceramic sintering processes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0878 NIST Scientific machine learning methods for trustable accelerated materials characterization and design Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0886 NIST Advancing Drug Detection and Identification for Public Health and Harm Reduction Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C0890 NIST Autonomous MOF Synthesis for Direct Air Capture Sorbents Gaithersburg MD
50.64.31.C1004 NIST High-Speed X-ray Analysis for Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B4242 NIST Population genetics, molecular evolution and bioinformatics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B6517 NIST Screening Cell Response to Tissue Scaffold Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B6740 NIST Quantitative Flow Cytometry Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7203 NIST Multiplexed Biomolecular Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7206 NIST Microsystems for Massively Multiplexed Molecular Biology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7296 NIST Advanced Methods for Screening Human Stem Cell Function in 3D Tissue Scaffolds Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7297 NIST Measuring Cell Viability in Scaffolds Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7298 NIST Functional Measurements of Tissue Engineered Retinal Pigment Epithelium Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7314 NIST Quantification of Bacteria Colonization on Controlled Surfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7315 NIST Protein and Bacterial Biofouling on Medical Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7316 NIST Chemical and Structural Spatial Distribution of Biofilms Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7369 NIST Metrology for Microbial Community Dynamics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7624 NIST Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements for Chemical and Biochemical Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7641 NIST Advancing Cell-Based Viral Infectivity Assays: Enhancing Reproducibility and Automation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7834 NIST Measurement Science and Engineering Biology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7844 NIST Precision Medicine Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7854 NIST Living Measurement Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B7956 NIST Novel Light Scattering Imaging to Measure the Mass of Gene Delivery Particles Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8005 NIST Developing Biomarkers for Pluripotency and Differentiation in Live Cells Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8161 NIST Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy through AFM for Mechanics and Kinetics of Cell-Materials and Cell-Cell Adhesive Interaction Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8169 NIST Mathematical Models for Characterizing Pluripotent Stem Cell Populations Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8206 NIST Microbial “Dark Matter” Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8208 NIST Measuring Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8223 NIST Multiplexed Assays for Cell-based Production of Biopharmaceuticals Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8229 NIST Tools to Predict the Emergence and Spread of Anti-Microbial Resistance Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8332 NIST Development of Hyperspectral Raman Imaging for Biology and Medicine: Optical Platform and Data Mining Methods Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8352 NIST Rapid Pathogen Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8353 NIST Mixed Pathogen Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8375 NIST Engineering Complex Microbial Ecosystems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8383 NIST Design Principles for Advanced Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8384 NIST Advanced Imaging Tools to Measure Dynamics of Pluripotency and Differentiation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8385 NIST Toward Optimized Scheduling of Pluripotent Stem Cell Processing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8449 NIST Research in Development of Nuclear Techniques for Elemental Speciation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8452 NIST Mapping Responses in Complex Microbial Systems using Advanced Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8571 NIST Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy of Higher Order Structures of Protein Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.B8574 NIST Metrology for Epigenetics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0094 NIST Precision Measurements of Cancer Biomarkers for Liquid Biopsies Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0251 NIST Improving Measurement Assurance of In Vitro Toxicity Assays Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0313 NIST Artificial Intelligence for Genomics Reference Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0314 NIST Epigenomics and Transcriptomics Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0317 NIST Genome Assembly Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0318 NIST Cancer Genome Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0326 NIST Analytical Metrology for Quantifying Drug Release Profiles from Nanotechnology-Enabled Medical Products Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0414 NIST Analytical Metrology for Production and Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) as a Drug Delivery System Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0605 NIST Advanced Methods for Measuring Microbial Viability Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0622 NIST Measuring Microbial Interaction Networks within Microbiomes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0678 NIST Evaluating Cell Health for Cell Therapy Products Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0711 NIST Label-Free Cell Imaging Using Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0794 NIST Advanced Imaging of Biomaterials and Smart Polymers Gaithersburg MD
50.64.41.C0984 NIST Microbial Metabolomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B5904 NIST Biopharmaceutical and Membrane Protein Stabilization Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B6483 NIST The Measurement Science of Clinical Proteomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B6643 NIST Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies for Controlled Molecular Self-Assembly, Analytical Biochemistry, and Multiplexed Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B6750 NIST Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Biosimilar Drugs Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B6906 NIST Enabling Research for Next-Generation Chemical and Biochemical Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B6978 NIST Fundamental Studies of Transduction Phenomena for Microscale and Nanoscale Chemical/Biochemical Sensors Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7662 NIST Microfluidics for Biotherapeutics Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7685 NIST Analytical Technology for Biopharmaceutical Process and Product Characterization Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7841 NIST Numerical Methods in Chemical Spectroscopy and Materials Characterization Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7843 NIST Differentiation of Analytical and Biological Variability in Metabolomics using Standard Reference Materials and Multivariate Statistics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7942 NIST In vivo Protein Labeling with Stable Isotopes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7943 NIST Engineering Enzymes for the Biomanufacture of Nucleoside Conjugates Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B7947 NIST Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Clinical Analytes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8099 NIST Development of Technologies to Enable Single Molecule Protein Sequencing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8162 NIST Algorithms for Compound Identification by Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8182 NIST Forensic Genetics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8254 NIST Development of Procedures for Increasing the Information Content of the Biomolecular Solution X-ray Scattering Data and Improving the Accuracy of their Structural Interpretation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8255 NIST Determination of Structural Ensembles Describing Conformational Averaging in Proteins and RNA from Solution NMR and X-ray and Neutron Scattering Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8263 NIST Clinical Genetics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8313 NIST Analytical Methods Development for Metabolomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8331 NIST Next Generation Sequencing Analysis of Forensic Markers Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8453 NIST Characterization of Protein-based Allergens Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8485 NIST High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopic Measurements for 3D Structural “Finger-Printing” of Biological Therapeutics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8536 NIST Computational Methods for NMR Structural Biology and Biomanufacturing of Protein and Live Cell Therapeutics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.B8557 NIST Structure-function Studies of Antimicrobial Peptides in Lipid Membranes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0041 NIST Oxidative DNA damage as bioindicator for environmental genotoxicity Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0267 NIST Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0394 NIST Method development for quantifying protein hormones in clinical applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0395 NIST Advanced computational modeling techniques to enable fast screening of RNA biopharmaceutical products Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0458 NIST Structural Fingerprinting of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0475 NIST Structural Profiling of mRNA Vaccine and Therapeutic Platform Technologies Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0485 NIST Leveraging Artificial Neural Networks for Enhancing GC and LC-MS Metabolomics Data Interpretation and Integration Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0612 NIST Accurate Nucleic Acid Measurements for Molecular Diagnostics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0631 NIST Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines and Biologics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0658 NIST Oligonucleotide Analysis by Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0789 NIST Creating Computational Techniques to Investigate the Ensemble Structures of Flexible Proteins In Combination with Neutron Scattering Data Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0818 NIST Improving Peptide Identification By Making Use of All Levels of Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0839 NIST Structural characterization of LNP/mRNA vaccines by combining CryoEM, SAXS, and SANS Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0899 NIST Applications in Forensic Proteomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0939 NIST Structure-function Analysis of Vaccines using solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Gaithersburg MD
50.64.51.C0941 NIST Real-time monitoring of bioreactions, using in-line, low-field, benchtop NMR, to facilitate adaptive control in biotherapeutic manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B1641 NIST Quantitative Spectroscopic Measurements for Climate Science Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B1709 NIST Analytical Mass Spectrometry for Organics and Biomolecules Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B1711 NIST Novel Analytical Separation Science Methodology Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B1712 NIST Separation Science Techniques for Trace Organic Analysis Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B3922 NIST Diagnostics for Chemical Vapor and Atomic Layer Deposition Processes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B3932 NIST Applications of Organic Analytical Chemistry in Forensic Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B4792 NIST Methods and Applications in Ab Initio Thermochemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B4794 NIST Analytical Methods Development for the Determination of Anthropogenic Contaminants in the Marine Environment Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B5547 NIST Research in Elemental Speciation of Clinical and Biological Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6482 NIST Analytical Chemistry of Nanomaterials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6751 NIST Virtual Measurements from Quantum Chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6773 NIST Computational and Theoretical Approaches for Understanding Complex Fluids Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6907 NIST Research in Metallomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6909 NIST Chemical Metrology of Dietary Supplements Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6986 NIST Development of Methods for High-Accuracy Measurements in Complex Chemical and Biological Samples Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B6989 NIST Depth Profiling Using Neutron Beams Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B7230 NIST Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Chromatographic Sorbents Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B7477 NIST Secondary Organic Aerosol Chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B7728 NIST Applications of Quantum Chemistry to Chemical Structure and Reactivity Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B7914 NIST Measurement Science for Chemical Processes Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8006 NIST Macromolecular Separation Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8156 NIST Determination of Chemical and Microbial Contaminant Profiles in Water Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8168 NIST Catching Crooks with Chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8325 NIST Ultra-Sensitive Molecular Spectroscopy for Applications in Atmospheric Chemistry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8328 NIST Time-Resolved Frequency Comb Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8431 NIST Ab Initio Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8450 NIST Research in Advanced Concepts for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8476 NIST Measurement Science to Promote Water Quality and Health in Aquaculture Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.B8477 NIST Development of Nuclear Analytical Imaging Techniques for Materials Analysis with Spatial and Spectral Specificity Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0054 NIST Advances in High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0098 NIST Uncertainty Analysis for Machine Learning and Optimization Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0235 NIST Metabolomics for human health, food quality and safety, and forensic science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0249 NIST Chemical Speciation on Heterogeneous Surfaces and Interfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0396 NIST Developing Fundamental Understanding of Separation Science Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0449 NIST Computational Self-Assembly of Soft Matter Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0480 NIST Development of New Computational Methodologies for Molecular Simulation of Soft Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0519 NIST Quantitative Aerosol Metrology for Environmental, Climate and Health Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0615 NIST Research in the Measurement Science of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0734 NIST Chemical Metrology of Cannabis Plants and Cannabis-Containing Commercial Products Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0838 NIST Measurement Science and Services for Isotope Metallomics Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0863 NIST Sorbent Measurements for Direct Air Capture (DAC) of Carbon Dioxide Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0909 NIST Theory and Computer Simulation of Soft Materials Using Machine Learning Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0983 NIST Adsorption Sciences: Metrology and Innovation Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C0986 NIST Quantitative Elemental Analysis of Ewaste Gaithersburg MD
50.64.61.C1012 NIST Measurement Science to Advance Understanding of Chemical Equilibria in Natural Waters Gaithersburg MD
50.65.21.C0562 NIST Ceramic Additive/Advanced Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B4789 NIST DNA Transport in Single Nanopores Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7453 NIST Inter-spin Distance Measurements in Nanobiomaterials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7487 NIST Quantum and Classical Light-Matter Interactions in Nanophotonic Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7509 NIST Localization Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7578 NIST Structure-Function Determination of Membrane Proteins Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B7727 NIST Multimodal Transducersfor Nanoscale Sensing, Imaging and Manipulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8072 NIST Theoretical Nanoscale Biophysics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8078 NIST Resonant Micro and Nanoelectromechanical Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8225 NIST Modeling for Quantitative Scanning Electron Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8466 NIST Measurement and Control of Microfluidic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.B8495 NIST DNA as a Model for Self-Assembling Nanoscale Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0078 NIST Drug Toxicity Measurements with Tissues-on-chips and Microphysiologic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0203 NIST Photonic Engineering for Single Quantum Emitters Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0271 NIST Super-resolution Imaging of Single-Molecules as a Tool for Nanoscale Soft Material Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0288 NIST Integrated Microfluidics and Photonics for Chemical and Cellular Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0482 NIST Quantum Transport, Control, and Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0526 NIST Integrated Photonic Interfaces to Free-space Volumes for Miniaturized Atomic and Molecular Optics Systems on a Chip Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0553 NIST Single Molecule Biosensors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0576 NIST Optical Frequency Comb Development for Physical Metrology and Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0628 NIST Nanophotonic Enabled Spatiotemporal Control of Light Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0742 NIST Traceable atomic force microscope dimensional metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0805 NIST Electro-optic frequency combs Gaithersburg MD
50.68.02.C0912 NIST Optical metasurfaces for trapped ion quantum computing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B1737 NIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B4069 NIST Atomic Scale Characterization and Manipulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B4752 NIST Interface Engineering: Using Surface Chemistry to Impart Desired Properties Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6418 NIST Functionalizing Semiconductor Surfaces Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6810 NIST Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanostructures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6811 NIST Nanoparticle Engineering, Production, Assembly, and Characterization Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B6812 NIST Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7333 NIST Power Electronics Performance and Reliability Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7674 NIST Precision Materials for Quantum Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B7877 NIST Ultrafast Condensed-Phase Dynamics Using Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopies Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8024 NIST Atom-based Silicon Quantum Electronics for Quantum Computing and Analog Quantum Simulation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8034 NIST Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8041 NIST Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR, PTIR) Advances and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8196 NIST Nanomagnetism-Dynamics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8247 NIST Enriched Silicon Quantum Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8259 NIST High Frequency Electrical Metrology for Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8273 NIST Nanoscale Characterization of Photovoltaic Materials and Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8389 NIST Solid-State Device Reliability and Resiliency Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8390 NIST Physical, Chemical, and Biological Studies using Spin Resonance Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8456 NIST Femtosecond Time-Resolved Measurements in Semiconductor Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8478 NIST Single Electron Devices for Quantum Information and Metrology in Silicon Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8479 NIST Actinic Optical Dimensional Characterization of Deep-Subwavelength Nanostructures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8512 NIST In Situ SEM-Raman Spectromicroscopy of Working Devices and Active Interfaces under Realistic Conditions: in Liquids and Gases Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8513 NIST Electron Spectroscopy and Microscopy in Liquids and Gases Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.B8528 NIST Advanced Electronic Structure Measurements of Novel Materials and Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0285 NIST Devices, Circuits and Architectures for Neuromorphic Computing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0305 NIST Relating Physics to Performance in Organic Electronic Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0334 NIST Femtosecond Time-resolved Optical Measurements in Condensed Matter Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0419 NIST Two-Dimensional (2-D) Heterostructure Devices and Twisted Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0427 NIST Nanoscale Spectroscopy (AFM-IR, PTIR, STML) for Strongly Correlated Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0660 NIST Quantum Error Correction and Fault-Tolerance Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0739 NIST Fabrication and Characterization of Active Interfaces Relevant to Wide Band Gap (WBG) Semiconductors Electronics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0861 NIST DUV/EUV Nanoscopy for Characterization of Nanoscale Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0862 NIST Physics and applications of high binding energy excitons Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0892 NIST High-Frequency Studies of Topological Insulators (TI’s) Including Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect (QAHE) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0985 NIST Integrated Color Center Devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.03.C0990 NIST Experimental studies of quantum anomalous Hall effect devices Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B1796 NIST Neutron Field Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B4084 NIST Fundamental Physics with Cold Neutrons Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B6257 NIST Neutron Detection and Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7563 NIST Neutron Interferometry and Optics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7575 NIST Medical and Industrial Radiation Research Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7860 NIST Neutron Imaging for Materials and Energy Research Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B7950 NIST Portable Device for Realization of Primary Radioactivity Standards Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8017 NIST Absolute Quantitation in Molecular Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8118 NIST Measurement Science for Nuclear Forensics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8151 NIST Atom and Neutron Interferometry Meet Quantum Information Theory Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.B8214 NIST Metrology for Needed Nuclear Structure and Radioactive Decay Data Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0315 NIST Decay Energy Spectrometry (DES) Using Transition Edge Sensors (TES) For Measuring Absolute Activity of Radionuclides Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0345 NIST Absolute radioactive gas measurements spanning 9 orders of magnitude in activity Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0494 NIST Designing Liquid Scintillators for Optimal Light Yield, Pulse Shape Discrimination, and Neutron Sensitivity for Applications in Neutrino Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0723 NIST Quantum Sensors for Charged Particle Detection and Neutron Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0736 NIST Advanced X-ray Fundamental Parameters Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0831 NIST Inkjet fabrication of phantoms for autoradiography and medical imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.21.C0918 NIST Using Neutron Interferometry to Measure Material Structure and Probe New Physics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7380 NIST MEMS-Based Scanning Probe Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7582 NIST Advanced Ballistics Identification Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B7785 NIST Nanoelectronic-Based Manipulation and Measurement Tools for Biological Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8219 NIST Dimensioning Newton's Constant: Subpicometer Displacement Interferometry, Submicrometer Mechanical Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8326 NIST Electronic and Optomechanical Measurements of Biomolecules Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.B8393 NIST MEMS/NEMS Resonators Gaithersburg MD
50.68.31.C0620 NIST Integrated Cavity Optomechanics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B1752 NIST Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B4399 NIST Bose Einstein Condensation Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B4400 NIST Quantum Information and Quantum Optics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B5237 NIST Theory of Quantum Computing with Ultracold Neutral Atoms Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B5919 NIST Atom-based Solid-state Quantum Devices and Simulators Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B6736 NIST Intrinsic Force Standards Based on Atomic and Molecular Interactions Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B6755 NIST Engineering Atoms for Fundamental Constants and Atomic Data Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7322 NIST Conductivity and Resistivity of Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7593 NIST Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Constants Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B7753 NIST Graphene Metrology for New Intrinsic Quantum Electrical Standards and Device Technologies Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8007 NIST Advanced Properties of Single-photon Sources and Detectors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8094 NIST Atomic Physics for Plasma Spectroscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8101 NIST Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Information Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8137 NIST Quantum-Accurate Waveform Synthesis and Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8145 NIST Quantum Optomechanical Force Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8149 NIST Advanced Instrumentation for Fundamental Electrical Measurements Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8166 NIST Quantum Hall Effect in Epitaxial Graphene Monolayers Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8278 NIST Micro- and Nano-Optomechanical Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8286 NIST Fabry-Perot Interferometry for Accelerometers Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8321 NIST Advanced Single-Photon-Detector Technologies for Quantum Communications and Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.B8455 NIST Optical cavity primary sound measurement Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0031 NIST N-Photon Entanglement and N-Photon Detection for Quantum-Based Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0037 NIST Single-Photon Devices for Quantum Information Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0070 NIST Discrete Photon Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0425 NIST Quantum-Enabled Communications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0676 NIST Single-Photon Detection Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0681 NIST Neural Networks in Dynamic Mechanical Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0702 NIST Quantum Biophotonics Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0703 NIST Testable Predictions of Superradiance and Related Dicke State Phenomena Gaithersburg MD
50.68.41.C0975 NIST Theory of Entangled Pair Generation in Laser-Prepared Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7533 NIST Synchrotron Radiation Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7534 NIST Metrology for Semiconductor Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7535 NIST Measurement Science for Astronomy Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7536 NIST Fluid Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7538 NIST Photometry, Colorimetry, and Solid-State Lighting Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7540 NIST Infrared Technology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7541 NIST Ground- and Space-Based Remote Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7542 NIST Optical Properties of Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7543 NIST Temperature Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7548 NIST Next Generation Flow Measurement Standards and Technology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B7910 NIST Applications of Computational Optical Imaging Methods Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B8194 NIST Intraoperative Visualization Tools Using Optical Molecular Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.B8354 NIST Quantum Nanophotonic Sensor for Precision Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0027 NIST Infrared Detection Using Novel Devices and Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0034 NIST Pressure and Vacuum Measurement and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0070 NIST Discrete Photon Detection Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0233 NIST 3D Thermal Imaging and Control with Magnetic Nano-objects Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0380 NIST Miniaturized Cold Atom Sensors Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0577 NIST Machine Learning Driven Autonomous Metrology System Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0630 NIST Platform for Realizing Integrated Molecule Experiments (PRIME) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0645 NIST Fundamental measurements of the metal additive manufacturing process Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0661 NIST Compact Blackbody Rydberg Atom Sensor (CoBRAS) Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0699 NIST Refractive Index Properties of Bulk and Nano-scale Materials from VUV to mid-IR Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0830 NIST Non-metal fixed points Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0848 NIST Quantum Optomechanical Thermodynamic Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0887 NIST Light-Scatter Nanoscopy of Gene Delivery Systems and Complex Bio-Nanoparticles Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0944 NIST Measurement Science for Astrophysics and Remote Sensing Gaithersburg MD
50.68.51.C0988 NIST Deployable Doppler Broadening Thermometry Gaithersburg MD
50.69.81.B8410 NIST Noise Thermometry Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B4445 NIST Characterization of Interfaces and Interphases in Polymeric Material Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B5279 NIST Service Life Prediction of Polymeric Materials and Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B5285 NIST Fundamental Studies of Polymer Mechanical Properties and Adhesion Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B6281 NIST Prevention of Progressive Structural Collapse Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B7075 NIST Computational Modeling of Progressive Structural Failure and Collapse Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B7171 NIST Mechanical Properties of Polymers, Cementitious Materials, Composite Construction Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B7917 NIST Rheological Measurements of Cementitious Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B7997 NIST Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Degrading Reinforced Concrete Structures Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B8155 NIST Community Resilience Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B8402 NIST Hydrodynamicist; Coastal Engineer Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B8426 NIST Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterization in Engineered Polymeric Materials Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.B8494 NIST Community Resilience - Planning Guidance, Infrastructure Design and Performance Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0052 NIST Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0169 NIST Improving Functional Recovery of Buildings and Infrastructure Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0406 NIST Testing and Analysis of Structural Systems with Enhanced Robustness Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0415 NIST Wind Hazard Characterization and Building Performance Evaluation for Hurricane Maria Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0498 NIST Performance-based Design for Structures in Fire Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0581 NIST Durability of fiber-reinforced polymer composite retrofits used in buildings and infrastructure Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0687 NIST Community Resilience -- Systems modeling Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0689 NIST Community Resilience Metrics Gaithersburg MD
50.73.11.C0722 NIST Low-Damage Earthquake-Resistant Structures Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.B8164 NIST Investigations into Indoor Air Chemistry and Exposure Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.B8271 NIST Burning Velocity Measurement and Predictive Methods for Marginally Flammable Refrigerants Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.B8395 NIST Building Energy and Environmental Impacts Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.B8433 NIST Modeling and Measuring Indoor Air Quality in High-Performance Buildings Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.C0320 NIST Improving Control of Building Mechanical Services Using Embedded Intelligence and Sensors Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.C0428 NIST Luminescence-based Imaging Techniques for Photovoltaics Gaithersburg MD
50.73.21.C0786 NIST Advanced Control Systems in Commercial HVAC Equipment in the Intelligent Building Agents Laboratory Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B3966 NIST Large Eddy Simulation of Fires and Combustion Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B4446 NIST Fire Dynamics and Fire Protection Engineering Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B7100 NIST Flammability and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Research Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B7173 NIST High-performance Computing and Data Visualization for the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B7175 NIST Full Scale Enclosure Fire Measurements at the NIST Large Fire Laboratory Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B8086 NIST Full-Scale Testing of Structural Concrete at the National Fire Research Laboratory Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.B8195 NIST Measurement Science for Fire Research Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.C0531 NIST Thermal, Flow, and Particle Characterization in Fire Environments Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.C0710 NIST Artificial Intelligence and Smart Fire Fighting Gaithersburg MD
50.73.31.C0765 NIST Material Flammability, Ignitability, and Fire Growth Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.B7870 NIST Measurement Science for Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.B8258 NIST Augmented Intelligence for Semiconductor Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.C0072 NIST Measurement Science for Manufacturing Robotic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.C0902 NIST Augmented Intelligence for Manufacturing Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.C0992 NIST In-process Monitoring and Quality Control of Metals Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.C0997 NIST Metrology for fundamental properties of laser-matter interaction in metal-based additive manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.73.51.C1013 NIST Measurement Science for Metal Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing Gaithersburg MD
50.73.61.C0535 NIST Applied Economics Community Resilience Modeling Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B4449 NIST Mathematical Modeling of Magnetic Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B4450 NIST Applied Optimization and Simulation Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B4825 NIST Scientific Datamining Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B6541 NIST Quantum communication Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B6663 NIST Immersive Visualization Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B7281 NIST Standardizing of Measurements on Medical Images Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B7430 NIST Complex Systems and Networks: Performance, Control, and Security Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B7763 NIST Real-time Quantitative Visualization Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B8287 NIST Modeling Complex Microstructures Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.B8345 NIST Quantum Frequency Conversion for Hybrid Quantum Networks Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0035 NIST Quantum Information and Cryptography, and Machine Learning Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0256 NIST Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Uncertainty Quantification Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0297 NIST Validated Computation of Special Functions: DLMF Standard Reference Tables on Demand Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0388 NIST Autonomous Control of Quantum Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0669 NIST Optical Quantum Metrology Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0672 NIST Quantum Network Testbeds Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0761 NIST Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0764 NIST Quantum and classical error correction Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0797 NIST Autonomous tuning for high-fidelity operations of silicon spin qubits Gaithersburg MD
50.77.11.C0860 NIST Applied Mathematics of Soft, Fluid, and Active Matter Gaithersburg MD
50.77.21.B7382 NIST Indoor Localization and Tracking Gaithersburg MD
50.77.21.B8052 NIST Robust Inter-Domain Routing Gaithersburg MD
50.77.21.B8519 NIST Next Generation Wireless Networks Gaithersburg MD
50.77.31.B7613 NIST Public Key Cryptography and Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.77.31.B7615 NIST Lightweight Cryptography for Resource Constrained Applications Gaithersburg MD
50.77.31.C0020 NIST Access Control (Authorization) Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.77.31.C0556 NIST Cryptography Through the Lens of Quantum Information Science Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7525 NIST Advancing Health Information Technology Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7526 NIST Testing the Health Care Information Infrastructure Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7527 NIST Computational Metrology for Systems Biology and Medicine Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7528 NIST Standards and Algorithms for Enhancing Quality in Medical Imaging Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7529 NIST Research in Cyber-Physical Systems Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7872 NIST Models and Protocols for Accelerated Simulations of Molecular Interactions and Dynamics Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7916 NIST Mathematical Foundations for System Interoperability Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.B7982 NIST Enabling Science from Big Microscopy Image Data Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.C0374 NIST Computational Metrology for Neutron Interferometric Microscopy Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.C0391 NIST Generating Ontologies from Domain Corpora using Artificial Intelligence Techniques Gaithersburg MD
50.77.51.C0802 NIST Explainable Artificial Intelligence Gaithersburg MD
50.77.61.C0058 NIST Statistical Methods for Extreme Values Gaithersburg MD
50.77.61.C0230 NIST Statistical Learning in Functional Data and 3d Imaging Gaithersburg MD
97.20.00.B3460 AMRMC Molecular Virology - Vaccine development and correlates of protection Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B3474 AMRMC Aerobiology Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B4228 AMRMC Respiratory Immunology Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B5410 AMRMC Hantavirus and Orthopoxvirus Countermeasures Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B7426 AMRMC Viral Pathogenesis and Animal Models Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B7865 AMRMC Dissecting the Immunological Response against Extremely Dangerous Pathogens Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B8047 AMRMC Omics-based System Level Approaches to Investigate Biological Consequences of Bacterial and Viral Infection and Therapeutics at the Molecular Level Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B8095 AMRMC Molecular Pathogenesis of Yersinia pestis, Francisella tularensis, and Burkholderia Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.B8337 AMRMC Burkholderia pseudomallei Animal Modeling for Future Testing of Novel Medical Countermeasures Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0189 AMRMC Protective Immune Response Against Yersinia pestis Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0743 AMRMC Development, optimization, and verification of novel molecular diagnostic techniques for the identification of biothreat pathogens Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0745 AMRMC Discovery and Development of Therapeutics against New and Emerging viral Pathogens Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0746 AMRMC Development and application of immunodiagnostic methods for emerging infectious disease detection and surveillance Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0763 AMRMC Host-pathogen interaction of emerging viruses Fort Detrick MD
97.20.00.C0810 AMRMC Project Implementation Team - Emerging virus animal model development and countermeasure testing and evaluation Fort Detrick MD
36.01.00.C0509 NSA Basic and Applied Novel Materials and Devices Research College Park MD
36.01.00.C0511 NSA 2D Materials and Devices for High Performance Computing College Park MD
36.01.00.C0514 NSA Epitaxial Materials for Quantum Information Science College Park MD
36.01.00.C0523 NSA Integrated Photonic Devices for High Performance Computing Interconnects College Park MD
36.01.00.C0524 NSA Integrated Photonic Transducers College Park MD
36.01.00.C0593 NSA Novel Digital Superconducting Logic College Park MD
36.01.00.C0748 NSA Antiferromagnetic Spintronics for High-Performance Computing College Park MD
11.01.01.B7072 CCDC CBC Protein Toxin Structure and Conformational Dynamics Associated with Ligand and Macromolecule Binding Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.B8244 CCDC CBC Novel Material Design for the Mitigation of Chemical Threats and Protection of the Warfighter Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0026 CCDC CBC Synthetic Biology for Advancing Materials Science Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0238 CCDC CBC In Silico Prediction of Chemical Toxicity Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0274 CCDC CBC Electrophysiological Characterization of Ion Channel Modulating Substances Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0275 CCDC CBC In Vitro Models of Organ Toxicity Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0559 CCDC CBC Communicating Science to a K-12 STEM Audience Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0737 CCDC CBC Composites from Polymers and Metal-Organic Frameworks for Novel Personal Protective Equipment Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0738 CCDC CBC Development of Novel Materials for the Mitigation of Chemical Threats and Enhanced Aerosolized Obscuration Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.01.C0873 CCDC CBC Controlling and Tuning Chemical Transport in Polymeric Materials and Composites for Protection and Hazard Mitigation Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.B0034 CCDC CBC Bio-inspired Optical and Spectral Materials Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.B4464 CCDC CBC Biological and Chemical Recognition and Response Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.B4587 CCDC CBC Synthetic Biology and Paper-based Gene Switches for Detection in Austere Environments Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.B4623 CCDC CBC Elucidation of Virulence Mechanisms and Detection of Pathogens Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.C0311 CCDC CBC Deployable and Automated Biological Assay for Biological Detection Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.C0373 CCDC CBC Multiomic Mass Spectrometry Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.C0392 CCDC CBC Bio-Manufacturing of metabolically engineered cells using synthetic biology Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.04.C0560 CCDC CBC Cell-free Biomanufacturing Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
11.01.07.B8201 CCDC CBC Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopic Analysis for Chemical, Biological, Energetic, and Narcotic Materials Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
97.25.10.B3487 AMRMC Brain Neurotransmitters Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
97.25.10.B7179 AMRMC Assessment of chemical-induced seizure, neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation: efficacy of medical countermeasures Aberdeen Proving Ground MD
26.03.38.B6559 NOAA Advanced Sampling Technologies in the Northwest Atlantic Woods Hole MA
39.01.02.B0743 CCDC SC Magnetic-Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopic Determinations of Food Matrices Natick MA
39.01.02.B7156 CCDC SC The Enhanced Quasi-Chemical Model for Bacterial Spore Decontamination by High Pressure Natick MA
39.01.02.B7157 CCDC SC Novel Chlorine Dioxide Technologies Natick MA
50.64.62.B1712 NIST Separation Science Techniques for Trace Organic Analysis Waimanalo HI
50.64.62.B4794 NIST Analytical Methods Development for the Determination of Anthropogenic Contaminants in the Marine Environment Waimanalo HI
50.64.62.C0219 NIST Chemical Measurement Services for Assessing Plastic Marine Debris Pollution Waimanalo HI
97.15.02.C0846 AMRMC Discovery of natural phages in Eastern EUCOM region to target MDR ESKAPE pathogens for wound infection countermeasure development Tbilisi GEORGIA
22.08.04.B6522 EPA Environmental biomonitoring using metabolomics Athens GA
26.03.60.B6062 NOAA Ecosystem-Based Analysis and Management of Apex Predators Panama City FL
26.03.43.C0172 NOAA Stock Assessment / Ecosystem-based Approaches to Fishery Management Miami FL
26.03.43.C0478 NOAA Marine Mammal Passive Acoustic Monitoring, Ecology, and Conservation Miami FL
26.51.00.B6308 NOAA Nutrient Dynamics in the Oceans Miami FL
26.51.00.B8111 NOAA Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Variability and its Impact on Extreme Weather Miami FL
26.51.00.B8119 NOAA Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat, Salt, and Carbon Miami FL
26.51.00.B8511 NOAA Inter-Hemispheric Variability of AMOC and its Impacts on Global Monsoon Circulations and Extreme Weather Events Miami FL
26.51.00.C0474 NOAA Coral Reef Responses to Global Change Miami FL
26.51.00.C0784 NOAA Tropical Cyclones: Physical Processes and Forecast Improvements Miami FL
26.51.00.C0966 NOAA Tropical cyclone-ocean interaction Miami FL
13.45.01.B7694 AF STFP Additive Manufacturing of Multifunctional Materials Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.B6624 AF STFP Energetic Nanocluster Thin Films Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.B6888 AF STFP Structural Dynamics Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.B7106 AF STFP Meso-structure – Property – Performance Relationships in Energetic Materials Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.B7604 AF STFP Detonating Systems Research Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.B8392 AF STFP Electromagnetics, Plasmonics, Photonics, and Metamaterials Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.C0147 AF STFP Structural Dynamics and Instrumentation of Electronic Systems Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.C0634 AF STFP Understanding Explosive Behavior Through Quantified Microstructural Information Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.C0904 AF STFP Probing Interfacial and Micro-structural Influences on Detonation Chemistry, Sensitivity, and Resilience of Energetic Materials Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.02.C0961 AF STFP Exploring the Thermomechanical Response of Composite Explosives at Multiple Length Scales and Strain Rates Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.B7085 AF STFP Centralized Control Algorithms on a Wireless Grid Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.B7505 AF STFP Characterization of Photonic Crystals, Metamaterials, and Metasurfaces Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.B7626 AF STFP Target Phenomenology Modeling and Simulation for Munition Sensors Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.B8521 AF STFP Unconventional Distributed Sensor Optimization and Integration for Robust Agile Flight Control Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.C0356 AF STFP Photon-Phonon Coupling in Optomechanical Crystals Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.C0518 AF STFP Design of Hybrid Nano-Optical Systems Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.03.C0602 AF STFP Efficient Robust Sensing and Processing Based on Biological Design Principles Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.B7894 AF STFP Lasers, Sensors, and Quantum Technology Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.B8425 AF STFP Engineered Electromagnetic Materials, Metamaterials, Light-Matter Interactions, Subwavelength Photonics Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.B8462 AF STFP Guidance and Control Strategies for Adaptive Morphing Unmanned Air Systems in Complex Environments Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.B8465 AF STFP Next-Generation Computational Methods for Scalable Computing Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.C0100 AF STFP Robust GPS-denied Single and Multi-agent (Cooperative) Navigation Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.C0225 AF STFP Heterogeneous Teaming for Target Search and Tracking Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.04.C0801 AF STFP Machine Learning for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Eglin Air Force Base FL
13.45.05.B7454 AF STFP Agile Munition Vehicle Sciences Eglin Air Force Base FL
27.01.01.C0490 FHWA Development of Next Generation Model of the Highway Economic Requirements System (HERS) Washington DC
64.15.04.B5315 NRL Advanced Acoustic Materials and Metamaterials Washington DC
64.15.04.B7073 NRL Nanomechanics, Nanomaterials, Nanofabrication, Nanooptics, and Surface Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.04.B7434 NRL Heat Transport in Nanostructured Materials and Thin Dielectric Films Washington DC
64.15.04.B7706 NRL Ocean Acoustic Communications and Signal Processing Washington DC
64.15.04.B7975 NRL Hydrogen and Oxygen Storage for Undersea Fuel Cells Washington DC
64.15.04.B7992 NRL Low loss amorphous dielectric thin films for superconducting qubit applications Washington DC
64.15.04.B8408 NRL Computational Mechanics and Structural-Acoustics Washington DC
64.15.04.C0005 NRL Hydrodynamic Tank Experimental Research Washington DC
64.15.04.C0321 NRL Catalysis of CO2 to reactive intermediates for fuel production Washington DC
64.15.04.C0464 NRL Physics Informed Data Analytics and Modeling for Dynamical Systems Washington DC
64.15.04.C0568 NRL Value-added Localization with Noise Washington DC
64.15.04.C0880 NRL Ambient Sound Modeling in Complex Ocean Environments Washington DC
64.15.06.B2658 NRL Infrared Astronomy Washington DC
64.15.06.B2659 NRL Radio Astronomy Washington DC
64.15.06.B2660 NRL Millimeter-Wave Atmospheric Spectroscopy Washington DC
64.15.06.B2661 NRL Instrumentation Development for Astronomy and Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.B2663 NRL Astronomical Optical Interferometry Washington DC
64.15.06.B2671 NRL Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.B2673 NRL Hyperspectral Characterization of the Coastal Regime Washington DC
64.15.06.B2678 NRL Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement Experiment (POAM III) Washington DC
64.15.06.B3086 NRL Numerical Modeling of River-Influenced Coastal Ocean Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.06.B4357 NRL Advanced Seafloor Mapping and Image Processing Washington DC
64.15.06.B4881 NRL Analysis of Hyperspectral and Multisensor Imaging Data Washington DC
64.15.06.B6340 NRL Satellite Analysis of Pyro-Convection and Chemical/Transport Processes in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Washington DC
64.15.06.B7271 NRL Middle Atmospheric Data Assimilation Washington DC
64.15.06.B7564 NRL Ionospheric Studies with Radio-frequency Interferometers Washington DC
64.15.06.B7600 NRL Spectral remote sensing of terrain, modeling, and analysis Washington DC
64.15.06.B7981 NRL Hydrologic Optics and Ocean Color Remote Sensing Washington DC
64.15.06.C0429 NRL Remote Sensing of Surface Fluxes of Sea Spray, Gases, and Heat for Air-Sea Interaction Studies Washington DC
64.15.06.C0492 NRL Radar technology, processing, and analysis Washington DC
64.15.06.C0684 NRL Novel Approaches for High-Resolution Remote Sensing of the Coastal Regime Washington DC
64.15.06.C0811 NRL Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere and Soil Moisture Washington DC
64.15.06.C0812 NRL Remote Sensing of Air-Wave-Sea Interactions and Upper Ocean Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.06.C0825 NRL Radio Remote Sensing of Space Weather Washington DC
64.15.06.C0828 NRL Multi-sensor remote sensing across terrestrial-aquatic interfaces Washington DC
64.15.06.C0835 NRL Ensemble Aerosol Forecasting and Data Assimilation Washington DC
64.15.06.C0837 NRL Remote Sensing of Melt Ponds and Sea Ice in the Arctic Washington DC
64.15.06.C0897 NRL Space weather model coupling Washington DC
64.15.06.C0908 NRL Thermospheric Ensemble Data Assimilation Washington DC
64.15.06.C1018 NRL Optical Remote Sensing of Atmosphere-Ocean Systems Washington DC
64.15.09.B6693 NRL Simultaneous Monitoring of Multiple Intracellular Signaling Events Washington DC
64.15.09.B7949 NRL Nanoscale Probes for Real-Time Imaging of Neuronal Cell Activity Washington DC
64.15.09.B8115 NRL Center for BioMolecular Science and Engineering (Multiple Opportunities) Washington DC
64.15.09.B8126 NRL Nanoparticle-Biomolecular Interfacial Phenomena Washington DC
64.15.09.B8532 NRL Ultrafast Studies of Charge Transfer Plasmonics Washington DC
64.15.09.B8545 NRL Intercellular Signaling and Functional Nanomaterials at the Abiotic/Biotic Interface Washington DC
64.15.09.C0350 NRL Applied Molecular Microbiology Washington DC
64.15.09.C0351 NRL Marine Environmental DNA (eDNA) Research Washington DC
64.15.09.C0367 NRL DNA-based Nanoplasmonics Washington DC
64.15.09.C0386 NRL Understanding Light-Matter Interactions in Plasmonic Aerosols Washington DC
64.15.09.C0387 NRL Controlling light on demand with dynamic plasmonic pixels Washington DC
64.15.09.C0752 NRL Synthetic phages and antibiotic alternatives Washington DC
64.15.09.C0817 NRL Control of CRISPR/Cas through surface interactions Washington DC
64.15.09.C0843 NRL Nanomaterial-enhanced bacterial synthetic biology Washington DC
64.15.09.C0845 NRL Bionanotechnology/Nanoscience/Cell Biology/Biophysics Washington DC
64.15.09.C0971 NRL cdsMiniature Biosensors Washington DC
64.15.09.C1011 NRL Bioengineering/Biomaterial Synthesis/Microbiology Washington DC
64.15.15.B2680 NRL Femtosecond Studies of Molecular Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.15.B2728 NRL Simulations of Chemical Reactions in Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.B2732 NRL Chemical Sensors-Data Analysis Strategies Washington DC
64.15.15.B2737 NRL Surface Chemistry of Electronic Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.B2757 NRL Polymer networks Washington DC
64.15.15.B2778 NRL Multi-Phase Combustion Mechanisms and Diagnostics Washington DC
64.15.15.B2779 NRL Combustion Modeling Washington DC
64.15.15.B3024 NRL Corrosion and Corrosion Protection Washington DC
64.15.15.B3984 NRL Chemical Reactions at Surfaces Washington DC
64.15.15.B3987 NRL Spectroscopic Studies of Plasma Processing Washington DC
64.15.15.B4861 NRL Development of Sensing Technologies for Shipboard Fuel Diagnostics and Prognostics Washington DC
64.15.15.B5073 NRL Optical Studies of Catalysts and Fuel Cells Washington DC
64.15.15.B5077 NRL Theoretical Materials Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.15.B5299 NRL Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.B5300 NRL Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance for Materials Evaluation Washington DC
64.15.15.B5424 NRL Fire Fighting Foams: Dynamics and Behavior Washington DC
64.15.15.B5643 NRL Designing Mesoporous, Three-Dimensional Nanoarchitectures and Nanocomposites Washington DC
64.15.15.B6047 NRL Polymer Rheology Washington DC
64.15.15.B6051 NRL Functional Material Synthesis and Crystal Growth Washington DC
64.15.15.B6581 NRL Intelligent Data Fusion for Multi-Modal or Multi-Sensory Systems Washington DC
64.15.15.B6676 NRL Optimizing Metal-Adsorbate and Metal-Support Interactions for Photocatalysis and Plasmonics-Driven Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.15.B7121 NRL Trace Analysis Testing and Verification Washington DC
64.15.15.B7714 NRL Nonlinear Optics at the Nanoscale Washington DC
64.15.15.B7717 NRL Development of Novel Synthesis Methods and Formulations for Metal Nanoparticles and Nanopowders Washington DC
64.15.15.B7825 NRL Trace Analysis Testing and Verification of Energetic Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.B7921 NRL Novel Multifunctional Polymeric Materials for Military Applications Washington DC
64.15.15.B7926 NRL Extended Solids Design and Synthesis Washington DC
64.15.15.B8044 NRL Lithium-ion Battery Performance and Safety Washington DC
64.15.15.B8394 NRL Diagnostics and Prediction of Turbulent, Multi-phase Fluid Mechanics Washington DC
64.15.15.B8498 NRL Postdoctoral Research Associate in Biofabrication, Tissue Engineering, Microphysiological Systems Washington DC
64.15.15.C0155 NRL Development of Novel Solid-State and Hybrid Ionic Conductors and Electrolytes Washington DC
64.15.15.C0173 NRL Quantum Computing for Quantum Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.15.C0178 NRL Machine Learning for Synthetic Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.15.C0261 NRL High Performance Biomaterials for Operation in Extreme and Underwater Environments Washington DC
64.15.15.C0346 NRL Multifunctional Catalytic Materials for Degradation and Energy Conversion Washington DC
64.15.15.C0445 NRL Bio-inspired Design of Multi-Functional Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.C0465 NRL Energy Storage Materials Washington DC
64.15.15.C0479 NRL Development of Multifunctional Materials for Heterogeneous or Electro-Catalysis Washington DC
64.15.15.C0541 NRL Thin-Film Conductive Polymer Synthesis, Processing, and Characterization Washington DC
64.15.15.C0571 NRL Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell Technologies Washington DC
64.15.15.C0585 NRL Aerosol Deposition and Atmospheric Corrosion Washington DC
64.15.15.C0654 NRL Data Analytics and Modeling for Analytical Chemistry Washington DC
64.15.15.C0692 NRL Polymer nanocomposites Washington DC
64.15.15.C0709 NRL Photo/Electroactive Functional Materials for Navy Applications Washington DC
64.15.15.C0773 NRL Design of selective electrocatalysts Washington DC
64.15.15.C0774 NRL Characterizing Phenomenon Governing Battery Performance Washington DC
64.15.15.C0778 NRL Basic and Applied Research Toward Improving Battery Safety, Performance, and Reliability Washington DC
64.15.15.C0791 NRL Marine biology, technology, and engineering Washington DC
64.15.15.C0816 NRL Charge transport and dielectric losses under extreme electric fields Washington DC
64.15.15.C0840 NRL Synthetic Control of High Energy Mixed Metal Nanopowders Washington DC
64.15.15.C0921 NRL Cavity-modified physical and chemical behavior Washington DC
64.15.15.C0946 NRL Multi-Phase Combustion Enhanced by Plasma Washington DC
64.15.15.C0965 NRL Single crystal diamond Synthesis and Doping for Quantum and High Powered Device Applications Washington DC
64.15.15.C0996 NRL First-principles modeling of materials Washington DC
64.15.15.C1008 NRL The role of plastic polymer compositions in the interplay between fungi physiology and plastic biodegradation Washington DC
64.15.15.C1009 NRL Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research Washington DC
64.15.18.B4651 NRL Intelligent Decision Aids Washington DC
64.15.18.B5294 NRL Cognition in Complex Tasks Washington DC
64.15.18.B8141 NRL Multisensory Integration and Inference in an Attention-Driven Cognitive System Washington DC
64.15.18.B8142 NRL Reasoning and Explanation in a Computational Cognitive Architecture Washington DC
64.15.18.B8290 NRL Intelligent Agents Washington DC
64.15.18.B8356 NRL Cognitive Models of Thinking and Reasoning Washington DC
64.15.18.B8506 NRL Investigating Large Generative Models and/or Physics-based Neural Network Modeling Washington DC
64.15.18.C0633 NRL Computational Models of Perception and Attention Washington DC
64.15.18.C0876 NRL Environment Dependent Sensor Fusion for Robotic Perception Washington DC
64.15.25.B2840 NRL Structural Characterization of Electronic Materials Washington DC
64.15.25.B2841 NRL Chemical Vapor Sensor development Washington DC
64.15.25.B3603 NRL Femtosecond Dynamics in Condensed Matter Washington DC
64.15.25.B4347 NRL Optical and Structural Properties of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Washington DC
64.15.25.B4871 NRL Photophysical Processes in Nanoscale Materials Washington DC
64.15.25.B5718 NRL Defects Affecting SiC Power Devices Washington DC
64.15.25.B5722 NRL Infrared-Bandgap Type II Antimonide Superlattices for Infrared Photodetectors and Focal Plane Array Washington DC
64.15.25.B6832 NRL SiC and GaN Power Devices Washington DC
64.15.25.B7522 NRL 2D Materials: Fundamental studies in Processing, Nanofabrication, Transport, and Optoelectronics Washington DC
64.15.25.B7603 NRL Graphene and 2D Materials: Growth, Functionalization, and Devices Washington DC
64.15.25.B7826 NRL Sub­Diffraction Confinement of Photons using Surface Plasmon and Surface Phonon Polariton Nanostructures Washington DC
64.15.25.B7920 NRL Gallium Nitride MEMS Acoustic Resonators Washington DC
64.15.25.B7955 NRL Advanced Processing Techniques for Next Generation Photovoltaics and IR Photodetectors Washington DC
64.15.25.B8128 NRL Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Quantum Technologies Washington DC
64.15.25.B8129 NRL Solid State Quantum Science and Technology (Optics) Washington DC
64.15.25.B8317 NRL Solid State Quantum Science and Technology Washington DC
64.15.25.B8530 NRL Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of Metal Oxide and Nitride Thin Films Washington DC
64.15.25.C0006 NRL Decentralized Computing on Autonomous Mobile Platforms Washington DC
64.15.25.C0106 NRL Ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor devices and materials Washington DC
64.15.25.C0198 NRL Environmentally-Controlled Pressure-Assisted Sintering (EC-PAS) of Nanopowders Washington DC
64.15.25.C0263 NRL Nanoscale Photonics Washington DC
64.15.25.C0352 NRL Photophysics in 2D Materials Washington DC
64.15.25.C0405 NRL Materials Scientist in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Washington DC
64.15.25.C0417 NRL Heterogeneous Integration for Advanced Microscale Optoelectronic Devices Washington DC
64.15.25.C0486 NRL Manipulating Light at the Nanoscale Washington DC
64.15.25.C0657 NRL High Performance Metal Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics (PV) for Current and Future Naval Applications Washington DC
64.15.25.C0668 NRL Integrated photonic networks for quantum information and neuromorphic computing applications Washington DC
64.15.25.C0685 NRL Colloidal Nanocrystal Ordered Solids and Halide Perovskites for Solution-Processable Optoelectronics Washington DC
64.15.25.C0741 NRL Wide bandgap material and device characterization. Washington DC
64.15.25.C0758 NRL Atomic layer deposition on particles Washington DC
64.15.25.C0793 NRL Wide and Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Growth, Integration, and Characterization Washington DC
64.15.25.C0804 NRL Atomic Layer Deposition of Electronic Thin Films Washington DC
64.15.25.C0827 NRL Atomic Layer Deposition for Optoelectronics Washington DC
64.15.25.C0868 NRL Energy Migration in DNA-organized Dye Networks Washington DC
64.15.25.C0893 NRL Computational materials design and engineering Washington DC
64.15.25.C0896 NRL Advanced RF-Acoustic Devices for Multi-Domain Applications Washington DC
64.15.25.C0913 NRL Epitaxial Growth of Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Next-generation RF Electronics Washington DC
64.15.25.C0953 NRL Wide and Ultrawide Bandgap Materials and Devices Washington DC
64.15.25.C0954 NRL III-Nitride Power Electronic Devices Washington DC
64.15.27.B2843 NRL Combustion Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.27.B2845 NRL Solar, Atmospheric, and Astrophysical Sciences Washington DC
64.15.27.B2846 NRL Turbulence in Nonreacting and Reacting Flows Washington DC
64.15.27.B2848 NRL Vortex Shedding and Transient Fluid Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.27.C0283 NRL Hypersonic Vehicle Aerodynamics and Propulsion Washington DC
64.15.55.C0772 NRL Machine-Aided Radar Inverse Scattering for Improving Target Imaging and Recognition Washington DC
64.15.67.B3978 NRL Infrared Semiconductor Lasers and Detectors Washington DC
64.15.67.B3981 NRL Advanced Simulation of Semiconductor Quantum Heterostructure Devices Washington DC
64.15.67.B6113 NRL Laser Cooling and Guiding of Atoms in Optical Waveguides Washington DC
64.15.67.B6651 NRL Nanophotonics, Semiconductor Optics, and Integrated Photonics Washington DC
64.15.67.B8036 NRL MBE of Antimonide and Phosphide Lasers, Detectors, and Solar Cells Washington DC
64.15.67.B8092 NRL Micro-/Nano-Optomechanical Systems and Optical MEMS: Mode Perturbation, Optical Forces, and Light Matter Interactions Washington DC
64.15.67.B8176 NRL Cold Atom Quantum Information Science Washington DC
64.15.67.C0213 NRL Advanced Atomic Quantum Sensors and Clocks Washington DC
64.15.67.C0223 NRL Design, Synthesis, and Application of Colloidal Nanocrystal Systems Washington DC
64.15.67.C0757 NRL Aerosol Science Washington DC
64.15.67.C0759 NRL Laser propagation and imaging in adverse conditions Washington DC
64.15.67.C0766 NRL photonic nanomaterials for chemical and biological application Washington DC
64.15.67.C0879 NRL Warm Atom-Light Interaction Sensing Washington DC
64.15.67.C0920 NRL Aerosol Mass Spectroscopy Washington DC
64.15.76.B2951 NRL Short-Wavelength Laser—Vacuum-Ultraviolet and X-Ray Lasers Washington DC
64.15.76.B2957 NRL Radiation Magneto-Hydrodynamics of High Energy Density Plasmas Washington DC
64.15.76.B2961 NRL Dense-Plasma Atomic Physics Washington DC
64.15.76.B2963 NRL Pulsed-Power X-Ray Sources Washington DC
64.15.76.B2964 NRL Pulsed Power Washington DC
64.15.76.B2965 NRL Diode Physics Washington DC
64.15.76.B2967 NRL Laboratory, Ionospheric, and Space Experiments Washington DC
64.15.76.B2968 NRL Space Physics Simulation Chamber Experiments Washington DC
64.15.76.B2970 NRL Nonlinear Science Washington DC
64.15.76.B2971 NRL Physics of Intense Ultrashort Pulse Laser-Matter Interactions Washington DC
64.15.76.B2975 NRL Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Research of High Dimensional Systems in the Physical and Biological Sciences Washington DC
64.15.76.B3606 NRL Space-Plasma Physics Washington DC
64.15.76.B4340 NRL Inertial Confinement Fusion and Laser-Driven Hydrodynamics Washington DC
64.15.76.B4870 NRL Dynamics and Stability of Radiating High Energy Density Plasmas Washington DC
64.15.76.B5709 NRL Advanced Plasma Diagnostics Washington DC
64.15.76.B5710 NRL Advanced Plasma Processing Washington DC
64.15.76.B5711 NRL Low-Temperature Plasma Research Washington DC
64.15.76.B5713 NRL Physics of the Earth’s Radiation Belt Washington DC
64.15.76.B5714 NRL Dusty Plasma Experiments Washington DC
64.15.76.B8084 NRL Intense Lasers and Particle Beams Washington DC
64.15.76.B8524 NRL Intense Electromagnetic Field and Material Interaction Physics Washington DC
64.15.76.C0368 NRL Uncertainty Quantification in Low Temperature Plasmas Washington DC
64.15.76.C0420 NRL Plasma Turbulence and Nonlinear Waves Washington DC
64.15.76.C0652 NRL Nonlinear Dynamics of Partially Coherent Beams Washington DC
64.15.76.C0994 NRL Numerical modeling of hypersonic plasma Washington DC
64.15.85.B2868 NRL Theoretical Studies of Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanocrystal Quantum Dots and Ordered Nanocrystal Solids Washington DC
64.15.85.B2884 NRL Quantum Computation of Molecules and Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.B2995 NRL Electronic Properties of Novel Electrically Conducting Systems Washington DC
64.15.85.B3022 NRL Magnetic and Structural Characterization of Magnetic / Semiconductor Interfaces Washington DC
64.15.85.B3026 NRL Microstructural Evolution in Naval Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.B3600 NRL Spin-Injection, Transport, and Localization in Graphene and Group IV Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.B4307 NRL Ferromagnetic Semiconductors: An Emerging Spintronic Materials Technology Washington DC
64.15.85.B4320 NRL Laser-Based Processing of Thin Films Washington DC
64.15.85.B4322 NRL Optical Spectroscopy in Condensed Matter and Materials Science Washington DC
64.15.85.B4863 NRL Low-temperature Electron Transport through Nanostructures at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface Washington DC
64.15.85.B4866 NRL Origin of Electron Pairing Without Superconductivity Washington DC
64.15.85.B4868 NRL Interfacing Molecular and Cell Biology with Solid State Technologies Washington DC
64.15.85.B5309 NRL Additive Manufacturing Microstructures Washington DC
64.15.85.B5310 NRL Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials Washington DC
64.15.85.B5702 NRL Organic Synthesis in the Areas of Sorbents, Sensing Materials, and Infrared Taggants Washington DC
64.15.85.B5704 NRL Direct-Write of Electronics, Sensors, and Micro-Power Sources Washington DC
64.15.85.B6139 NRL Coupling Between Charged Defects and the Applied Electric Field during Flash Sintering Washington DC
64.15.85.B6225 NRL Mechatronic Inverse Characterization of Materials under Multi-Field Conditions Washington DC
64.15.85.B6226 NRL Computational Modeling and Simulation of Data-Driven Multiphysics Systems Washington DC
64.15.85.B6293 NRL Multiscale Simulations of Mechanical, Structural, and Energetic Properties Washington DC
64.15.85.B6443 NRL Theory of Functional Energy Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.B7167 NRL Simulations of Nanocrystal Doping Washington DC
64.15.85.B7433 NRL Optical Detection of Explosives and Other Illicit Chemicals Washington DC
64.15.85.B7745 NRL Advanced Characterization of 3D Material Microstructures Washington DC
64.15.85.B7886 NRL Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Lithography of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials Washington DC
64.15.85.B8177 NRL 2D Materials and van der Waals Heterostructures for Opto-electronics and Quantum Science Washington DC
64.15.85.B8366 NRL Metal Oxide Thin Films for Metamaterial and Plasmonic Applications Washington DC
64.15.85.B8464 NRL Development of Two-Dimensional Hybrid Systems Washington DC
64.15.85.C0186 NRL Density-Functional Theory Studies of Binary Nanocrystal Solids Washington DC
64.15.85.C0240 NRL Physicochemical Properties of Sorbent Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.C0290 NRL Theoretical Search of Nanostructure with Ground Bright Exciton States Washington DC
64.15.85.C0303 NRL Spin dynamics of charge to spin conversion in topological insulators. Washington DC
64.15.85.C0323 NRL Topological Materials Synthesis and Device Applications Washington DC
64.15.85.C0338 NRL Low Dimensional Phase Transitional Magnetism Washington DC
64.15.85.C0342 NRL Plasmonic and thin-film devices, THz photonics, metamaterials and nanophotonics Washington DC
64.15.85.C0404 NRL Time resolved analysis of spin dynamics in antiferromagnetic films for spin to charge conversion in topological insulators Washington DC
64.15.85.C0683 NRL Process Modelling and Optimization for the Synthesis of Multicomponent Ceramics Washington DC
64.15.85.C0726 NRL Nanoscale Characterization of Advanced Nitride Materials and Devices Washington DC
64.15.85.C0729 NRL Multifunctional materials for Naval Applications Washington DC
64.15.85.C0756 NRL Computational Mechanics Washington DC
64.15.85.C0808 NRL Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics Washington DC
64.15.85.C0815 NRL Doped Semiconductor Alloy Nanostructures Washington DC
64.15.85.C0824 NRL Quantitative Biointerfaces for Cell Biology Washington DC
64.15.85.C0847 NRL Multifunctional Materials for Naval Applications II Washington DC
64.15.85.C0865 NRL First-principles calculations of doping novel semiconductors Washington DC
64.15.85.C0866 NRL Atomic-scale Patterning of Materials Washington DC
64.15.85.C0936 NRL Environmental Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Production for Operational Endurance and Sustainability Washington DC
64.15.85.C0987 NRL Behavior of Biological Tissues Under High Strain Rate Loading Washington DC
64.15.85.C0995 NRL Electron Microscopy of Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductors and related materials Washington DC
64.15.85.C1014 NRL Transport modeling at micro/nano interfaces Washington DC
64.15.86.B7705 NRL Eulerian Orbit Dynamics Washington DC
64.15.86.B8343 NRL Electron Transpiration Cooling in Hypersonic Environments Washington DC
64.15.86.C0647 NRL Ionic Liquid Electrospray Propulsion Efficiency Research Washington DC
64.15.86.C0649 NRL Plasma Infused Architected Thermionic Emitting Cathode Research Washington DC
64.15.89.B3033 NRL X-ray Instrument and Mission Development Washington DC
64.15.89.B3036 NRL Gamma-Ray Burst Science Washington DC
64.15.89.B3037 NRL Gamma-Ray/Neutron Instrument Development Washington DC
64.15.89.B3042 NRL High-Energy Astrophysics Washington DC
64.15.89.B3055 NRL Thermospheric and Ionospheric Physics Washington DC
64.15.89.B5733 NRL Dynamics and Predictability of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere at Small and Large Scales Washington DC
64.15.89.B5734 NRL Extension of Navy’s Global Weather Forecast Models and Prediction Capabilities to ~500 km Altitude Washington DC
64.15.89.B6124 NRL Optical Atmospheric Spectroscopy Washington DC
64.15.89.B6420 NRL Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Processes in Collisionless Plasma Washington DC
64.15.89.B7887 NRL Climate of Earth’s Upper Atmosphere Washington DC
64.15.89.B7948 NRL Magnetic Sources of Solar Activity Washington DC
64.15.89.B8015 NRL The Hydrodynamics of Coronal Heating Washington DC
64.15.89.B8100 NRL Ionospheric and Thermospheric Specification and Forecasting Washington DC
64.15.89.B8289 NRL Ionospheric Modeling and Radio Propagation Washington DC
64.15.89.C0047 NRL In-Situ Measurements and Remote Sensing of the Solar Wind Washington DC
64.15.89.C0156 NRL A New Global Nonhydrostatic Model of the Deep Atmosphere from 0-500 km Altitude Washington DC
64.15.89.C0191 NRL Investigation of the Solar Wind in the Solar Corona and Heliosphere Washington DC
64.15.89.C0407 NRL Ionospheric Modeling Washington DC
64.15.89.C0508 NRL Magnetohydrodynamic Evolution of Solar Flares Washington DC
64.15.89.C0618 NRL Multiwavelength Pulsar Science Washington DC
64.15.89.C0632 NRL Optical and Ultraviolet Sensor Development for Astrophysics Washington DC
64.15.89.C0650 NRL Investigations of the Solar Drivers for Space Weather Washington DC
64.15.89.C0854 NRL Heliophysics Theory and Modeling Washington DC
26.03.53.C0522 NOAA Wild Scallop Population Resilience: Using Multigenerational Studies to Estimate Robustness and Adaptive Potential to Rapidly Changing Ocean Acidification Milford CT
13.04.01.B5492 AF STFP Closed Loop Flow Control US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.01.B8568 AF STFP Computational Design Simulation of Hypersonic Vehicles US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.01.C0497 AF STFP Fundamental Combustion Kinetics Using Advanced Laser Diagnostics US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.01.C0859 AF STFP Computational Fluid Dynamics for Advanced Air Vehicles US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.01.C0870 AF STFP Computational Modeling of Fundamental Combustion Processes US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.02.B5798 AF STFP Dynamics of Ionospheric and Mesospheric Optical Emissions US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.02.B7637 AF STFP Space Situational Awareness US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.03.B7788 AF STFP Laboratories for Functional Polymers and Composites for Advanced Materials US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.05.B8432 AF STFP Extremophile Research US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.05.C0916 AF STFP Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering for Advanced Materials and Manufacturing and Bioreporters US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.06.B7697 AF STFP Cooperative Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.08.B8275 AF STFP Applying Information Technology to Create Research-Based Innovative Learning Pedagogies US Air Force Academy CO
13.04.09.C0636 AF STFP Autonomous Systems: Novel behaviors and applications of air and ground robots US Air Force Academy CO
26.05.01.B0566 NOAA Modeling of Atmospheric Trace Gas Sources and Sinks Using Observed Mixing Ratios Boulder CO
26.05.01.B0568 NOAA Measurements of Halocarbons for Studying Global Atmospheric Processes and the Effectiveness of International Environmental Policy Boulder CO
26.05.02.B0550 NOAA Analytical Studies of the Tropical Atmosphere and its Relationship to Global Climate Boulder CO
26.05.02.B0590 NOAA Air-Sea Interaction and Boundary Layer Processes in Turbulent Environments Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0252 NOAA Predictability and Prediction of Drought on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Time Scales Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0841 NOAA Data assimilation for coupled Earth system prediction Boulder CO
26.05.02.C0974 NOAA Empirical dynamical modeling for studies of seasonal-to-interannual prediction and predictability Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4930 NOAA Atmospheric Chemistry Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4931 NOAA Chemical and Physical Characterization of Tropospheric Aerosols Boulder CO
26.05.03.B4932 NOAA Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions: Modeling and Observations Boulder CO
26.05.03.B5809 NOAA Aerosol Chemistry and Climate Connections Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6605 NOAA Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols: New Measurement Techniques, Field Studies and Laboratory Measurements Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6608 NOAA Chemistry, Radiation and Dynamics of the Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere Boulder CO
26.05.03.B6616 NOAA Air Quality Modeling Boulder CO
26.05.04.B8073 NOAA Predictability of Weather and Climate Boulder CO
26.05.04.C0671 NOAA Convection-permitting to convection-resolving data assimilation and numerical weather prediction. Boulder CO
26.07.45.B5042 NOAA Solar and Coronal Event Phenomena Boulder CO
50.64.72.B5221 NIST Thermodynamics of Gas Mixtures for Industry and Environment Boulder CO
50.64.72.B5930 NIST Increasing the Structural Reliability of our Infrastructure Boulder CO
50.64.72.B6752 NIST Biofuels: Enabling the Transition by Advancing Thermophysics Boulder CO
50.64.72.B6774 NIST Developing new techniques for studying the underlying mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7092 NIST Fatigue and Fracture of Metallic Materials Processed via Additive Manufacturing Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7228 NIST Vapor Detection in Forensic Chemical Analysis Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7247 NIST Reliability of Implanted Cardiac Devices Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7374 NIST Analysis and Modeling of Structural Behavior of Materials Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7544 NIST High Field NMR for Renewable Fuel Characterization Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7545 NIST Thermal Stability of Liquid Fuels: Fundamental Studies of Kinetics Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7546 NIST The Strange Phenomena of Odor Masking Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7549 NIST Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction and Correlation of Thermophysical Properties Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7554 NIST Theory and Modeling for CO2 and its Mixtures in Energy Systems Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7744 NIST High-Temperature Piezoelectric Materials for Resonant Acoustic Sensors Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7990 NIST Data-Driven Technologies for Fluid Property Simulation Boulder CO
50.64.72.B7999 NIST Computational Modeling of Fracture and Fatigue in Hydrogen Environments Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8091 NIST Scanning Probe Microscopy of Advanced Materials for Energy and Manufacturing Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8138 NIST Data-driven Model Development for Property Prediction in Alloys and Composites Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8153 NIST Microbial nanomotion and life – Insight and control through noise measurements Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8158 NIST Chemical Foundation for Capture and Release of Difficult to Detect Drugs or Drug Metabolites of Abuse Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8160 NIST Causal Green’s Function for Modeling of Phonon Transport in Nanoscale Semiconductors: Application to Devices for Thermal Management and Energy Applications Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8257 NIST Advanced Materials and Methods for Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Standardization for the Second Century of Analytical NMR Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8320 NIST Theory and Simulation of Nanoscale Systems and Devices Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8349 NIST Atomistic Modeling of Strains and Electronic Distortions in Materials for Quantum Computers Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8489 NIST Transmission Scanning Electron Microscopy for Materials Characterization Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8499 NIST Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Fundamental Fluid Behavior Boulder CO
50.64.72.B8514 NIST Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Mass Spectroscopy at High Field Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0013 NIST Measurements and Theory for Thermal Transport Properties of Fluid Mixtures Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0160 NIST Nondestructive Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Alloys Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0163 NIST High-Accuracy Measurements on Complex Mixtures with NMR Spectroscopy: Applications to Refrigeration, Forensic Science, Hydrogen Storage and Carbon Capture Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0164 NIST Activation and Deactivation of Cannabinoid Receptors by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Screening Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0214 NIST Applications of Real-Time Portable Mass Spectrometry in Forensic Science Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0234 NIST Sampling and Characterization of Breath Metabolic Products Associated with Cannabis Use Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0266 NIST Nanometer-Scale Characterization and Reliability of 2D Materials Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0363 NIST Development of Viscosity Prediction Methods Based on Molecular Parameters and Intermolecular Interaction for Organic Compounds Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0393 NIST Methods to Evaluate Partition Coefficients of Biologically Active Molecules Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0403 NIST Molecular Modeling of Fluid Thermophysical Properties Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0424 NIST Supercritical Fluid Thermodynamics-Yang-Yang Critical Anomaly Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0442 NIST Computational Investigations of Molecular Interface Formation from the Perspective of Cosolvent Preferential Interactions Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0444 NIST Multiscale modeling of complex electrostatic processes in heterogeneous molecular environments Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0453 NIST Exploring the molecular details of the ERK2 enzyme Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0461 NIST Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Acquisition and Analysis of Thermophysical and Thermodynamic Property Information Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0472 NIST Bias-induced Strain Mapping of Electronic and Energy Materials in an Atomic Force Microscope Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0499 NIST Measurement of High-Accuracy Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data with NMR Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0500 NIST Exploring the effect of hydrogen environment on the mechanical properties of structural metals Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0501 NIST Developing New Techniques for Studying the Underlying Mechanisms of Hydrogen Embrittlement Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0517 NIST Electric-Acoustic Spectrometer Fabrication and Validation with Existing Spectroscopic Techniques Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0527 NIST High-pressure Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy of Intermolecular Interactions Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0538 NIST Experimental Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0580 NIST Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing for Critical Applications Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0594 NIST Molecular Design Foundry: Enabling Separation Processes Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0673 NIST Flexible Electronics Reliability Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0677 NIST Reliability of Electronic Materials Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0694 NIST Sub-nanometer pores in two-dimensional materials for nanofluidics, sensing and energy applications Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0767 NIST CO2 Corrosion – Measurements for 21st Century Energy Infrastructure Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0787 NIST Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Measurement Studies Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0874 NIST CHIPPING away towards accurate properties of semiconductor process gases. Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0888 NIST Enhancing the capabilities and applicability of ion-association thermodynamic models for aqueous electrolytes. Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0972 NIST Digital Twin of Breath Devices for Forensics and Health Metrology Boulder CO
50.64.72.C0976 NIST Efficient integration of sustainable fuels through the measurement and modeling of thermophysical properties Boulder CO
50.67.22.B5521 NIST Waveform Metrology Boulder CO
50.67.22.B6230 NIST Broadband Electromagnetic Characterization of Thin-Film Electronic Materials and Devices Boulder CO
50.67.22.B7594 NIST Microwave Microfluidics Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8148 NIST SFQ Synthesizer Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8279 NIST On-Chip Metrology for the mm-Wave Revolution Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8281 NIST Advanced Microwave Microfluidics for Real-time Diagnostics and Chemical Analysis Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8282 NIST 5G Advanced Microwave Materials for Millimeter-wave Devices Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8283 NIST Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8435 NIST High-Throughput Microwave Microfluidics for Diagnostics of Complex Fluids Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8436 NIST Microwave Materials for High-Speed Microelectronics Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8440 NIST On-chip Microwave Power Standards Based on the Optical Frequency Comb Boulder CO
50.67.22.B8441 NIST Metrology for Quasi-Optical Wireless Probing of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0091 NIST Ultrafast Photodetectors Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0253 NIST Chip-Scale Interconnects for 5G Communications Technology Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0278 NIST Quantum Optical Networking and Transduction Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0554 NIST Rydberg Atom-Based Blackbody Radiation Detection Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0609 NIST Quantum Enhanced Rydberg Atom Sensors Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0704 NIST Label-free Biomolecule Sensing with Microwave Microfluidics Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0717 NIST Superconductive Electronics for Quantum Computing, Neuromorphic Computing, and RF Communications Metrology Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0770 NIST Millimeter-Wave over-the-air Waveform Signatures Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0781 NIST Acoustic-electric microfluidic spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0877 NIST Rydberg Atom Based Sources Boulder CO
50.67.22.C0999 NIST Rydberg Sensors for CHIPS Imaging Boulder CO
50.67.22.C1019 NIST Channel Sounding and Radio Frequency Propagation Boulder CO
50.67.26.C0416 NIST Optical Time and Frequency Transfer Boulder CO
50.67.26.C0611 NIST Frequency Combs for Remote Sensing Boulder CO
50.68.62.B4380 NIST Semiconductor Quantum Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B4766 NIST Spectroscopy of Wide-Bandgap Mesoscopic Materials Characterization by CW and Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B4777 NIST Nano-Electromagnetic Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5520 NIST Broadband Nanoimaging of Optically Excited Free Carriers Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5559 NIST Nonlinear Optical Studies of Polymer, Biomimetic, and Biological Interfaces Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5884 NIST Optical Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5887 NIST Metrology and Prototyping of Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Quantum Nanowire Structures and Devices Boulder CO
50.68.62.B5923 NIST State Resolved THz and Ultraviolet Studies of Polypeptide Structure and Dynamics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6229 NIST Biomagnetic Imaging and Sensing Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6459 NIST Coherent Spectroscopy of Quantum Dots Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6460 NIST Engineered Quantum States of Light Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6468 NIST Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B6732 NIST Microwave Polarimetry: Precision Measurements for Cosmological Physics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7010 NIST Label-free Optical Medical Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7559 NIST Superconducting Quantum Circuits: Computing & Simulations, Microwave Optomechanics, Foundations of Measurement Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7583 NIST Radiation Pressure - Using the Momentum of Light to Measure its Power Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7731 NIST Laser-Matter Interactions in Extreme Ultraviolet Atom Probe Tomography Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7923 NIST Quantum Nanomechanics with Superconducting Microwave Circuits Boulder CO
50.68.62.B7934 NIST MRI Diffusion Imaging and Thermometry Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8069 NIST Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8193 NIST Metrology for Faint Photonics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8226 NIST Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8246 NIST Quantum Circuits and Parametric Techniques in Quantum Information Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8301 NIST MRI-Based Multimodal Imaging and Enhanced MR Imaging Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8322 NIST Microfabricated Magnetic Sensors and Novel MRI/NMR Agents and Microdevices Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8409 NIST Chip-Scale Nonlinear Optics Boulder CO
50.68.62.B8483 NIST Neuromorphic Computing Using Superconducting Optoelectronic Neural Networks Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0076 NIST Integrated Quantum Nanophotonic Systems Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0093 NIST Neural Net Deep-learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction and Diagnosis Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0177 NIST Chip-scale Radiometry Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0286 NIST Materials for Quantum Information Applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0298 NIST Spectroscopic and Radiometric Monitoring of High-power Laser-metal Interaction Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0390 NIST (S)TEM Characterization of Superconducting Materials for Quantum Computing Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0616 NIST Frequency Combs for the Remote Sensing of Agricultural Gas Emissions Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0751 NIST Measurement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0834 NIST Training, Optimization and Benchmarking of Hardware Neural Networks Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0889 NIST Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector cameras and applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0922 NIST Photonic Quantum Networking Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0934 NIST Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Information Processing Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0945 NIST Magnetic Resonance in Industrial Applications Boulder CO
50.68.62.C0948 NIST Advanced MRI Boulder CO
50.68.72.B3587 NIST Superconducting Detectors for Photons from Millimeter Waves through Gamma Rays Boulder CO
50.68.72.B5189 NIST Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Development Boulder CO
50.68.72.B6412 NIST Spin Electronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7814 NIST Phase and Frequency Dynamics of Arrays of Coupled Spin Torque Oscillators Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7935 NIST Hybrid Superconductor-Ferromagnetic Devices Boulder CO
50.68.72.B7939 NIST Dynamics and Magnetic Properties of Materials and Nanostructures for Advanced Data Storage and Spintronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8148 NIST SFQ Synthesizer Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8373 NIST High-Performance Cryogenics Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8406 NIST X-Ray Science with Superconducting Sensors Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8411 NIST Johnson Noise Thermometry with Superconductive Waveform Synthesizers Boulder CO
50.68.72.B8565 NIST Spin-orbit Phenomena in Magnetic Structures for Spintronics and Spin-orbitronics Boulder CO
50.68.72.C0245 NIST Neuromorphic Computing and Artificial Intelligence Hardware Boulder CO
50.68.72.C0330 NIST Ultra-fast spectroscopy and imaging of magnetization dynamics Boulder CO
50.68.82.B1802 NIST Ion Storage Boulder CO
50.68.82.B4405 NIST Optical Frequency Combs for Clocks, Metrology, Waveform Synthesis and Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.82.B8165 NIST Atomic Clocks and Wavelength References on a Chip Boulder CO
50.68.82.B8493 NIST Atomic Devices and Instrumentation with Laser-Cooled Atoms Boulder CO
50.68.82.C0044 NIST Optical Atomic Clocks Based on Laser-Cooled Neutral Atoms Boulder CO
50.68.82.C0807 NIST Chip-scale atomic magnetometers Boulder CO
50.68.92.B1813 NIST Spectroscopy, Dynamics, and Kinetics of Molecules Boulder CO
50.68.92.B4406 NIST Ultrafast Physics and Precision Spectroscopy Boulder CO
50.68.92.B4592 NIST Quantum Science and Precision Metrology - Quantum Matter Probed with Novel Light Source Boulder CO
50.68.92.B8150 NIST Photophysics of Fluorescent Proteins and Quantum Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems Boulder CO
50.68.92.B8346 NIST Biophysics: Studying Single Biological Molecules with Atomic-Scale Resolution Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0095 NIST Towards Enhanced Quantum Metrology and Quantum Simulation with Correlated Quantum Matter Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0455 NIST Microscopically-Controlled Quantum Systems of Neutral Atoms for Many-Body Physics and Metrology Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0555 NIST Trapped-ion Quantum Information Processing Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0852 NIST Biophysics of Conformational Folding at the Single Molecule Level: RNA, DNA, Riboswitches, and Ribozymes Boulder CO
50.68.92.C0855 NIST Ultrafast Laser Studies of Hot Electron Photoemission Dynamics and Scanning Photoionization Microscopy (SPIM) of Plasmonic Nanostructures Boulder CO
50.68.92.C1001 NIST Precision Measurement and Control of Complex Molecular Quantum Systems with Advanced Light-Matter Probes Boulder CO
50.77.12.B5623 NIST Quantum Information Science Boulder CO
50.77.12.B7897 NIST Uncertainty Quantification and Computational Materials Science Boulder CO
50.77.12.B7912 NIST Computational Electromagnetics Boulder CO
50.77.12.B7973 NIST Statistics for Quantum Systems Boulder CO
50.77.12.C0180 NIST Quantum Networking Boulder CO
50.77.12.C0949 NIST Physics-based Computation Boulder CO
50.77.62.C0871 NIST Method Development and Best Practices for Atomic Clock Metrology Boulder CO
26.03.50.B0456 NOAA Climate and Ecosystem Variability in Eastern Boundary Current Systems Santa Cruz CA
26.03.02.B0456 NOAA Climate and Ecosystem Variability in Eastern Boundary Current Systems Monterey CA
26.03.02.B0457 NOAA Fisheries Oceanography and Marine Habitat Classification Monterey CA
26.03.02.B5059 NOAA Climate Change and Ecosystem Fluctuations Monterey CA
62.10.02.B2632 NPS Ocean Analysis and Prediction Monterey CA
62.10.02.B6621 NPS Theoretical/Computational/Observational Research in Dynamic Meteorology, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes Monterey CA
62.10.02.B7054 NPS Computational Methods for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Monterey CA
62.10.02.B7070 NPS Ocean Dynamics and Modeling Monterey CA
62.10.02.B7181 NPS Arctic Climate Change and Prediction Monterey CA
62.10.02.B7335 NPS Surfzone and Riverine Processes Monterey CA
62.10.03.B2612 NPS Computer-Aided Software Design and Synthesis Monterey CA
62.10.03.B4011 NPS The Design and Analysis of Integrated Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems for Unmanned Air Vehicles Monterey CA
62.10.03.B4383 NPS Cyber and Cyber-Physical Systems Monterey CA
62.10.03.B5419 NPS Machine Learning of Clues to New Cyberattacks from Honeypots and other Forensic Data Monterey CA
62.10.03.B6844 NPS Fatigue and Cognitive Performance Monterey CA
62.10.03.B6995 NPS High-Fidelity Modeling and Control Algorithms Engineering for Unmanned Systems Monterey CA
62.10.03.B7337 NPS Virtual Training Simulations in Support of Ground Troops Training (Urban Warfare Operations) Monterey CA
62.10.03.B7338 NPS 3D Display and Capture of Humans for Live-Virtual Training Monterey CA
62.10.03.B8361 NPS Intelligent Autonomy of Cooperative Unmanned Vehicles in Resource Constrained Applications Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0019 NPS Design and Test of Energy Generation, Storage and Transport Systems Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0119 NPS Advanced Sensors Based on Atom Interferometers Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0243 NPS Design and Characterization of Novel Metamaterials Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0270 NPS Simulating Robotics in the Maritime Environment Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0433 NPS Design, Develop and Test of High-Power Power Electronics Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0434 NPS Modeling, Control, and Prototyping of Power Electronics Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0569 NPS Cryptography and Applications Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0655 NPS Acoustics, Value-added Localization with Noise Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0714 NPS Designing Cyberdeceptions for Defending Industrial Control Systems from Cyberattacks Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0919 NPS Development of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Methodologies and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Cyber Anomalies in Naval Power Systems Monterey CA
62.10.03.C0955 NPS Digital Model-Based Engineering of Naval Systems and Their Missions Monterey CA
62.10.06.B2630 NPS Aerospace Guidance, Control, and Optimization Monterey CA
62.10.06.B6710 NPS Artificial Intelligence, Fine Pointing, and Adaptive Optics, Monterey CA
62.10.06.C0814 NPS Advanced Computational Optimal Control Theory Monterey CA
62.10.07.C0435 NPS Infrasound and Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere: From Ocean and Land to Space Monterey CA
64.16.66.B3062 NRL Atmospheric Processes Monterey CA
64.16.66.B3063 NRL Data Assimilation Monterey CA
64.16.66.B3068 NRL Meteorological Mesoscale Modeling Monterey CA
64.16.66.B3069 NRL Characterization, Analysis, and Prediction of Atmospheric Aerosols Monterey CA
64.16.66.B4884 NRL Atmospheric Predictability Studies Monterey CA
64.16.66.B4885 NRL Targeted Observing for Improved Forecasts of High-Impact Weather Events Monterey CA
64.16.66.B6128 NRL Computational Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Monterey CA
64.16.66.B6304 NRL Mesoscale Ensembles Monterey CA
64.16.66.B8423 NRL Electro-Magnetic Radiation Scatter and Refraction in the Troposphere Monterey CA
64.16.66.B8541 NRL Tropical Air-Ocean-Wave-Land-Hydrology Interaction Research and Modeling Monterey CA
64.16.66.B8579 NRL Machine Learning Weather Prediction Monterey CA
64.16.66.C0250 NRL Global Earth System Modeling Monterey CA
64.16.66.C0842 NRL Leveraging Smallsats to Improve Atmospheric Prediction Monterey CA
64.16.66.C0993 NRL Detection, Monitoring, and Prediction of Pyroconvection Monterey CA
26.03.37.B0500 NOAA Marine Mammal and Marine Turtle Population Biology La Jolla CA
26.03.37.C0894 NOAA Developing multi-species marine mammal genomic tools for management applications La Jolla CA
13.30.12.B5781 AF STFP Experimental Mechanics and Solid Rocket Propellants Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.B7618 AF STFP Computational Physics of Nonequilibrium Plasma for Space Propulsion Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.B7679 AF STFP Combustion and Ignition Chemistry of Energetic Propellants Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.B8566 AF STFP Detonation Physics Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0211 AF STFP Cohesive Zone Modeling and Interfacial Failures in Solid Rocket Motors Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0254 AF STFP Propellant Ignition Modeling in Solid Rocket Motors Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0281 AF STFP Synthesis of Ionic Liquids for Aerospace Applications Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0443 AF STFP Model Reduction and Machine Learning Methods for Rocket Propulsion Analysis Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0640 AF STFP High Pressure Combustion Dynamics in Rocket Propulsion Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0686 AF STFP Experimental Low-temperature Plasma Physics and Data-Driven Modeling for Space Propulsion Edwards Air Force Base CA
13.30.12.C0858 AF STFP Novel computational modeling of spontaneous failure modes in reactive, heterogeneous materials Edwards Air Force Base CA
34.01.01.B8008 NAWCWD Super-hydrophobic Composite Resins China Lake CA
34.01.01.B8011 NAWCWD High Performance Renewable Fuels China Lake CA
34.01.01.B8012 NAWCWD Renewable Polymers and Composites China Lake CA
34.01.01.B8013 NAWCWD Synthesis of Low-Valent Metal Clusters China Lake CA
34.01.01.C0148 NAWCWD High Density Energetic Materials China Lake CA
34.01.01.C0366 NAWCWD Reaction Acceleration of Energetic Materials via Mass Spectrometry Ion Sources China Lake CA
34.01.01.C0695 NAWCWD Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Synthetic Purposes China Lake CA
26.03.69.C0279 NOAA King Crab Aquaculture, Stock Enhancement, and Ecology Kodiak AK
26.03.68.B7479 NOAA Sablefish Abundance Index Modeling Juneau AK
26.03.68.B7775 NOAA Marine Habitat Suitability Modeling Juneau AK
26.03.68.C0437 NOAA Developing Ecosystem Indices to Inform Fisheries Stock Assessments Juneau AK
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